In which Nabooru became the worst influence ever.

Oct 14, 2011 02:20

Who: Nabooru, you, you, you, some more you's, oh - maybe you, too
When: Oct. 14 - Evening ~ Late Night
What: It's a shindig. No, seriously. Nabs wanted everyone to get together for drinks. (And she's inconspicuously trying to force Byrne into being more sociable.) And by everyone, we do mean everyone of age.
Where: This... here tavern in FDC. No, ( Read more... )

kasugami (okami), duster (mother), goose (pilotwings), knuckles (sonic the hedgehog), dana/dialga (pokemon), eva (metal gear), jon talbain (darkstalkers), krystal (starfox), lash (advance wars), byrne (zelda), lighter (mother), otacon (metal gear), rhys (fire emblem), wario (mario), bowser (mario), jake (advance wars), leon powalski (starfox), claus (mother), !open log, voile/gardevoir (pokemon), phoenix wright (ace attorney), vinnie/venusaur (pokemon), nephenee (fire emblem), nabooru (zelda), mei ling (metal gear), max (advance wars), samus aran (metroid), frank west (dead rising)

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Goose badasscopters October 14 2011, 14:03:15 UTC
This guy is just chilling at some point during the night, a Death by Chocolate, tall and sweet, in his hand. Goose never stood out from a drinking outing. Never. He has enough business at the academy as it is, so a night of fun always felt nice to take the mind away from that.

Care to approach?


Re: Goose staygold_wario October 15 2011, 02:15:00 UTC
Oh hey, it was Goose. Wario knew Goose.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't bird-brain. How're you doing?" Wario had his stupid nickname for Goose, but in actuality, this was probably the nicest he'd been to anyone.


Re: Goose badasscopters October 15 2011, 13:59:43 UTC
Goose didn't mind. Wario should see how people are at his flight club. Way rowdier than just calling people bird-brain and, oh, knocking their sandcastles down.

"Bird-brain, eh? Now I need to think of a name for the throat that could handle... I dunno, maybe a hundred dicks."

Ooh. Ooooooooh. He went there.

"Anyway, I'm doing just fine. How's about you?"


Re: Goose staygold_wario October 16 2011, 03:49:54 UTC
What. That was just. That was disgusting. Why would Goose say such a horrible thing like that.

"That's disgusting, you freak!" Wario made a very repulsed face and then took an unorthodox gulp of his Millionairess.

"Bleh. Well. I'm fine. Happy to get a free drink!" He didn't mention that Nabooru was not fond of him, though.


Re: Goose badasscopters October 16 2011, 15:05:14 UTC
Because he's Goose. That's all anyone needs to know.

"Then I guess," he began, a finger trailing down the neck of his glass. "I must be the nastiest person alive."

... The implications of that are pretty obvious, although he reeled for quality, not quantity. Surge's dick is all he needs. And this is really more than what anyone needed to know about his sex life.


Re: Goose staygold_wario October 17 2011, 03:14:53 UTC
To make Wario disgusted by something was truly a feat. Congratulations, Goose. Though Wario wouldn't hold it against him. It was almost kind of funny.

Wario didn't exactly get the entendre behind Goose's next comment, so he merely said, "Yeah, you sure are if you go around saying stuff like that! Geez! Ha ha ha!" He was a little tipsy, so things were funnier to him now.

At least Wario was more polite than certain face-scarf-wearing individuals. That's really saying something.


Re: Goose badasscopters October 17 2011, 14:24:47 UTC
Goose couldn't help but snort. Yep, Wario totally missed the point. Entirely. That just meant one thing: it was time to make it more blatant.

"Yep. I bet I could even suck more dicks at one time than yoooooou~."

... yeah, he's a little tipsy already.


Re: Goose staygold_wario October 18 2011, 02:48:45 UTC
"I've never sucked any dicks, thank you very much!"

Wario said this with a raised voice, and probably other people in the bar heard and turned heads. Good job, Wario. The whole world now knows he's never sucked any dicks.

Okay now this conversation was weird. Why was Goose talking about dick-sucking? Wario didn't particularly care if anyone he knew was gay - everyone was a loser just the same, regardless of orientation. However, Wario was not gay. At all. And the thought of having male genitalia in his mouth was really disgusting.

Wario normally would not have rolled with this conversation, but he was on his third drink or so by now - a very potent drink.


Re: Goose badasscopters October 18 2011, 17:49:21 UTC
Oh. Oh shit. Goose didn't want anyone in the bar to think he was trying to get into bed-sheet cahoots with this guy. Now people were probably thinking that. That, and they were staring.

Time to turn this around to make himself look better and to make Wario look horrible. Joy!

"Well, tell me that when I ain't watching you on my cameras, sucking a reaaaaaally real-looking dildo."

Was this true? Not at all. Was Goose pretending it was? Absolutely. Why? He's a dick himself. Yes.


Re: Goose staygold_wario October 19 2011, 01:22:18 UTC
"What?!" Wario cried, nearly spitting out his drink. "I've never done anything like that! That's so disgusting!"

Maybe he was eating a hotdog suggestively, though, and Goose mistook that for a dildo. Maybe. That's still gross.

Wario was the king of disgusting, but even he had standards.

He regained his composure and chugged the rest of his drink. "HEY! ANOTHER MILLIONAIRESS OVER HERE!" he shouted to the bartender, banging on the wooden surface of the table.


Re: Goose badasscopters October 19 2011, 01:27:53 UTC
Nope, Goose plain didn't see anything. He just likes to be a giant hot dog, if you know what I mean.

On a serious note...

"Sheesh," commented Goose, leaning over and trying not to inhale while doing so. He didn't need that scent amongst the aroma of glorious liquor. "You're gonna need more than that if you wanna score a man tonight."

He really wasn't going to stop.


Re: Goose staygold_wario October 19 2011, 01:41:32 UTC
"I'm not trying to score a man, thank you very much!"

However, he realized that his drinks probably weren't potent enough indeed. If he was going to put up with all this talk of gross male genitals, he might as well be drunk.

"But fine, I'll get something stronger. What do you recommend?"


Re: Goose badasscopters October 19 2011, 15:30:58 UTC
"Anything with scotch is a good way to start," suggested Goose with a gesture to a shelf full of different brands. "How about..."

Then the pilot paused, noticing something far better than just a simple scotch drink. Oh. This could be good.

"... or instead, how about that?" He gestured to a bottle of the absinthe on the shelf.


Re: Goose staygold_wario October 20 2011, 03:58:32 UTC
Wario eyed the absinthe and looked slightly cautious. That... was not a drink he was familiar with. However, not wanting to look completely weak in front of Goose, he said, "Fine! Give me that, then!"

Wario was going to get very drunk, oh yes. Probably puke-sick drunk. Hopefully he wouldn't need his gargantuan stomach pumped.


Re: Goose badasscopters October 20 2011, 14:58:27 UTC

"I'll pay for this one," offered Goose, handing the money to the barkeep. It would be worth every penny. This stuff wasn't exactly cheap for the alcoholic potency, as one bottle of this stuff could really last a while. He requested for the bartender to pour an entire mug of it, as if trying to make it seem less intimidating.

He was pulling all the stops here, wasn't he? All at poor Wario's expense. Sheesh. Here's hoping Wario didn't catch the puzzled look the man behind the counter gave them. That look that said that they were insane for wanting one of his largest mugs filled with pure, pristine absinthe on the rocks.


Re: Goose staygold_wario October 21 2011, 03:38:30 UTC
Well. Let's hope that Wario's heart doesn't stop or he doesn't fall into a coma from all this absinthe. If he does, or if he sustains critical injury, you'll bet your ass that Goose and the bartender are going to be sued out the wazoo. And of course Wario would milk it for all it was worth to get the most money.

Wario gripped the mug, and although something in the pit of his core told him that maybe he should be careful, he didn't want to look like a wimp. Especially not in front of Goose, who destroyed his pride by building a better sandcastle.

So, he chugged the liquid, and then stopped, immediately realizing how damned potent this drink was due to its taste.

"What the hell did you give me, bird-brain?"


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