Vianca →
An acrylic painting of Olimar's garden on a big piece of cardboard, and a hand-drawn Christmas card, signed.
Caim →
A letter. ToCaim the Human,
Happy Christmas!!!!! Happy christmas, caim. I have an idea for you
I want to paint on the empty wall in your room, please.
it is empty and I could paint something beautiful for you
If you dont want to: THATS OK!!
Other wise
Happy Christmas
♥ Ai the pikmin
Raikov →
A hand-drawn Christmas card, signed.
Nabooru →
A hand-drawn Christmas card, signed. And, with the help of a book and the nice lady at the library, Ai made Nabooru a mix CD of her favorite songs. Most of them are sung by Billie Holiday.
Warren →
A hand-drawn Christmas card, signed.
Ulki →
Her secret Santa received a pair of bunny slippers, a big, red scarf, and a hand-drawn Christmas card, signed.