Who: Cyrus and YOU
What: Ethics class wait didn't we just have one
Where: Normal place
When: Normal time (Monday 1 pm)
Warnings: This week is introductions. There will probably be some stuff going down.
Introduce yourself! I could find no appropiate quote! )
After standing fully from where he had leaned against his desk, he concluded "When you speak of your ethical stances, remember to support those ideas to the best of your ability. And feel free to challenge each other to enforce those supports."
Well I didn't hear you loud enough, so can you tell me again? Pretty please with sugar on top?
"Because he's an assho--uhh... a jerk who likes to mess with people for no reason. He also likes to stab innocent animals for no reason and threaten people for no reason. You'd be better off ignoring his stupid ass so folks who WANT to learn something CAN."
Again with the blame game. You really love pointing fingers at the innocent, don't you Knuckles? Well here's a word of advice: be careful who you point your finger to, cause you might have it cut off.
[His lips curled into a devious smirk as he turned his attention away from Cyrus, his eyes now focusing solely on the Echidna as if watching his every move. Because he wants to see you rage. He wants you to lose control. And if what he says next doesn't rile you up, then nothing else will]
...Woof woof, hahahahaha!!
See. Look. He's making jokes, he can't be THAT angry, right?
Spoilers: He is.
[His smirk grew even wider as he shares the idea in front of the whole class]
...I know! Maybe I should ask his girlfriend. Maybe she can tell me how to put him in his place.
[Marx will admit that he doesn't know Goombella, what she looks like in her original and human form, or what room she's in. But that doesn't mean he can't use what his clone had done to her to his advantage. As long as he's pissing Knuckles off, that's all what really matters]
I warned you once, Bub. You stay away from her, or they'll be scraping you up outta the carpet for months. And I think warning you and giving you that chance is pretty damn generous.
Boo hoo hoo... boo hoo hoo... boo hoo hoohohohahahahaHAHAHAHAHA!
Suddenly there was a Weavile swinging in with Ice Punch--where had it been hiding? Under the desk perhaps? Or had Cyrus just gotten out its pokéball when the two were distracted?
Either way it was about ready to hit Marx.
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