To catch them is my real test, To train them is my...really big problem.

Nov 04, 2011 03:09

Who: Lash, Kitty and Clover & anyone else who wanders in after the first part (Skamory and Zapdos especially welcome). Just start your own threads!
What: A clear thinking Wunderkind decides that since she might not be able to tame wild Pokemon properly, the best solution is to clearly throw balls at them to turn them into naked humans.
Where: The Stadium
When: Post Unova-trip, November 4th, 2011
Warnings: Nakedness. Also Lash is involved.

A walk to the city's Pokemon Center and now Lash had two red balls with Pokemon inside. She had been marveling at them for a few days and the luck she had had obtaining them, not sure what she should do exactly - reading in her books and trying to figure out the best course of action. Asking others in the school who obviously knew more about this than her? No way! She was the wunderkind, Lash could figure it out by her thickheaded self.

The information about the captured Pokemon were not something she could toy around with either. She knew that her lack of badges didn't speak much of her status as a trainer and the Pokemon might just as well ignore her and not care. She'd need a way to get their attention and not get trampled all over. Trampled and uh...whatever giant floating ghosts balloons could do.

So! After reading about it all, she decided that everything was stupid and she'd do it her own way. Taking the balls to the stadium, she also had a few transformation humanization sphere...thingies on hand, ready to release them at the same time as the two Pokemon came out. This plan would work (or Lash hoped...well no! She totally knew it was going to work, it was her plan, after all, how could it go wrong?) as a pretty efficient way to get their attention, she figured, and make them easier to talk too. Unlike Max, Lash was defiantly not a Pokemon whisperer, and would need to speak human to human.

On the left, there was an entire pile of clothing she had salvaged (and maybe stolen) from lost & found, ransacked rooms of students who had left and never returned, a few things she had taken from her old clothing and Kumatora's. Maybe even a few from the theater department; heck she didn't know how the two's personality and maybe she'd end up with someone who liked to recite poetry and wanted to wear poofy dresses (she hoped not.)

"Okay!" she told the balls, wondering if the Pokemon could even hear from inside. "I hope you guys are ready for this!" With a swift, graceful movement, she flung them a little farther away from her, before tossing the balls on the other side.

Welcome to the human world, ladies. Now you're naked and have two legs.

charlise/drifblim (pokemon), n (pokemon), !rp log, skarmory (pokemon), claus (mother), !open log, little mac (punch out), clover/bouffalant (pokemon), lash (advance wars)

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