[005N :: Narrative / Holiday]

Dec 26, 2011 03:42

[Nabooru's gifts are all passed out in the dead of night when no one's around. In Eggman's case, it's set up around that time, but it's probably not impossible for someone to take it down or get accidentally caught up in it. None of her gifts are addressed to recipients or indicated who they might be from and most of them are left at the door of the addressee. Goose's gift is packaged in a discreet way for the sake of the innocent.]

A pair of ruby and antiqued gold earrings. Since 3DS G-dorf wears earrings. He also gets a rather gallant oil painting that she had done of him for display purposes. It details him in kingly regalia upon a throne, surrounded by a variety of jewels and other stylish artefacts.

An all expenses paid reservation (for a time of his choosing) at one of the fancy restaurants in FDC. This appears to be Nabooru's way of telling Knuckles to take Goombella on a nice date.

A set of Gerudo traditional robes for lounging in. But he can walk around in them if he likes. They're sure to be comfortable.

A book on the Gerudo's historical legends and the Goddess of the Sand. It seems like, being an angel, Pit might find some interest in myths and stories.

A custom made bow, crafted by Gerudo hands. It's actually the bow Nabooru's always used, but she feels he'll be able to put it through much better use than she could. (It's often not the bow that matters so, but more the archer behind the plucking of the string.) Along with the bow are a variety of crafted arrows, all of which have an intricate cut to them and will affect how the arrow directs itself.

A black leather whip. That's right. It's for him and Surge, since Goose seems to be a pretty kinky person. She's left this in a rather subtle manner, so it doesn't shock anyone.

A rather simple jeweled hair clip for Goombella to hold her hair back rather than always hiding it under a hat. It's not nearly as gaudy as everything else Nabooru would probably hand over.

A very intricate trap set up outside of his door. As in, the kind of trap where if he triggers it by tugging on the door handle, the tension in a long string of fishline will pull on one container of maple syrup overhead suspended on said fishline, and one container of feathers correspondingly. Of course, in the case that someone else has caught this, it could either be removed, or someone else could suffer the unfortunate consequences.

Some fancy hairspray to keep her 'do' in tip-top condition, as well as some mousse for her to use when she bathes and showers. She also gets some detangling spray if she should ever need it, as it'd seem that hair like that could be hard to manage sometimes.

A well-organised plate of blueberry muffins. Nabooru's really not a baker, though. She did try, however. There's a small note of apology and a disclaimer that they may not taste that good, but that the recipe used was followed to a 'T'. Does Bob dare to try them?

A picture of her in a pinup posture. Not exactly nude, but risque. It's something for him to admire when he's working out, evidently. Or maybe she just wants to torture him.

A program that will explain to R.O.B. what empathy is and how it works in order to better help him understand the way of thinking and feeling that sentient beings experience. She doesn't exactly know how it works or how to install it, but maybe someone else can lend a hand with that.

A pair of some very snazzy sunglasses. She seems to think he's pretty cute with glasses as it is. Chances are that he'd just be really bad-ass with some sunglasses.

A pair of her panties. A few additional ruby gems that are of the same style as the pendant she gave him the year prior. She's included a pair of pliers for easier application and attachment.

A new dark red scarf. The material is thick enough to keep him toasty warm in the wintertime and it looks really nicely made, too. Now, he can be stylish and comfortable during the snow fall.

A charm bracelet. The charm on hers is half of a heart. Nabooru has the other half. They're something akin to best friend bracelets. How sentimental, no?

He seems like he might appreciate music, so he gets a sitar. It's something for him to tinker around with and likely bother those who are staying in rooms close to him.

She gets a tasteful two piece swimming outfit for the next upcoming summer. Nabooru's guessed on the size, however, so she might not be right on. (After spending so much time with girls, her estimate probably isn't inaccurate.) She also gets a box of assorted chocolates filled with various fruit creams, coconut, and so on.

[OoC: Jeff, do let me know if that's all okay. Evidently the odd ideas strike me at 3 in the morning. If you want me to change anything, or omit anything, let me know. But it's really up to you whatever happens!]

zelda: nabooru, !action post

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