May 09, 2007 17:17

Today was the last official day of classes for the Spring semester. I have my 2D Design II final critique on Monday at noon and then my Math 1N final on Tuesday at 2:45pm before I begin 4 months of freedom. That Math one's going to kill me because I am absolutely HORRENDOUS at factoring and it's a huge part of the final exam. I'm really looking forward to my final poster project for 2D. It had to be something we love and since I used my love of the Boston Red Sox in one of our other assignments, I went with 30 Seconds To Mars. I'll post pics of both the final result and our mock-up (smaller version of the poster just to plot out color scheme) once it's all done.

Went out and got Mother's Day presents for my mom and step-mom. Got them both sterling silver journey necklaces. Really hope they like them.

Gotta work at 6. Blah. At least it's only a 4-hour shift. I can spend it listening to the Sox and studying for my Math final...God, I NEEEEEEED to pass that class! I'm just not good at Math! I'm trying, but it's just not working out. I need at least a C to pass it, and right now, I think I'm at a C-. Grrrrr...

Anyway, gotta get ready to go. Just thought I should update 'cause it's been a while.
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