take a look, it's in a book

Nov 11, 2011 22:23

Who: Kyogre and you. It's like Free Willy but in a class and nothing at all like Free Willy
Where: Kyogre's classroom
When: Friday, 11/11, during the same time slot as Ceramics.
Warnings: Language is highly possible, knowing the potty mouths that attend this school >:|

WELCOME TO THE CLASSROOM, CHILDREN. You might notice that it's rather balmy in here. That's probably because that guy that made a bunch of oceans was the teacher. Said guy was sitting in his chair as the students filed in, in full recline and boots up on the desk. He's flipping through a very old looking book, though the age could potentially be attributed to water damage. Yes, as mentioned before, Kyogre's class is during the same time slot as Groudon's. Is this on purpose? Definitely. If it was your intention to take both Ceramics and Ancient Literatures, you might want to invest in a time turner.

As soon as the students are all seated, Kyogre retracts his legs, and stands to his full height. He places the book down on his desk, and moves to the blackboard to write down his name. As he does, he recites a passage from memory:

"Can you pull in the Leviathan with a fishhook or tie down his tongue with a rope? Can you put a cord through his nose or pierce his jaw with a hook? Will he keep begging you for mercy? Will he speak to you with gentle words? Will he make an agreement with you to take him as your slave for life... ? Any hope of subduing him is false, the mere sight of him is overpowering. No one is fierce enough to rouse him. Who then is able to stand against me... ?"

He spins, wiping the chalk dust from his hands, and grinning toothily.

"One of the first passages I ever memorized. It lit a fire in me to better understand the tradition of humans. They use their words to craft such beautiful sentences. However, I know not all of you guys are humans, and I fully encourage you to educate me on the ancient texts of your own cultures... but just not quite yet. I'm Kyogre, and I'll be your Ancient Literatures teacher. To start us off, no, I am not human either. I'm a Pokemon. Actually, a pretty big one, so I don't think you'll be seeing me in my natural form any time soon. But if it starts to rain inside, I'm super sorry, it's a side effect of my, er, Poke-powers, I guess you could say. Let's move on.

The subject matter in this class will get pretty wordy, so let's start light. Why don't you tell me and your classmates a little about yourself. Like, your name, where you're from, any languages you speak, and why you're here. I'll then pass out a passage from an old text, and I want you to analyze it to the best of your ability."

kyogre (pokemon), apple kid (mother), lash (advance wars), rhys/rhyperior (pokemon), !class log

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