
Oct 20, 2011 18:24


Char just got back from Kanto, and told me I should write you. I realized I hadn't in a while, so.

Thanks for looking over him when he was in Pallet. He can let his temper get the better of him, but you're a good calming presence. He also made a stop in Viridian, as I'm sure you know, and said that all the guys up at the Gym were doing good. I talked to Pidge recently.

Speaking of, how's the rat? I hope he's still helping out.

You might have a hard time believing this, but Marie and Bulba got in a really big fight. I know you think Marie is cute, but he really is a brat. Red got him an attack from Unova, and he burned Bulba's face up something bad. I guess he's pissed because Bulba and Vinnie are friends now.

Oh, yeah. They are. The crazy thing is, I'm the one who told Bulba it was okay. Kid can't get enough of the big pollen filled lug for some reason. I mean, I was an Ivysaur at the time. Long story, I'd rather tell you in person some time.

Bulba's good otherwise, though. He's back with his boyfriend, Kirby. You wouldn't be able to get enough of this kid.

Red's fine. I know you worry about him. He's fine. Just as chatty as always.

Also, Gramps' misplaced parcel led to me, Bulba, and Blast getting into a fight with Groudon. It was pretty nasty, but nothing to bother about in the end. Groudon's still here, she teaches Ceramics or something. Arceus fixed me up. She's back here, too. Really weird place, I wish you would come visit sometime. Catch up with Blast, Nyx, and Rhys too.

... I know you don't like talking about this much, and neither do I, but lately I've been thinking a lot about Mom and Dad. When I went to Unova, I kind of half expected them to show up somewhere in the region. I realized that I wouldn't even know how to react if I saw them. Do you think they'd be proud of us? Would you care if they were? I don't know if I should care or not.

I still have the note folded up in my necklace. Sometimes I think that I should toss it out, but I never do. It's all messed up, but I guess I'm old enough to sort of look back on it with something else other than anger. Does that make sense? You're older than me, anyways.

Char promised me a ride into Kanto sometime, so I will come visit soon. Sorry I never do. Thanks for being patient with me.


For the record, none of the property damage is my fault, and I refuse to be blamed for it.

!public post, pokemon: green oak, pokemon: red, pokemon: kerosene (charizard), pokemon: bulba (ivysaur), !private post

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