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Comments 9

belle_melange May 15 2012, 21:12:58 UTC
So...that finale. I liked the song they ended the musical with, but I wish Ivy could have had that part. I feel she would have done a better job.

Just because Ivy is pants at being a decent human being at times doesn't mean she wouldn't have blown everyone away.

The whole season they kept telling us that Karen is sooo amazing without showing how great she is. Her voice is just okay and she has trouble with the simplest things.

Still going to watch next season though. It was enjoyable enough to keep my attention for an hour a week. The choice of Marilyn, while disappointing, was telegraphed from the beginning so it's not a deal-breaker.


storminmay May 16 2012, 00:32:43 UTC
Totally agree with you on Ivy and Karen. I feel like Karen was a perfect, sweet princess the entire time and Ivy wasn't afraid to undermine and do whatever it took to get the part. In showbusiness, things don't just happen to you. You have to MAKE them happen, and that's what Ivy was doing. Karen getting the role felt like the show was rewarding Karen having everything handed to her vs. Ivy having human and real emotions. So disappointed, especially when Ivy told her mom. ;___;

I probably won't watch next season if Karen will continue to get everything without doing anything and they start a "Who's the baby daddy?" storyline with Julia. I was over the affair storyline before it started.

This season was so up-and-down. I hope a new showrunner will help, but I'm pessimistic when it comes to tv shows. :/


stars_inthe_sky May 16 2012, 14:33:50 UTC
Agreed on all counts--the part should have been Ivy's from the first season. I've been Team Ivy since the get-go, although the point where Karen sings, "The girls get curvy and the boys all drool," and then puts her hands on her nonexistent hips just clinched it anew. It's really a shame this was telegraphed from the beginning, as you said--I'd have resented it much less if it seemed like she earned it and we were actually biting our nails waiting for a decision.

A commenter somewhere pointed out that whereas Ivy's willing to bend over backwards for her work, Karen's talented but has to be cajoled into everything. Even in "Previews," it was Dev convincing her to at least try to learn the show. Maybe this will come back to bite some people in the ass next season...


tukicarreno June 1 2012, 03:17:39 UTC
I am so happy that Karen got the part!
And Ivy got everything she deserved in that finale. She is a bitch I am sorry. I hate her attitude, she wants us to think she is such a victim when in reality she is a big girl who makes her own decisions. That was so low when she slept with Dev knowing it was Karen´s boyfriend.
I am so glad Derek pointed to her that Karen had something she just didn´t have! Cruel but he was very honest!
And I am so excited about a potential romantic storyline between Derek and Karen! The chemistry between those two is literally off the charts! Something they never had with their other partners! Yay. Cannot wait to see how their love story evolves in season 2. IMO Derek has already fallen in love with Karen and I cannot wait for that first kiss!


theoneandonlylj June 3 2012, 01:33:53 UTC
So I find it awesome we pretty much said the same thing. I hadnt even seen your comment.
But yes Karen and Derek are so perfect it is painful. The wait for season 2 will be agonizing.


tukicarreno June 4 2012, 15:49:24 UTC
Wow we actually pretty much said the same thing. Awesome.

I am so excited to see where their story is gonna go, I don´t think they will be a couple anytime soon though, because still Derek is her boss though and you know how that worked with Ivy. But.. the tension and the build up will continue. At the very least we deserve a kiss! I´ve wanted that since the pilot, the chemistry between Jack and Katharine is just too much! The producers can´t waste that!

So I hope we get some great moments between them coming up. I don´t think Derek realizes he is starting to grow feelings towards her but when the day comes he is gonna be in shock. Probably Karen won´t buy it in the beginning because she knows he is a ladies man but that will only just fuel his interest on her even more.
It will be exciting to watch for sure. Crossing fingers! The wait for season 2 is gonna be so long.


theoneandonlylj June 5 2012, 16:18:35 UTC
Idk for me I think Derek knows. I took the last scene with the two of them. Where he says he does know love as a confession. Plus the way he looks at her.....he totally has to realize.
I hope that we don't have to wait too long for a kiss or for them to be together.
Tue chemistry between Katherine and Jack is off the charts.


Karen and Derek, Karen is Marylin, and Ivy theoneandonlylj June 3 2012, 01:31:45 UTC
OMG so I am so OBSESSED with the finale episode. And I am becoming obsessed with the idea of Karen and Derek as a couple. There is SO MUCH they could teach each other. Its disgusting how perfect they are. And the chemistry between the actors is of the freaking charts.

For what didn't work...so many things. Ellis was far too annoying to want to pay attention to him. Ivy was just a conniving bitch and had no redeeming qualities.

Karen as the star was PERFECT. I was rooting for her from the start.

Season 2 needs to happen like NOW. I cannot even wait.


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