New Layout!!
smashedpeaches smashedpeaches smashedpeachessmashedpeaches smashedpeaches The css is from
ohcodey and then modified by me. I'm pretty happy with it even though it's not at all what I started out wanting.
Loved it! I've been in agreement with most that the second half of the season hasn't been as good as the first. Although there was a really great things it didn't all measure up. But the finale sure made up for that. I really enjoyed all the songs. I love the regional preformance(but not the dresses).
I laughed out loud at Sue's hair joke in the first scene. Finn's 'I love you' was great even if a bit rushed. All the baby stuff was prefect. Will and Emma at the end was so cute. I read that she didn't know he was gonna kiss her. The director just told him to so her reaction was real. I can't wait to see what we get next year.
fight-the-sky I got my Queer as Folk dvds the other day. I've already watched a handful of season 4 episodes. It's great to finally see them all insead of trying to piece together low quaility clips from youtube.
I never realized how great Brian and Justin's relationship was going before the pink posse and the cancer get in the way. I think the end of season 3-beginning of season 4 they are mostly at there best.
I know Michael is trying to be friends with Ted and Emmett but I think he would be a bit more considerate to how Emmett is feeling. I don't blame Emmett for not wanting to have anything to do with Ted at first. Ted really hurt him and try to pull him down as well.
Cody is a fucking asshole and I'm kinda disappointed it takes Justin so long to realize it.
I really like how Ted starts working for Brian and the better friendship I know they are gonna have.
I love Brian's and Justin's hair for the first couple episodes. I hate when they cut Justin's hair. I agree with his mother that it's beautiful. And toward the end of season 4 and season 5 I just can't stand how they are styling Brian's hair. It's just to long.
true_fellings I really wanna do some QaF icons or graphics but I just don't have the time. I guess if I didn't spend so much time reading fanfic I might have the time!