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boxingmidget January 9 2012, 06:17:43 UTC
[He read this, he read it hard. This lady. Cammy...Video footage. Able to help. Mac read all of this and pinged. Did they catch footage of his attacker, really? Mac couldn't remember all of what he looked like, but any clue...any clue would help. Something to ping Mac's brain and unlock anything to help him identify the guy. This was Mac's chance to help. Catch the creep that did this. Who did this to a LOT of people, including him. All innocent. Including the Kraken. Mac didn't know Cammy but she seemed to know a little about him. So introductions didn't matter here. Mac was serious, this was business. Time to get to work, do or die time. He wanted to be right to the point, go ahead and do what he was asked to do. Straight answers.]

No, I'd be more than willin' to look at it. Thanks, ma'am. I'd do anythin' I can to stop this creep.

[Anything, even go out to stop himself. He was slowly beginning to think about forgetting his injuries. He really was. In spite of what people told him.]


misscammywhite January 9 2012, 06:38:48 UTC
Thank you. It's footage of the man that killed and mutilated the Kraken. It's not especially clear, but if it turns out to be the same man you might be able to make that connection regardless. When would be a good time for you?


boxingmidget January 9 2012, 16:50:23 UTC
I'm good to do it now. This is important.


misscammywhite January 12 2012, 19:19:34 UTC
Very well.

[In a short while, Cammy shows up at Mac's door with a tape in her hands and an apologetic look on her face. She knocks on his door.]


boxingmidget January 12 2012, 20:05:03 UTC
Uh, comin'!

[He went to open the door. Oh, he hadn't expected for her to come to his dorm but WHATEVS. Wait, this was Cammy right?]

Miss Cammy White?


misscammywhite January 12 2012, 20:18:09 UTC
Yes, that's me. Excuse the intrusion, but I wanted to make things easier.

[She holds up the tape.]

I thought I would come to you.


boxingmidget January 12 2012, 21:28:35 UTC
It's no problem. I'm happy to help.

[He eyes the tape. Moment of truth.]

I got a VHS player, I'll pop this in.

[He looks ready to not like what he sees.]


misscammywhite January 13 2012, 00:11:36 UTC
[She nods, leaning against the wall facing the television, her arms crossed. It was time to let the footage do the talking for itself.

It was the same as it was every time. The man dragging bits of the Kraken behind him. Never a straight on shot, but the clothing, stance, and profile distinctive enough. Distinctive enough to identify him. Would it be distinctive enough to trigger Mac's memory, if it was the same man?]


1/?? boxingmidget January 13 2012, 02:39:55 UTC
[The moment he turned in the tape, he glued himself to the TV. And he shut himself up, so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Mac watched the footage and then...]


2/?? boxingmidget January 13 2012, 02:41:04 UTC
[He saw Caim. That guy. Carrying pieces of the Kraken. It made him want to barf. All that blood. Everywhere. But he o had to focus. Focus focus.]


3/5 I think boxingmidget January 13 2012, 02:42:51 UTC
[His clothing...Mac noted that first. It looked like.]


[He looked like he focused more on the man and leaned in closer to the TV. The clothing looked reallly...familar. He was tall, but not too tall. Messy hair. Crazy man stance. Not caring an ounce of the living and the blood on him-]


4/5 boxingmidget January 13 2012, 02:44:26 UTC
[-The shock almost made Mac fall backward.]

[It was him. The guy who tried to-]

[He turned to Cammy, doing his very best to not look emotionally affected by the footage. He was stronger than that. Though he did look like he was trying really hard.]


boxingmidget January 13 2012, 02:46:34 UTC
[He opened his mouth and gave a look of that he was sure of what he was going to say.]

It's him.

That's the guy who tried to...do me in.

I'm sure of it.


misscammywhite January 13 2012, 02:58:45 UTC
[Cammy, on the other hand, had no intention of hiding her surprise.]


[A step towards the television.]

This man is a TA for the piloting class. His name is Caim. Are you sure it's him?


boxingmidget January 13 2012, 03:12:41 UTC
[A teacher. A teacher HERE. Killing people. Caim.

A surge or rage just hit him. Again, trying to hide it.]

I'm sure of it. I remember those clothes and the way he walked.

[He looked at the TV again.]

He had that hair. He walked like he ain't carin' towards no one. No one he can put that stupid sword in. He didn't care if he wore their blood too.

[Oh god, he felt like vomiting so bad.]


misscammywhite January 13 2012, 03:27:51 UTC
... Very well.

[Cammy strides to the VHS, taking the tape out with haste. And look at that, it seems that she's already preparing to fire off a text message.]

Thank you... so much for your cooperation.

... Do you need anything?


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