Stress Management Psych Eval

Mar 09, 2012 06:02

[taken from this website and posted for lulz]

Rate each statement as they apply to you - always, often, sometimes, rarely, never.

1. I find an outlet to express my emotions (writing in a journal or blog, playing some music, drawing or painting, etc). Sometimes
2. I seek out emotional support from others. Never
3. I try to find the information that I need to understand my situation. Always
4. I try to spend more time unwinding with friends and/or loved ones. Rarely
5. I develop strategies to get me back on track. Always
6. I set goals to help improve the issue. Always
7. I try to do the best I can given the constraints of the situation. Always
8. I am able to communicate my needs. Sometimes
9. My thoughts are consumed by the stressful situation(s). Often
10. I find reasons to laugh. Rarely
11. I think of ways that I can change the situation to make it better. Always
12. I try to think about how lucky I am when compared with those who have even more difficult problems. Rarely
13. I just stay in bed in sloth mode because I can't deal with my problems. Never
14. Even when people want to help me, I reject their offer. Often
15. I throw myself into reckless behavior (i.e. heavy drug or alcohol use, risky sex, impulsive spending, gambling or physically dangerous activities) to get my mind off my real problems. Never
16. I try to find people who can offer me information or otherwise help me with my problem. Often
17. I find myself wasting more time watching television. Never
18. I hole up in my house and avoid friends and family as much as possible. Often (substitute lab for house)
19. I seek out more leisure activities to occupy my time and thoughts. Often
20. I get into more arguments than usual. Often
21. I blame practically everyone but myself for my problems. Never
22. I obsess over my problems. Often
23. I experience difficulty sleeping because my mind is racing. Often
24. I know how to calm myself down. Sometimes
25. I end up blowing up at someone. Often
26. I deny that there is a problem at all. Never
27. I readjust my existing goals to fit with the new situation. Always
28. I remind myself to focus on the good things in my life instead of the bad. Rarely
29. My thoughts about the situation prevent me from concentrating on other important tasks. Often
30. I count to ten, take deep breaths, or practice other relaxation techniques. Always
31. I am unpleasant to be around. Often
32. I remind myself that things will eventually get better. Rarely
33. I outline a few strategies to resolve the issue and choose the one that seems to be the best. Always
34. I try to look at the issue from different perspectives. Sometimes
35. I try to look for the silver-lining. Rarely
36. If I think there is some research or other information available about a problem I have, I will seek it out. Always
37. I join a support group to help me with the problem. Never
38. I use physical activity as a way to get rid of the pent-up energy. Sometimes (define physical activity)

Gender: Male

Age: 30 Years

What is the highest degree of formal education that you have achieved? Ph.D./Doctoral Degree

How did you do at school in terms of academic achievement? All A's/top of the class

What field do you work in? Sciences

What is your current position? Scientific consultant (weapon crossed off and erased)

Please, rate your level of general satisfaction with the field you currently work in. Somewhat

Please, rate your level of general performance in your current field. 4 - somewhat good

Which of the following best describes your ethnicity? North American Caucasian

Are you a person with a disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)? No

What is your current relationship status? In a commited relationship, living apart

In general, how satisfied are you with the relationships in your life (with friends, family, romantic partners, colleagues, etc.)? Somewhat

Compared to others, how often do you find yourself in conflict situations with people in general (friends, family, romantic partners, colleagues, etc.)? More often than others

How satisfied are you with your life in general? Somewhat

Have you gone to see a mental health professional in the past year? No

On a scale of 1 - 10, how well do you cope with stress in general? 3 - not well

How stressful is your job, in your opinion? Fairly stressful
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