Oct 23, 2006 14:37

I went to see AFI on Sunday 15th October. I thought I would never see them, but thought that if I did then I'd have to travel to Cardiff of London or something. But they came to Bristol!

I don't really like their newest album (DecemberUnderground), but I guess it's ok. They were amazing though, they played loads of songs from Sing The Sorrow, and some older tracks too. They did play some new tracks, but live, they even made Miss Murder sound good! I was kind of dissapointed that they finished with Miss Murder. They played God Called In Sick Today just before it, so I thought that would be their last song, which would have been imence. But oh well. Anyway, I'm rambling.

I met up with Chloe, because I paid for her ticket as a catch-up Christmas/Birthday present for all the presents I've missed. It was great to see her again. She is one of those rare friends who I feel instantly comfortable with, despite having not seen her for months. But I do feel kind of uncomfortable when she is with friends that I don't know, especially if I'm stoned. But it was just me and her :) We went for a drink on the waterfront. As it was a Sunday night it was nice and quiet (usually if is packed with chavs). It was pretty sitting outside and looking accross the water.


We look really drunk in this photo. But we wern't at all. We had just sat down. Really.

We then waited outside for Justin before going in. I took a really weird photo of Justin, his face looks all mangled. I put my camera on night mode and then held my finger over the flash. His face looks all mangled. I tried to do the same with Chloe but it didn't come out so well.

I've not been to a gig for ages. Last gig was Leftover Crack on 28th August. And that was the first gig in even longer. I always forget about all the damn waiting around. Thats something you don't get with raves (as Justin pointed out). With a rave there is always music playing as soon as you get in. Yeah anyway. So doors opened at 7. Support band started at 8:30. We got there just before 9. AFI played at 9:30. We heard loads of screaming so we rushed over to the room that the stage is in. Turned out they were screaming about this.

Oh well. We didn't have to wait too long and anyway I don't know why I'm complaining because it was totally amazing! They were all wearing white. Even the mic's and mic stands were white. And the trousers were very very tight.

Probably my favourite--->

It was taken right at the end of the show, Davey jumped into the crown and carried on singing.

photos, friends, justin, music, chloe

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