I'm updating!!!!

Feb 12, 2011 17:01

So I've gotten a nasty cold and been home in bed for 2 days. When your pregnant any kinda added sickness is not good. Then this morning I woke up with tiny red dots on my jaw line and going a bit up my face. I have no idea what this is and it doesn't itch. They are flat and I haven't been on any new meds or anything to have a allergic reaction to. The few people I've talked to say if it doesn't itch and doesn't get worse to not worry.

Anyway I did get to rent some movies and catch up a bit. Watched The Social Network, Secretariat, and Despicable Me. The Social Network was good but I expected more from all the talk. It was for sure the best of the three though. Despicable Me was a let down. I didn't hate it but I really expected more. I really wanted to see Life as We Know It but they were out.

I'm totally obsessed with House since a bit into my pregnancy. I watch all the reruns and the new episodes that come on. I don't even know why I like it that much cause there are some characters (Thirteen) that I hate. I'm loving the new season though. And I really enjoy Amber Tamblyn on the show now. Actually I think the four docs on House's team right now is my favorite combination so far.

This week's TV...
Loved House & Glee
Just Ok Bones & NCIS
Not Watched Yet Supernatural (my DVR didn't record last week so I hope I'm not completely lost), Parenthood, Fringe

As for the loved and just ok it pretty much that way all the time now. Bones and NCIS both have been slightly disappointing this season. As for Fringe I'm so behind that I just don't even wanna try to catch up. I didn't like the first of the season and got behind but now I know I'll be confused if I just try to jump in.

I think I'll do a new layout before going into the hospital since I won't have my computer that. I'll just be using a friends laptop. I'm pretty sure I've already got the css picked out.

movies, !my thoughts, tv show: fringe, !pregnancy, sickness

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