Who: Sasha and Vinnie
What: Fighting, Sparring, Testing out their new skills, Totally fun Bro and Sis times!!
Where: in the Stadium
Warnings: Charizards vs Venusaurs that have tenancies to yell and swear.
It was strange to think they had been here for nearly an entire year. Sasha had found herself growing with each day, sometimes in subtle ways she hadn't really realized only to have it come rushing up to her as she clawed into her latest prey, or the piece of rock that she pushed with much greatest ease, or the fact she wasn't stumbling anymore when walking.
She'd grown stronger. And thanks to training with Red recently, had learned some new skills to boot. Yet she'd see the rest of her family grow in their own ways as well; Vinnie training in Orange Star, however, made her a bit...well she never openly hated it, but she had never openly liked it either. But the Boss' decision had been clear, and she respected it. Sides, she couldn't decided where her brother went and didn't go, as much as she probably would try to do. And he had been growing stronger. A spar between her and Vinnie was inevitable. You could say she had wanted to do something like this for a long time.
The two had been at odds over the years; granted a lot more violently as younger siblings, but the last year had been a lot more quiet up this front. Just thinking about what could happen today got her blood to boil, her mind thinking at what they could do. She might have the upper hand in types, but having a type advantage never guarantied victory, Vanhi had once told her. First, understand your opponent and then you'll understand yourself.
Each step made her heart beat faster and faster in excitement. She stretched out her legs and wings, cranked her neck for maybe the tenth time in the past few minutes. Their set date and time had been perhaps, around fifteen minute from now, but she simply couldn't hold her excitement and had been stretching and waiting for the past five, looking at the stadium clock nearly each minute.
So much butterfrees in her stomach.
Sasha had chosen to keep her outfit simple; dressed in simple black and red training shorts and tank top. That would give her the most movements as a human. Fighting that form first was something that interested her the most, admittedly. See how their moves could translate, and hell, just landing punches on each other.
If only time could past faster!