SumaBuraCafe Chat Log 7/07/08 Part Three of Three

Jul 11, 2008 00:32

Characters: G&W, Fox, Linebeck, Chansey, Kazooie, Banjo, Gruntilda, Jolteon, Surge, Otacon, Oak, Falcon, Jeff, Ness, Yoshi, Guy, Makar, Arcanine, Vulpix, Daisy
What: Your weekly cafe shenanigans! Cafe destruction is imminent nao.
Where: Sumabura Cafe
When: 7/07/2008
Rating: PG-13. Were-jolts, chaos and cupcake arsey.

Kaz: *whispers to banjo* We'll continue our little date later where we can discuss your feelings of me! <3*
Linebeck: Thank ye, miss~ *takes the coffee and sips contentedly*
Falcon: Hey, Otacon. What's that over there?
Cane: Gah! W-what? *fumbles with the doorknob*
Oak: Ahah! Here they are! -takes out his own pair and twiddles them in his fingers- Ahh! Thanks miss~ -chuckles and takes a sip, before tilting his head- Hmm, this tastes a lot different than my other cup!
Vulpix: *passes by the bathrooms and hears low growling* ... eh?
Ness: *pout* I never minded the taste... *bit of a prideful smile though, showing off the variety he scrounged up* There's plenty more where that came from, trust me.
Otacon: Www--what? *looks over there*
Falcon: *Switches his coffee with Otacon's while he's not looking*
Chansey: [@Otacon] Are you... alright, Sensei? *places down cup of coffee and water in front of him*
Banjo: *BEET RED* Erk! Uhh..o-okay..
Yoshi: *confused* What different about hat boy Ness's food?
Chansey: *glowers at Falcon* Professor...
Falcon: *Glares back and whispers* Whaat?
Vulpix: Is something going on in there...?
Grunty: ....*Still disgusted and annoyed* I almost miss Dingpot...
Chansey: [@Falcon] May I ask just what are you doing?
Jolt: *snarls and rushes Cane, throwing a shoulder into him and sending the pair exploding through the door*
Falcon: I didn't do anything. *WINNING SMILE*
Vulpix: Kyaa...! *dives out of the way*
Otacon:, alright? *completely confused*
Surge: Hahah, now miss Chans--!! *stares in direction of bathroom*
Jeff: Aah... D-don't worry about it, Yoshi. It's fine. *Takes a delicious breadroll omnomnom and munches on it.* I think there were some people running out of tea, though... *Has nooo idea Chansey took care of it.*
Yoshi: Okay! ^_^
Kazooie: Dingy smells worse than you do!
Vulpix: Ouch... ;A;
Cane: *tries to get away from Jolteon* S-Sparky...?!
Chansey: [@Falcon] Oh really? *changes cups back when people got distracted by jolt*
Linebeck: *chuckles and nudges Falcon in a good way*
Vulpix: What in the world was that...? Cane-kun?
Otacon: *takes a sip of the coffee, thinks that the coffee taste weirds too, but decides maybe it's just that the tea and coffee taste different here*
Oak: -holds out his glasses to Falcon and places his tea at a safe distance near Linebeck and Surge- See~ I had them specially orderered off a nice place in Hoenn~ Best thing I've ever done, mind you! -chuckles-
Grunty: And he's moodier then an old spouse. >>;
Chansey: ....
Ness: *sideglance to Yoshi, silent as Jeff covers for him* ...yes. *sets the plates on the counter* Tea? Right, we'll get on that. *taps foot, stroking chin* Don't know how to advertise the new food though.
Jolt: *startled by people, completely mad* Jooooolt! *air around him crackles with energy*
Falcon: *Suddenly has sunglasses in his face* Oh...uh...they're very nice. Snazzy, if you will.
Banjo: Well..maybe you should treat him nicer?
Vulpix: A-ah... Cane-kun, wh-who's that?!
Surge: ...! *stands up* Something doesn't feel right...
Yoshi: *goes back to making cookies*
Falcon: *Suddenly notices Jolt* Woah!
Kaz: Nah! Slaves should know their place!
Guy: J-Jolteon?
Cane: Vulpix! Where's Chansey? Sparky turned into a werewolf!!! D:
Kaz: You SEEN what happened to Klungo!
Chansey: !! What's going on?! *runs to cane*
Grunty: I'll say!
Linebeck: *glances at Jolt, is mildy surprised* *backs off a little since he's to manly/wimpy to fight*
Chansey: [@Cane] He what?
Vulpix: Chansey-tan! D:
Falcon: *Stands up* That's not a student, is it?
Chansey: [@Cane] How is that possible?
Cane: I saw it! I saw it! D:
Kaz: Now Klungo's a graduate from Harvard. What a shame!
Surge: *studies Jolt* ... Oh god... is THAT what he meant by Cinnibar?
Vulpix: How is that him?!
Grunty: "Ssssssstupid" Klungo and his 'sssssssstupid games'!
Linebeck: (@Falcon) He's a weird form I believe
Cane: He got all fuzzy, I thought he was turning back into a pokemon.
Falcon: What is WITH this school!??!
Chansey: Most of all, we just need to put him to sleep!
Banjo: *snickers at the impression* That's actually really good.
Jeff: Hm.. Advertising... We could set up some sort of buffet out there? *His hair is starting to stand on end due to all the static in the air, even in the kitchen!*
Jolt: Jolt! *sends a Thunderbolt out into the crowd of people around him*
Kazooie: I still wonder what happened to Tooty! 'Think Mr. Mayless really killed her off the series?
Yoshi: Glasses boy Jeff's hair looks funny!
Linebeck: (@Falcon) A lot of things... *gets up*
Surge: What the... *unphased by thunderbolt* Damnit... *tries to get closer to Jolt*
Otacon: *feels a bit of the alcoholic effects, and barely notices the thunderbolt passing dangerously close to his head*
Vulpix: ... Kyaa...!!
Cane: Sparrrrky noo! [@ Vulpix and Chansey] Can you put him to sleep like you did Grunty?
Falcon: BI
Guy: Jolteon, no! *leaps from chair, spilling their sodas*
Ness: Hey, that's not a bad idea! We should do it! --... *squints, staring at Jeff's hair* ... *lifts his hat off, glances up at his own* ...whoa.
Vulpix: *winces* We can try...
Grunty: *To Kazooie* I don't know but quite frankly good riddance she was a bore in Banjo Kazooie!
Linebeck: Are we...supposed to help?
Chansey: Can you try and use Safeguard again, Pix-chi?
Banjo: D: I miss my littler sister..
Vulpix: I can do that...
Falcon: *To Linebeck* We...should but I have no idea what the hell to do.
Kaz: WELL NO DUH! All she did was stay captive in your machine!
Jeff: What? *Pats his hair, frowning, then bursts into laughter at Ness'.*
Falcon: Were-Pokemon are not my speciality.
Grunty: I guess I can thank the lazy programmers for that and their inability to keep canon in spinoffs and AU RPs!
Chansey: Great. I'll try using Sing again. If it doesn't work, I'll use Safeguard and you can use Hypnosis again
Linebeck: (@Falcon) Same here, matey.
Kazooie: Frankly, I would want to kill MYSELF off the franchise if that was all I did on my first game!
Vulpix: *Vulpix used SAFEGUARD!* Alright, you're up, Chansey-tan!
Jolt: *drops to all fours and dashes forward, probably scattering people in front of him, hopping onto a table*
Chansey: *takes deep breat and uses SING*
Oak: -laughs and puts his shades back into his coat pocket- Ahh! A Jolteon! How amusing! Seems like it's being startled by something! Ahaha~ 8D
Vulpix: If that doesn't work... then...
Surge: *watching Jolt dash around*: Damnit, hold still!
Falcon: !!! *Flips over the mantable and yanks Oak behind it, gesturing for Linebeck and Otacon to follow*
Banjo: ..*SOTOTALLYAWKWARD* Y-you guys, that's my sister you're talking about..
Ness: >:I *fwaps hat back down on his head*
Linebeck: *grabs Oak also* Ye bloody fool! *follows Falcon*
Grunty: ...I never DID suceed....if I ever make it big I swear I'm gonna BUY myself a new look!
Kaz: The programmers have no control over us out here! This is the life!
Otacon: *tries to follow but is starting to feel the effects of the alcohol*
Yoshi: Yoshi hear loud noises!
Vulpix: Is it working―?
Chansey: ...No.
Falcon: *Looking around* Oh for God's sake, Surge!!
Cane: Sparky! Calm down, man!
Grunty: *To Kazooie* I'd agree if I didn't live in a garbage dump....
Oak: -goes along with them, not really caring- Ahh! Men! Where are we going?!~ I never finished my tea~
Linebeck: *also grabs Ota by the collar in case the oaf is tottering around*
Jolt: *snarls, then lets loose a Thunder towards the direction of the singing*
Chansey: He's too out of control to put to sleep.
Banjo: Y-you live in a dump?!
Surge: *briefly glances over at Falcon before looking back at Jolt*: Alright fine... If you won't listen to reason... *TACKLES JOLT*
Grunty: ....Yes....>>
Otacon: * yanking makes his glasses fall off*
Jeff: Heheh... But I wonder where all this static's coming from? *cracks the door open a bit.*
Kaz: well... I can't help you there, but you can probably cheat and look pretty the easy way with transformation drugs!
Vulpix: Chansey-tan, watch out!
Cane: Chansey!
Chansey: *reflexively uses Light Screen*
Falcon: God, I hope he knows what he's doing.
Kaz: Seriously, That new you in the Banjo-Kazooie Game-Over screen was HOT!
Chansey: Eep!
Linebeck: *ignores Otacon glasses* (@Falcon) He better be. Hmph!
Ness: Aren't there a few electric-type Pokemon around? Pichu is one, I think... *runs a hand through his little bangs*
Banjo: D-dump...oh god I think I'm gonna be sick. *RUSHES TO BATHROOM* (OOC: brb, dinnertime)
Grunty: *Cackle* I know RIGHT? This dump of a city has loads of magic, I'm sure I can find SOME way to get that look back!
Otacon: *barely notices his glasses are gone, takes out another pair from his pockets.*
Oak: -notices Surge and laughs- Good luck Surge! Electric pokemon ARE your specialty~ Ahahaha~ -laughs like a fool-
*Man team is now hiding behind an upturned table like the BAMFs they are.*
Cane: W-what are we supposed to do now? *stares at Chansey* Are you okay?
Kaz: TMI BANJO! >(
Vulpix: Do we knock him out?
Jolt: *is tackled by Surge, goes rolling off the table with him, roaring* JOLTEON!
Jeff: The one out there... I think it's that Jolteon guy. Gone nuts.
Chansey: ^_^;; I-I'm okay.
Vulpix: That's good... :x
Cane: I could attack him... I guess...
Guy: *fusses, not really being able to do anything without a weapon*
Vulpix: Owww...
Surge: *wrestling w/Jolt, trying to pin him down* Damnit... *ignores any sparks that Jolt gives off*
Ness: Gone nuts? I was wondering what that freak thunderclap was earlier. I hope he calms down soon, I can't imagine what sort of heck would break loose if the lights went off...
Kazooie: There's a place in a shady part of town where Banjo gets his human pills! you should go there for makeover pills on your next paycheck!
Cane: *watches the fight* This weird.
Otacon: (@Oak) *recites geeky knowledge because he is drunk* Jolteon, The Lightning Pokémon. If it is angered or startled, the fur all over its body bristles like sharp needles that pierce foes.
Linebeck: *groans at the nerds ugh* *shakes head*
Otacon: (Still talking) It accumulates negative ions in the atmosphere to blast out 10,000.volt lightning bolts. It easily becomes sad or angry. Every time its mood changes, it charges power!
Falcon: *Facepalm*
Kazooie: Then we'll take pictures and put it on Myspace for the gang back home!
Chansey: Let me try Heal Bell. :< Maybe it'll change him back?
Jolt: *attempts to bite at Surge's shoulders, fur bristles painfully (as mentioned by Otacon!)*
Oak: Humph~ Ota Ota OTAAA~ You don't think I know that? I AM the Pokemon Prof! Amazing that you know that though! Aahaha~ -laughs and searches for his notepad in his coat pocket-
Yoshi: Sounds scary! o.o
Surge: AUGH! *is bitten* Shit... Calm the fuck down, Jolt! *whispers* I know this is what you meant by Cinnibar... but try to get a hold of yourself...
Falcon: *Looks up over the table to make sure the students aren't in the way of the fight*
Linebeck: *facepalms AGAIN*
Vulpix: Anything we can as long as it doesn't hurt him, I suppose?
Grunty: My savings have been doing well with my new location providing all my life needs without a bil to pay. Ehahahahaha with my new look I can shock everyone!
Jeff: I suspect the cafe will blow up again or something. Never a dull moment...
Yoshi: We get other workers in kitchen where it safe??
Ness: *gives him a look* ..."again?"
Cane: We might end up hurting Surge too now! D: Maybe we should let him handle it?
Kazooie: This is almost better than a new game!
Linebeck: *looks up with Falcon as well* Shouldn't we yell at the kids to get them in shelter, Mr. Falcon?
Falcon: *To Linebeck* You read my mind.
Oak: -smirks and takes it out, also taking out a pen as he turns to a blank page, getting up and leaning over the table just enough for him to be able to stay up and starts taking notes- Ahah~ My research will blossom~
Otacon: (Still continues because drunk Otacon just talks and talks) The negatively charged ions generated in its fur create a constant sparking noise! It's cells generate a low level of electricity. SCIENCE!
Vulpix: *sighs* I suppose we can... but let's stick close in case we need to do anything?
Kaz: don't tell Bottles about this. He'll be the first victim of surprise!
Falcon: *To Oak and Otacon* Will you two PLEASE shut up!
Yoshi: *peeks outside* *sticks head out* O_o??
Jolt: *shudders, fur still bristling sharply* J-joo...Suuuurge....h-help... JOLTEON! *uses Thunderbolt again, but a considerably weaker one*
Linebeck: *smirk/smiles* Har. *shouts* GIT UNDER SHELTER YOU SILLY KIDS! GIT! *makes wild gestures*
Linebeck: *kicks Otacon (not very hard) to shut him up*
Falcon: *Jumps over the upturned table* Come on, kids, let's go. Move!
Surge: ...! *gets electricuted* Bah... this is nothing... Now c'mon, kid... I know you're in there... Just... let it out? Nnngg *shocked again*
Chansey: Sticking close together would be good.
Otacon: *sadly* but I just started...
Oak: -frowns and shakes his head- Why so, Falc? You don't mind us two jabbering about the thing we love, eh? Ahah~
Ness: *cutting some steak up as he listens in on the everything*
Linebeck: *notices Makar cowering* *grabs him by the face and plops him in the shelter between Oak and Otacon*
Oak: -continues to take notes of the fight, looking like a bunch of scribbles right now-
Yoshi: Everybody come in kitchen where it safe!
Cane: I'll protect you, ladies! *nervous grin*
Yoshi: We have back door!!
Falcon: *Ushering students into the back*
Yoshi: We have cupcakes too!!
Ness: *perks* Hey maybe this food'll get eaten after all. Good thinking Yoshi!
Cane: *reluctant to leave*
Linebeck: *jumps out* *helps Falcon evacuate students*
Falcon: *To Cane* That means you too, let's go.
Chansey: We'll be fine, Cane. You should help them if you can.
Makar: Yes! Yes! To safety! *Sticks close to Falcon*
Guy: *ushered into the back* D:
Jolt: *isn't wrestling or trying to harm Surge anymore, is merely trying to fight against Surge's grip* Jol--I...can't...AGH! *doesn't seem to be in control of his electric power anymore, lets off electric attacks at random*
Linebeck: *pushes the students out none-too-gently* Git!
Cane: [@ Falcon] Maybe I can help? D:
Oak: Ota~ Ota~ You must watch this with me! This is a great chance to study a pokemon battle~ Ahah~~
Yoshi: O_O!! Hurry!
Falcon: *@ Cane* B/ Fine. Make sure all the underclassmen get in the back.
Linebeck: *dodges shocks again* Bloody school! *notices the kitchen staff* You kids, git outta there!
Otacon: (@ Surge) *yells* Try to hit it's weak point for MASSIVE DAMAGE!
Ness: A-ah, sorry! *scurries out the back at Linebeck's order*
Linebeck: (@Ota) SHADDUP YE CAD!
Yoshi: O_O! *follows Ness*
Surge: Gah *electricuted* (@ Otacon) NOT HELPING. (@ Jolt) C'mon, I know ya can do it... *shocked some more, thus loosening grip*
Cane: [@ Falcon] Okay! Lets go, guys! *tugs at Vulpix and Chansey's sleeves*
Linebeck: (@Falcon) Might wanna help the injured kids too, Falcon *points to Vulpix*
Yoshi: Yoshi is worried! : (
Falcon: *Rushes to Vulpix and Chansey* Are you two okay??
Grunty: *Gets up* Well it was...nice talking I guess or something. I need to get going. I can already hear Dingpot's whining. I'll show him!
Linebeck: *saunters outside the cafe* *ushers Ness and Yoshi out by pushing a bit too roughly*
Yoshi: O_o
Chansey: I can't just leave them! What if they get hurt? D:
G&W: *juggling in the back* I'm going to pretend what's happening outside is just the wind, beep
Falcon: *To Chansey* Take care of Vulpix, okay, I'll make sure everyone gets out all right.
Oak: -chuckles and puts his notepad up, breaking into a random poem- Pokemon fight for the love of being the better, mainly pokemon and humans do not fight~ Schools of new and odd ways bring new things to make things happen~
Jolt: *wriggles out of Surge's grasp* I-I'm...trying! *struggles to his feet, clearly fighting himself. Stands, then screams* JOOOOLT! *releases one last huge blast of electricity, possibly hitting Surge and anyone too close*
Linebeck: *narrows eyes at Chansey* Save em' when they're a bit better off eh?
Oak: -laughs and slides down to the ground-
Vulpix: I'll be okay, I've been hit by worse... ^^;;;
Linebeck: Unless ye want ter get shocked for good.
Surge: AUGH! *shocked and sent back flying into a nearby table*
Falcon: *Turns around just in time to see Jolt's explosion* Surge!
Chansey: *frowns* Alright, but as Pokemon, we'd probably have a better chance. =\
Jolt: *stands still for a moment, shudders, swoons, then collapses, back in pokemon form, crying softly*
Yoshi: !! The cupcakes!! D:!!
Surge: *weakly breathing*: Ugh... w-what...? *looks up* Jolt?
Linebeck: *glances back at Chansey* Well, I don't think yer powers'll be good right NOW. Maybe if you were stronger...
Chansey: Are you alright, Pix-chi? Did you get hurt earlier?
Ness: !! Jeff! *turns on his heel and sprints back for the kitchen entrance*
Yoshi: Glasses boy?? *follows Ness*
Otacon: *claps* He who draws noble delights from sentiments of poetry is a true poet, though he has never written a line in all his life.
Falcon: *Looks around* IS EVERYONE OKAY!?
Cane: *stares at Jolteon*
Linebeck: I think Jeff is not present...
Chansey: ...I'm a support type! I'd have the proper skills to protect myself!
Falcon: !!!
Jolt: *nearly unconscious*
Jeff: *SOMEHOW missed the huge crowd moving out of the cafe, stupid AFKs*
Linebeck: (@Chansey) Ugh...*looks at Jolt* Just don't get hurt, miss. If ye do, Mr. Falcon'd be mad...
Vulpix: *winces* Ah... I did... ^^;; Mou... this form isn't as good at handling damage...
Fox: *back too wtf happened here*
Linebeck: *mutters about uppity kids*
Falcon: Jeff?!? Where are you?
Surge: *tries to stand up*: Ugh... my head... *stumbles a little* Where's... *looks over at Jolt* ... Shit...
Cane: Aah Vulpixxx... D:
Oak: Ahaha~ Thank you, my boy~ -laughs like an idiot and slumps against the table, placing his hand on Ota's shoulder- You've proven to be a..ahem, pretty fun guy, Otacon! We must ..erm..Hang out more often! Ahaha~ -hiccups-
Banjo: *stumbles out of bathroom* Urrgh..*sits back down, puts head on table* Sorry I took so long..
Ness: I saw him early, I don't think he left! -yeah, Glasses Boy.. *ducks through the kitchen and into the actual cafe*
Chansey: Here, an egg. It'll help a lil to ease the pain. *hands Vulpix an egg*
Yoshi: *following Ness*
Vulpix: ;x; Thank you... u.u *takes the egg*
Linebeck: *ends up babysitting kids outside the cafe and is not very thrilled*
Surge: ... Fuck... *stumbles over to Jolt and kneels down* Hey... kid...
Falcon: *Still shouting* Jeff this is NOT funny where are you!?
Kaz: Grunty left. I still didn't get my cupcakes. >(
Ness: Jeff! Je-- Mr. Falcon. *runs over to Falcon* What happened?!
Surge: *shouts*: Anyone will healing abilities, get your asses over here!
Yoshi: *happens to notice his tray of cupcakes all burnt and ruined* D:!!!
Jeff: *half-knocked out due to LIGHTNING, so he's sprawled in front of the kitchen door.*
Makar: *ends up being babysat outside the cafe and is glad to be alive*
Otacon: *snerks* Sure thing professor! *headache subsiding* uh...the coffee is really horrible here. Wait...why are we standing under a table?
Falcon: * To Chansey* Go make sure Jolt and Surge are okay.
Chansey: *runs inside and kneels by jolt* Jolteon! This is quite bad. *looks up at Surge* How are you feeling?
Fox: *hiding in kitchen* I guess it stopped now...? *ear flicks*
Banjo: Oh..sorry to hear about that..*sits back up, a little pale*
Falcon: *Sees Jeff, finally* Oh my God.
Surge: Ugh... *plops on ground* (@ Chansey) I'm getting to old for this... The kid is the one who really needs help...
Fox: *helps Jeff up* I think he's beat up
Linebeck: *is unharmed minus frizzled hair* *mutters and saunters to Oak and Ota* Yer okay ,mateys?
Jolt: *whimpers* J-jooooolt~
Falcon: *Runs over to Jeff and Fox*
Fox: You okay there?
Kaz: You alright? You didn't even eat anything!"
Ness: *pivots, wow how did he miss that* Jeff! *dashes over to him and the other two*
Otacon: *has his hair up like a mad scientist* Um...I think I'm alright.
Yoshi: Yoshi's cupcakes got all burned. : ( *sees Jeff* Oh noes!
Oak: Well well~ I suppose something marvelous, or not so happened~ -laughs and nods to Linebeck- Just fine, 'Beck! Ahaha~
Chansey: :< *tends to Jolt*
Fox: I think he got zapped, guys D^:
Jeff: *Coughs out a small puff of smoke.* Gaaah...
Banjo: I might've been something from earlier..I did have a huge food rush before running here, so that might've upset something..
Linebeck: ...*is kinda staring at Oak and Ota oddly* har har.
Falcon: *Takes Jeff from Fox and supports him*
Guy: *stands back a little bit, watching Jolteon and feeling guilty*
Fox: *holds three fingers in front of Jeff's face* How many fingers you see?
Otacon: What happened exacly? I remember drinking the coffee than really wanting to talk about pokemon for some reason...
Falcon: Jeff? Come on, dont do this to me.
Yoshi: Glasses boy okay? D:
Surge: ... Fuck... *holds head in hand* I knew the cafes were crazy... but this is just ridiculous... *winces a bit*
Linebeck: *picks Oak and Ota up because he's 6 foot tall and can do that* Well, outside ye should go. Look after some kids, k?
Ness: Hang on a sec... *lifts his hands and casts a quick Lifeup to at least help keep him conscious*
Cane: *not sure how to help* Vulpix do you want me to help you outside? Or to a table... if they're not all destroyed...
Linebeck: *dumps the two outside cafe* *dusts his hands* *walks back to cafe*
Yoshi: *worryworry*
Chansey: *uses Soft Boiled to help Jolt*
Kaz: That's not like you, Banjo! And for once I'm worried!
Chansey: hmm...
Vulpix: Mmm, if there's a table nearby, that'll be fine.
Falcon: *Shakes Jeff a little* Come on, kiddo, wake up.
Yoshi: *fretfret*
Jolt: *wakes a little, opening his eyes to see Chansey* Jolt...?
Banjo: *weak smile* It's fine, I've been through worse..
Jeff: 'M awake... ow. *Squints at the fingers.* ...Two? *..Of course, his glasses were shattered, so lololol.*
Chansey: *smiles at Jolt* Hey, how are you?
Surge: *notices Jolt*: ... Finally... *weak smirk*
Falcon: *Huge sigh of relief*
Kaz: Like that battle earlier? XD
Fox: Eh close enoguh
Chansey: [@Jolt] You'll be just fine.
Linebeck: *saunters to Jeff* Ye okay kid?
Ness: *exhale* Jeez, Jeff... *half chuckle*
Falcon: *To Jeff* You okay?
Yoshi: Hooray!
Cane: Uh... ok... *lifts Vulpix carefully and moves her to a booth*
Jolt: *very weakly* Jooooolt. Jolteon~ (I feel...awful. What...just happened?)
Jeff: Yeah... F-for the record... This place is insane.
Banjo: *laughs, immediately regrets it due to stomach pain* Uggh..yeah.
Fox:  I learned this the hard way some years ago -_-
Linebeck: *sniggers* Well duh, Jeff.
Oak: -lands on his face and groans- Agh! This isn't the greatest floor! -gets up quietly and hangs onto a doorway, laughing- Well, Ota! I am the Pokemon Prof! -hic- Anyways, I believe it involved a Jolteon, or something~
Surge: *frowns at Jolt*: ... You don't... remember?
Chansey: Lt. Surge, you should eat this. It'll help you. *places a small egg in his hand*
G&W: Still not hearing anything out there beep *juggles*
Surge: Ah, thanks... *takes egg, but puts it in his lap as he directs his attention towards Jolt*
Kaz: ehhh,.... Maybe I should take you back to the dorm?
Falcon: *To Jeff* Heh. As long as you're all right.
Cane: *watches Jolteon quietely* Looks like he's okay now...
Otacon: *looks nervously at Oak* Um...sure?
Chansey: [@Jolt] *frowns* You'd don't remember?
Vulpix: Thank you, Cane-kun... I hope he is...
Linebeck: *dusts Jeff's back for no apparent reason* Yer still in shipshape har har!
Jeff: *Sheepish grin.* Y-yeah. Thanks. Don't worry, it happens all the time...
Oak: Sure sure! Ahh! We never got to do our poetry, though! -frowns-
Falcon: *Raises an eyebrow*
Otacon: *thinks to himself* I am never ordering drinks in this establishment AGAIN.
Banjo: Maybe, just give me a few minutes, I might settle down.
Jolt: [@Chansey] Jolt. (No idea.)
Chansey: [@Jolt] Well.. I guess for now, just focus on getting better and we can fill you in on the details later, okay?
Ness: Next time you come work here I'll give you the Franklin Badge ahead of time, yeah? *small grin*
Fox: *ear flicks* I wonder what happened to Vulpix? *goes out of the kitchen and looks around*
Linebeck: *sniggers at Ota w/out him noticing*
Otacon: *EXTREMELY relieved but says with a slightly deadpan voice* oh, that IS a shame.
Jolt: *lays his head back down, wincing* Jolt... (Okay...)
Falcon: *To Jeff* You gonna be okay?
Surge: *sighs and eats egg*: This was not how I imagined my first SBG cafe to go...
Yoshi: Hooray! Glasses boy is okay!
Kaz: *leers around the cafe*
Vulpix: *is a bit bruised and... fried...*
Oak: Ahaha, but, that's okay! -reaches over and gives him a small punch in the shoulder- Now now~ There's always next time!~~
Cane: *Sits down across from Vulpix and rubs the back of his head* Oow.
Fox: ! *notices Vulpix and goes to her* Are you alright Vulpix?
Linebeck: (@Surge) Lots of things happen here, Surge. You were inside one of the more exciting ones, matey.
Yoshi: *stares at tray of burnt cupcakes* :\
Vulpix: =x=;;; *cracks egg open for some healing time~*
Surge: (@ Linebeck): God... how did it go from getting people drunk to a fucking wrestling match?
Jeff: Hopefully I won't NEED it next time. *Smirks, then looks up at Falcon... all MOE~~~* Oh... Y-yeah. Um. thank you, Mr. Falcon.
Banjo: *sits back up and wraps his arms around Kazooie* I'm sure they'll be here..sometime.
Vulpix: Cane-kun, are you okay? :x
Falcon: *To Jeff* Don't scare me like that again. *HUG~*
Linebeck: (@Surge) *shrug* Dunno. This place can be worse than a local bar. Har har har...
Otakon: *laughs nervously* Oh yes! *makes mental note*NEVER GO TO THE CAFE WITH OAK AGAIN.
Chansey: *Continues healing Jolt w/ Softboiled*
Ness: *blank stare at the manly hug* ... : D *scratches cheek lightly*
Surge: Heh, I guess so... *watches Chansey and Jolt*
Vulpix: Oh, Fox-kun? ;x; I'm okay, I suppose... ^^;;;
Kaz: *a bit embarassed but lets herself get hugged* I hope so. I really want more cupcakes.
Fox: You look a little banged up D^:
Jolt: *feels well enough to change to human form, and does so--forgetting that his clothes are still in the restroom* Thanks Chans--oh shit.
Chansey: *focused on Jolt* [@Surge] How is everyone else doing?
Yoshi: Um... *sheepishly hands Kazooie a burned cupcake* : (
Oak: That's the spirit~ Ahaha~ -grabs his head and chuckles- Ah...Seems my tea was a tad strong~
Jeff: *Kind of stands there awkwardly before returning the hug.* I'll try not to.
Cane: Psh yeah, 'course I'm okay. :'''D Takes more than a... werewolf... and a bathroom door... to take me down...!
Falcon: *Smirk* I still expect you in detention tomorow.
Surge: *weakly smirks at Chansey* Well, I'm a bit worse for wear... But for now, I think ya better check on the other students. Nothing I haven't handled before...
Otacon: *Codec call Falcon* Mr. Falcon, is everyone alright?
Lineback: pFFFF-WHA? *was unfortunate enough to see Jolt transform*
Jeff: *Twitches.* Y-yes, sir...
Vulpix: *sighs* I've been hit by worse, really... |D;; I'll be okay... Just a few bruises and burns... It'll heal...
Falcon: *Totally not expecting a codec* GAH!
Ness: *glaaances to Jeff, still in the dark about the panty thing*
Kazooie: *holds up the burnt cupcake* ???
Chansey: [@Jolt] *clearly doesn't care and is not looking* Well, seems like you're well enough to transform, but I'd suggest you relax and get some more rest.
Jolt: *folts legs and covers self* c-clothes...still in the bathroom...I remember that...
Fox: You need me to get anything, just say the word! *sits beside*
Guy: ... *goes to get Jolteon's clothes from the bathroom*
Yoshi: Cupcakes got messed up. Yoshi sorry.
Falcon: *Codec to Otacon* Yeah. Everything's fine. Can't say the same for the cafe though.
Linebeck: *looks around* Eh, Flint may have to fix this one up... (@Falcon) might wanna tell him that?
Falcon: *Nods* This place gets a comlete overhaul every week.
Jeff: *Glaaances to Ness.* ...erk.
Linebeck: (@Falcon) Indeed...
Otacon: *Codec to Falcon* Okay, the kids seem to be fine here. Should I tell them to go to their dorms or?
Guy: *comes back with a crumpled pile of clothing* H-here you go. *holds it in Jolteon's general direction, looking away*
Vulpix: *blushes and smiles meekly* Thank you, Fox-kun...
Jolt: Th-thanks...Guy... *grabs at his hoodie and boxers, attempting to struggle those on while most people arent looking*
Ness: *griiin* Was that you with the fireworks the other night?
Fox: No problem! *smiles back*
Falcon: *Codec to Otacon* Well...considering the cafe is smouldering a little...
Chansey: [@surge] How are you fairing, Lt.?
Oak: -still has his hand on Ota's shoulder and leans a tad, chuckling- Hmmph~ Otacon! Do you know what I dislike a lot?
Kazooie: *leans back against Banjo*
Vulpix: Do you mind if use you for a pillow for a bit? =x=;; I'm tired...
Surge: *pushes himself to his feet*: Much better, Chansey, thanks to you... I should be fine now...
Banjo: *color returns to face due to DAWW BLUSHIES* See? They got here.
Cane: *wanders over to Jolteon* You okay, Sparky? D:
Fox: By all means! *nodnodnod*
Jeff: Oh, y-yeah... You noticed those, huh?
Otacon: (@ Oak) What is it professor?
Chansey: [@surge] Hmm... I'd still like to see you later for proper treatment. :<
Linebeck: *hears Ota and facepalms*
Jolt: *wrangles on his jeans just as Cane walks up, ignores Otacon* Ah, I'm alright... *attempts to stand, but still isn't well enough to do so and falls* Well, maybe.
Kaz: .......... *thecupcakeisburned*
Yoshi: : (
Chansey: [@Cane] He should be okay for now. Could you help him walk?
Surge: Hahah, if you insist. I'm telling you, though, I'm fine.*stumbles a little* Really! This is nothing comparing to my army days!
Linebeck: Hmph... *takes Jolt by the shoulder*
Banjo: Uh..I'm sure it's still good to eat!
Ness: *laughs* Of course, how could I not notice them? They're bottlerockets. Though, I can't see you going to detention just for that... *erm ignoring Otacon for the moment*
Cane: Sure! *puts Jolteon's arm over his shoulder* And H-hey Chansey... could I have one of those egg things maybe? I kinda got shoved through a door... And I'm feeling it now. Eheh.
Linebeck: You...are definitely goin' to the nurse, kid. *puts Jolt's arm around his shoulder, starts sauntering*
Chansey: [@Surge] *chuckles* Well, that's great, but we're not at war, sir. It's alright to take it easy and get treatment.
Oak: -laughs- Yes yes children! Everything is just fine now! -fixes his attention to Ota and snorts- The other Professors of the other regions! Especially that Birch! -shakes his head- Don't get me started with them!~
Vulpix: *rests her head against Fox's shoulder* Thank you... =x=
Chansey: [@Cane] Sure. *hands him one*
Jolt: *alarmed by Linebeck's sudden touch* But--well... *stumbles again, leans into Linebeck in order to simply walk* Well, okay...
Linebeck: (@Cane) Thankee for the help.
Surge: (@ Chansey): Alright, I'll come to ya later then. Will that make ya happy?
Falcon: *Stands and looks around, making sure no one else is hurt*
Kaz: You eat it then!
Chansey: [@surge] Yes, it would. Thank you.
Jeff: Well, there's more to it, but it's... really embarrassing and let'snottalkaboutithere.
Cane: Thankee. *takes the egg and starts walking with Linebeck and Jolteon*
((Cane and Becky are helping Jolt go to the nurse btw))
Chansey: [@Cane] Can you also bring, Jolteon-kun to the clinic later?
Surge: *watches Cane and Becky help Jolt*: ... Hey, you two take care of him, alright?
Cane: [@ Chansey] Sure thing!
Linebeck: *looks at Jolt stumble* Don't try ter walk my yerself now. (@Surge) Sure.
Chansey: Thank you. I'll follow shortly after.
Falcon: *To Ness and Jeff* All right boys, let's get out of here.
Banjo: Erk.......*takes cupcake, pauses for a minute, staring at it, then shoves into mouth*
Yoshi: See? It still good! ^_^
Otacon: *clearly uncomfortable about drunk Oak, althought has no idea he is drunk* Oh. I see.
Ness: *nodnod, still grinning* Sure, I getcha. You should probably rest anyhow. *looks up to Falcon* Aww, but there's still food in the back...
Linebeck: *saunters out with Cane and Jolt*
Cane: *Follows with Jolteon and Linebeck*
Jolt: *walks between the two very shakily*
Kaz: how did it taste, Banjo?
Jeff: *Nods at Falcon* Yeah, good idea... *Makes super secret gestures to Ness.* Speaking of food, I think we should tell him about THAT.
Surge: *sighs*: ... I hope Jolt'll alright... I'll hafta check on him later... *looks around*
Banjo: *swallows* N-not bad...
Chansey: *gets up and walks over to Ota&Oak* Here, Ota-Sensei, take these. *Hands him two small eggs* I'm sure you and Prof. Oak will need them in the morning. T_T
Falcon: *To Ness + Jeff* Tell me about what?
Oak: Yes yes! Do you believe he'd rather spend his days in his lab than go out into the fields and work?!~
Ness: *erk*
Linebeck: (@Cane) And you...I hope you'll bring yer homework on time. And make sure to come ter class alrighty?
Falcon: What...about it?
Otacon: *has no idea why he was just given an egg* Does this have to do with the strong coffee we ordered?
Falcon: *Doesn't understand what they're getting at*
Jeff: Uh. Not about the food in the back. About the invitation.
Chansey: ....Yes. You'll understand in the morning, so please eat it then.
Kaz: Hopefully that won't set off your bowels again! Eheheh!
Falcon: Invitation?
Oak: -laughs- How splended~ Something for breakfast! Thank you~ -laughs like a fool-
Ness: OHH. Right. *bops head*
Surge: *glances around*: ... Shit... I hope GW doesn't charge for all this...
Otacon: ....alright. Thank you very much, Ms...Chansey, I believe?
Ness: ...from Porky...
Chansey: You're welcome, Sensei.
Falcon: What?
G&W: *price senses tingling*
G&W: *juggles*
Banjo: I hope not..I don't wanna be sick in my dorm. x__x
Guy: *leaves money on the table for the cakes and sodas before walking out*
Otacon: *beams, but still feels weird to be called a sensei*
Ness: Poo, the last one of the Chosen Four, is here at SumaBura. Porky found out and is inviting us to dinner with him.
Kaz: That would sure ruin a night!
Falcon: ......
Chansey: [@Ota] Have a good night, Sensei. If you're not feeling well later, please come and see me.
Falcon: All right you two, let's head back to the dorms and we can talk about it on the way.
Ness: Okay, Mr. Falcon.
Banjo: Guess you're right, I'm just glad nothing else has really ruined it..not counting the fight.
G&W: *puts balls away (lol) and walks out* Hm...should've expected this beep
Jeff: Right.
Yoshi: Yoshi help clean up?
Otacon: *realizes with utter horror that he DIDN'T SCAN A SINGLE POKEMON TONIGHT*
Oak: -totters for a sec and tilts his head- What's wrong m'boy? Somethin' troubles ya?
Ness: *unties apron and tosses it onto a nearby upturned table; calls back over his shoulder* Good job, tonight, Yoshi.
G&W: *walks about* Tsk, I think I need to get funding from the Headmaster for this cafe.
G&W: *to Ness and Yoshi* Are you two leaving for the night, beep?
Yoshi: Hooray! Thank you, hat boy Ness! Yoshi had fun!
Yoshi: Yoshi can help Mr. Game and Watch clean! ^_^
Surge: *walks over to Ota and Oak*: Looks like everyone's leaving...
G&W: That would be a fine idea beep
Falcon: *To Ness and Jeff* I'll meet you two outside.
Falcon: *Exits*
G&W: Seeing as the cafe is in shambles again.
Yoshi: It... not too bad? ^_^;
G&W: *goes to Surge* Mr. Lt. Surge, is the money collected for tonight?
Otacon: .N---no. *also realizes that snake should be coming back soon from his mission* *shakes Oak's hand* Professor, it was nice to meet you, and I'll see you on Tuesday, I believe?
Kaz: What do you wanna do when we leave the cafe, Banjo?
Ness: *nods to Game and Watch* Yeah. Sorry about all the mess, but thanks for letting us work.
Yoshi: *standing in a crater* ^_^;;
Banjo: I dunno, maybe go back to my dorm or something?
Jeff: *Nods and reluctantly goes to change out of his moe waiter outfit, HE WILL MISS IT SO.*
Makar: ... *Gets out from under a floorboard* I'm not sure I'm coming back to the cafe again soon. :D ;;
G&W: You did some fine cooking Ness, beep.
Oak: -laughs and nods- It was nice to meet you too, m'boy! -nods- Tuesday it is! Ahehe~
Ness: *grins sheepishly* Aw, it was nothing. It's good practice at least!
Kaz: Will we be alone there? I don't wanna put up with more people tonight. D:
Makar: Nice to meet you, Mr. Otacon. And Professor.
G&W: Indeed, beep
Chansey: I'm sorry, Prof. G&W. Would you mind if I left now to go tend to Jolteon-kun and Lt. Surge?
Otacon: *smiles* See you then professor! *pockets the egg, and walks back to his dorm room*
Banjo: Hmm..actually, I think I saw Guy heading back to our room, so probably not.
G&W: By all means, beep *to Chansey*
Ness: *hanging around for Jeff to exit together because they are manbuddies like that*
Surge: *goes around collecting money left on some of the still standing tables*: I guess I should at least do SOME work, eheh...
Kaz: How about the you-know-where in the woods?
Chansey: Thank you, sir. I'll be taking my leave now. If anyone else was hurt, please send them to the clinic for me. *waves* Good bye.
G&W: I did see outside while I was juggling what you did, I have to commend you for your work, Lt. Surge. Even though you weren't at the register all the time, beep
Oak: -laughs and nods- Yes yes~ Nice to meet you too~ And, hmm! Goodbye Otacon~ -chuckles and slips his own egg into his pocket, leaning against a wall- Hehe~ This was a fun time! I should come as much as I possibly can~ Ahaha~
Jeff: *Finally makes an exit in his awesome casual clothes, and waves to Ness.* Let's go?
Banjo: Sounds good to me! *kisses Kaz on the forehead*
Surge: (@ GW): Er, eheh... well, you know, helping to keep crazed students from destroying the cafe is another part of being cashier, right? ... Er... *looks around at cafe in shambles* ...
Kaz: *blushes, feels uncomfortable since she looks like a sissy in public now*
G&W: Well it goes beyond what a cashier should do, beep. But nonetheless, you saved lives out there
G&W: (un)Fortunately this cafe has been ruined before. We can have this fixed up in no time
Surge: Eheh... Thanks... Ah... *feels kinda guilty after the wrestling/fighting*
Ness: *waves back and nods* Mm! *turns to head out* Sure you're all right?
Oak: -muses and takes a few more notes-
Banjo: So, should we head out now? I think it's closing pretty soon anyways.
Kaz: *gets up haughtily and extends a hand out to Banjo* Let's ... hurry up and get out of here.
Jeff: Eh, still kinda tingly. But I'm alive, right? *Grins, then waves to G&W* Thank you for letting me work tonight, sir!
G&W: No problem, beep
G&W: *rings bell* We will be closing the cafe some minutes early, beep! You may leave now if you want
Banjo: *smiles and takes her hand, standing up and still holding it as they walk out the door*
Surge: (@ GW): Do ya need help... ah... cleaning up or something? I kinda feel... like this is partly my fault...
G&W: No problem beep, I can do this myself. I was quite the handyman back in the day
Yoshi: Yoshi had fun cooking, Mr. Game & Watch!
Surge: Ah, alright. It was... um... good to work for you... I guess... *leaves*
Oak: -hiccups and turns his head, staggering back in for a moment and pays off his drink, leaning against something- It was a fun time~ You will be seeing a lot more of me~ Ahaha~~
G&W: I had fun seeing you work, Yoshi, beep!
Yoshi: Hooray! ^_^ Is it okay for Yoshi to go home?
G&W: You may leave, beep
Kaz: *leans her head on Banjo's shoulder as they leave*
Ness: Haha, right, that's true. *dodedo exitetc.*
Oak: -chuckles and staggers out the door, almost tripping a few times, trying to sing the pokemon theme song-
Yoshi: Okay! Goodbye Mr Game & Watch! *leave*
Jeff: *Exit!*

banjo (banjo-kazooie), vulpix (pokemon), * event - sumabura cafe, yoshi (mario), chansey (pokemon), cane/arcanine (pokemon), linebeck (zelda), captain falcon (f-zero), ness (mother), guy (fire emblem), oak (pokemon), otacon (metal gear), jolteon (pokemon), mr. game & watch (game & watch), lieutenant surge (pokemon), makar (zelda), gruntilda (banjo-kazooie), fox mccloud (star fox), !chat log, kazooie (banjo-kazooie), jeff andonuts (mother)

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