[▲1] Gerudo Birthdays and Makes Yourself a King..of Security (Backdated November 21st

Nov 29, 2011 02:11

[The video opens with a familiar form sitting in his office. It looks...less x-rated than before. A lot more regal, with expensive-looking Gerudo prints in the back and a nice mahogany desk (mmm...mahogany). Ganondorf doesn't even have a tie and suit, he's dressed in the Gerudo outfit and you can wonder all you want about how the hell does a guy wear that much clothing and not sweat twenty buckets on a hot summer day In any case, he seems pleased to be hear, as he leans back, one hand restong on his chin]

Ahh Smash Academy. It has been quite a few months since my last visit, has it not? That's quite alright. It's nice to see some of you...and I'm sure a few of you will be delighted to know that, once again, I'll be teaching Sexual Education along with Swordfighting. It also pleases me to announce that considering the still-vacant position of head security officer for the school, I'll be in charge of that too. Quite a heavy portfolio compared to...other teachers on campus but I assure you that I'm quite skilled at all three.

[Yeah that's right, anyone in security. You wanna challenge him about it? TRY TO. He'll laugh in your face.

...And then punch you.]

Now then. As it so happens to be my birthday, I was thinking of hosting a little drinking session over at my tavern which has since reopened from last week. Anyone who was working there is free to ask for a job again.

Of course, you're all invited.

[Does he actually care about the people being under aged coming to drink? NOPE.AVI It's all cool.]

I'm sure we'll all have fun together this coming session.

pilotwings: goose, metal gear: volgin, !media post, zelda: nabooru, zelda: ganondorf, metal gear: raiden, !public post, zelda: byrne, metal gear: raikov, metal gear: eva

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