So now that you're itty bitty...

Aug 01, 2011 03:29

Who: Bitty Bulba and Bitty Vinnie
What: All of the things.
When: ... Some... time 8T
Where: Over there.
Rating: Diabeetus.

It hadn't taken too long for Bulba to readjust to being a Bulbasaur again. It was a little odd that the now familiar weight of his flower was gone. He was small again, but that was okay. This was familiar territory. At one point he might have been more upset about the whole thing, but Bulba was far too drunk on life to even consider complaining.

Bigger than getting used to himself was getting used to Vinnie. He'd only ever known him as an Ivysaur and a Venusaur. Seeing him as a fresh-faced Bulbasaur was totally crazy. He was so tiny! The whole thing was stirring up a few instincts that Bulba didn't have a whole ton of experience with. He was suddenly the bigger saur here, and every bit of him was telling him to watch over the new little guy.

It was a little weird since it was still Vinnie, but Bulba welcomed the feeling. He liked getting to be the big brother sometimes.

Current activities involved chasing the bittier saur across the lengths of the beach at top speeds. He was reaching out... just a little more... YEAH HE TOUCHED HIS SHOULDER.


*event - island vacation, vinnie/venusaur (pokemon), bulba/ivysaur (pokemon)

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