Jul 13, 2008 19:56

Characters: Many
What: Hotel Antics
Where: Fountain of Youth Hot Springs , hotel lobby and then some
When: Sunday, July 13th
Rating: Varies. PG-13 on average

Much like Saturday night, this log is where you'll be posting your hotel room threads, and exploring around the hotel. This includes the main lobby, the dining lounge [which has a bar], the ( Read more... )

ninten (mother), goose (pilotwings), tony (mother), lucas (mother), pokey (mother), captain falcon (f-zero), snake (metal gear), luigi (mario), otacon (metal gear), !rp log, flint (mother), ionia/blue pikmin (pikmin), !mixed log, leon powalski (starfox), parakarry (mario), poo (mother), nyx/gengar (pokemon), manaphy (pokemon), falco lombardi (star fox), lieutenant surge (pokemon), * event - hotsprings of youth, olimar (pikmin), daisy (mario), chibi-robo (chibi-robo!), jolene (zelda), samus aran (metroid), jeff andonuts (mother)

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Courtyard: non-tegaki style pkloveomega July 14 2008, 06:38:22 UTC
Ionia and Lucas made for a very strange sight; both were dripping wet, one in shorts and the other in a dripping yukata and towel. Ionia was draped over her mommy's shoulder, her wild flailing now dimmed down to a childish pout. Lucas finally stopped and set her down, clearly flustered by the whole mess ( ... )


Re: Courtyard: non-tegaki style ionianmode July 14 2008, 06:41:23 UTC
Ionia watched Lucas hurry back to the boy's spring. For a while, she simply stood there, a strange look on her face.

She didn't understand why she was different from Mommy and Daddy and everyone else.
She didn't understand why she couldn't play in the water with them, too.
She didn't understand why she was alone.

Ionia was a brave girl, but... standing alone in her dripping yukata, she couldn't help sniffling.
"M... Mommy doesn't want Ionia anymore..."


Re: Courtyard: non-tegaki style pedaltothemetal July 14 2008, 06:49:25 UTC
DJ dashed into the courtyard, his bare feet thudding against the stone walkway. He huffed and looked behind him. No sign of Luigi. Well that was good. He was tired of getting sat on. With the (literal) babysitter out of sight, he took the opportunity to slow down.

He was a little disappointed he didn't have time to grab Ollie before he made his escape, but...as horrible as it was...had his friend not started bawling, DJ probably would have remained stuck under Luigi for the rest of the trip.

Hearing a noise, he whipped round, half expecting the younger Mario brother to have caught up with him already. Instead of a green-clad plumber, however, there was a small girl with blue hair...DJ had to admit she was very pretty...and she was obviously in tears.

"Hey." He said bluntly. "What are you standing around crying for?"


Re: Courtyard: non-tegaki style ionianmode July 14 2008, 06:54:42 UTC
"I-Ionia's not crying!" She swiped one oversized sleeve across her eyes, but it really didn't do that much considering how wet the garment was. Ionia looked up to see how had addressed her, surprised to see some strange kid with big sunglasses on his face. This was a stranger, and good kids were not supposed to talk to strangers.

...But Ionia didn't want to be good. Not when Mommy didn't want her.
"...Ionia is lonely," she admitted to the kid, sniffling once again. "Ionia isn't allowed to go into the boy spring because Mommy said so, but... everyone else is in there. Ionia has no friends out here."


Re: Courtyard: non-tegaki style pedaltothemetal July 14 2008, 07:02:18 UTC
DJ cocked his head at her and raised an eyebrow. He didn't know much about girls but he knew what crying looked like.

"Is that your name? Ionia?" He had never seen her before.

"It's a nice name." He blurted without thinking. She was really pretty...how could someone like her be lonely?

"Well yeah, you can't go in the boy spring 'cuz you're a girl. That's the rules." He folded his arms and nodded affirmatively.


Re: Courtyard: non-tegaki style ionianmode July 14 2008, 07:09:03 UTC
Ionia's sniffling halted at that.

Again, this 'Ionia is a girl' problem came up. She didn't get it, and it was really unfair as far as she was concerned. "Then Ionia doesn't wanna be a girl anymore! Ionia will learn how to be a boy, too." She announced, also folding her arms. She had no idea how one went about being a boy, admittedly, but if Mommy and Daddy could do it, then Ionia would do!

..But first... this boy was very nice. She couldn't ignore that.

She... was very proud of her name. Hearing the strange boy compliment it made her... happy. A smile slowly spread across her face. "...You like it? Ionia likes her name too. Um... what's your name?"


Re: Courtyard: non-tegaki style pedaltothemetal July 14 2008, 07:17:26 UTC
"My name?" He took a quick look around and leaned into her, lowering his voice considerably.

"My name is Douglas Jay but honestly," he impressed himself by using a big word, "I think that sounds really dumb so you can call me DJ. It's a lot better."

Fidgeting a little and adjusting the towel around his waist (he had long discarded his adult swim trunks on the grounds that it was hard to hold them up and he kept tripping on them), DJ pushed his sunglasses up his forehead (they were way too big and really annoying) and was caught off guard by Ionia's question.

"Why do you want to learn how to be a boy? Don't you like being a girl?"


Re: Courtyard: non-tegaki style ionianmode July 14 2008, 07:25:23 UTC
Ionia didn't see what was so bad about the name Douglas Jay. Normally, she was very adamant about referring to people by their proper names -- names were important! They showed you were special and loved! -- but the way DJ said it made her giggle anyways. He was nice, so maybe she'd make an exception just this once.

"Ionia doesn't want to be a girl! Ionia wants to be smart and tough like Daddy and Grandpa and they're boys, so Ionia will be one too. Girls can't do anything fun, anyway." She gave a little 'hmph' at the last statement for extra emphasis, though she couldn't help leaning forward a bit now that DJ's sunglasses were off his face. "Ionia likes your eyes, DJ. Um... you're a boy, right? Can you show Ionia how to be one, too?"


Re: Courtyard: non-tegaki style pedaltothemetal July 14 2008, 07:35:19 UTC
He folded his arms and turned away a little at the mention of his eyes and her last question, admittedly a little offended that his gender wasn't painstakingly obvious to the girl. "Yeah I'm a boy." He said with a touch of petulance.

"But I dunno what you want me to do. You can't just decide to be a boy, Ionia. You're born one way or the other."

DJ thought for a moment. He'd feel bad if he just left her here...and she didn't seem to want to take no for an answer. He'd try to convince her first. "Girls can do lots of fun stuff...like...uh..."

What kind of stuff did girls do anyway?

"Okay okay. I got an idea. You can't be a boy, but maybe I can show you how to act like one?"


Re: Courtyard: non-tegaki style ionianmode July 14 2008, 07:41:39 UTC
You were... born a boy or girl? That wasn't fair! Ionia hadn't even known she was a girl until she had one of those transformation balls! Who decided these things, anyway? They had no right to choose something like this without her getting a say in it!
...That was it. Ionia was going to be a boy, even if DJ said she couldn't. Ionia could do anything! She had a mommy that could set things on fire with his brain and a daddy that could build LASERS and a grandpa that drove a hoverbus off a bridge at the speed of sound. Her idea of "impossible" was very strange, indeed.

And her first step to being a boy was learning how to act like one.
"Ionia would like that very much! Thank you, DJ! Ionia will try very hard!"


Re: Courtyard: non-tegaki style pedaltothemetal July 14 2008, 07:49:00 UTC
He nodded and looked her up and down.

"Well first," he said matter-of-factly, pointing to the foliage poking out of her blue tresses, "boys don't wear leaves in their hair. Boys don't wear anything in their hair, that's girly."

He began to pace back and forth in front of her, his hands clasped behind his back in mock-imporatance. "If you wanna be a boy, Ionia, you gotta be tough. You can't be scared of anything."

A pause to stop in front of her and look her straight in the eye. "If you're scared of something, Ionia, you better tell me now, 'cuz boys don't get scared ever. You got it?"


Re: Courtyard: non-tegaki style ionianmode July 14 2008, 08:25:13 UTC
No leaves ( ... )


Re: Courtyard: non-tegaki style ionianmode July 14 2008, 08:27:04 UTC
((And by "in your head" I mean "in your hair." orz JEEZ DOUGLAS JAY ALL THE COOL KIDS EMBED THEIR SUNGLASSES IN THEIR SKULL.))


Re: Courtyard: non-tegaki style pedaltothemetal July 14 2008, 14:05:49 UTC
He frowned when she commented that he himself was wearing something in his hair. "They're too big!" He whined. "I can't wear 'em on my face or they'll fall off!" His expression softened, however, when he saw that the leaf obviously would not budge. "Well...I guess it's okay if it's stuck to your head. Nothing we can do about that, yeah?"

DJ started to grin when her voice grew determined. The bravest ever. That's what he liked to hear. And even though boys couldn't be afraid of anything...maybe he'd make an exception for her. Even if snakes were pretty cool.

"All right then, Ionia. We gotta see how brave you really are!" So he grabbed her by the hand and began to make his way towards the girls' springs.


Re: Courtyard: non-tegaki style ionianmode July 14 2008, 18:50:57 UTC
Hooray! Ionia's leaf was okay! Clearly there were exceptions allowed to this boy thing, anyway, because DJ was a boy and his sunglasses were okay because otherwise they'd fall. Ionia was pretty sure exceptions were allowed for the "not afraid of anything" part, too, because Mommy said he was a boy but he was scared of lots of things!

But that didn't mean Ionia was scared! If DJ was testing how brave she was, then she wasn't gonna back down, no matter what! ...Though she wasn't too sure what they'd find in the girl's spring that would be scary. She was expecting it to be just like the boy's spring. Maybe she'd have to beat up another fuzzy bunny?

"Okay, DJ. Ionia will be brave!"


Re: Courtyard: non-tegaki style pedaltothemetal July 14 2008, 19:09:17 UTC
He stopped in front of the entrance to the girl's side. "See, Ionia. The bravest thing boys our age can do is go into a place that's full of girls."

Well it was true. Girls were okay when there were only one or two of them, but put a lot of girls together and they get weird and scary. Not that DJ was afraid of a group of girls, but if Ionia wanted really wanted to learn how to be a boy like she said, he'd have to test her and see how she fared.

It didn't really matter to him that she herself was a girl, from the way she spoke and acted, she didn't seem to like the female persuasion very much, and that was okay by him.

DJ turned to her and grinned. "Let's go inside."


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