Who: Duster and others What: Duster is playing a thing Where: The music room, a common room, a room, your room, every room When: Thursday Dec. 15th through Sunday Dec. 18th, 8pm-10pm Warnings: Sweet jams
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Wow. Oh wow. Colour Rock absolutely dazzled by this man's slap bass skills. As a great fan of music in any variety, the little robot boy stopped to listen with eyes a-sparkling.
At an appropriate interval of rest between songs, he smiled widely and breathed an awe-struck, "Wow... You're amazing! Where did you learn to play like that?"
Wow. Oh wow. Colour Rock absolutely dazzled by this man's slap bass skills. As a great fan of music in any variety, the little robot boy stopped to listen with eyes a-sparkling.
At an appropriate interval of rest between songs, he smiled widely and breathed an awe-struck, "Wow... You're amazing! Where did you learn to play like that?"
Duster certainly was a popular guy lately. He needed to practice during hours when regular people are awake more often.
"I was the bassist for Desperado Crash Mambo Combo, DCMC," explained the beafro'd man.
Robots don't need sleep, it's cool.
"You have a band?!" Consider him dazzled more and more with every passing moment. "Do you guys have an album? I'd love to hear more!"
Duster sleeps when the sun is up. It's... sort of weird.
"I had a band," said Duster. "We broke up. It happened awhile ago."
"I'm pretty sure I've got an copy or two of Tonda Gossa floating around somewhere, though."
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