Who: Peach and YOU
What: Peach is in a severe baking mood. Does that intrigue you?
Where: Student Kitchen
When: July 8-10, from Afternoon to Evening
Warnings: Diabetes...no really. Diabetes.
It was summer. The heat was unbearable unless if you had a body of water to go to of any form. While Peach did enjoy those things...there was something else that she wanted to do.
Bake. She had no idea why. But she was compelled to do a huge baking frenzy. It was fun to her and with summer comes the in season for
all kinds of
summer cakes.
Should the heavenly smell of baking drive you into the kitchen, maybe you'd like some of the goods? Or maybe you want to chat it up? I mean seriously, who do you think she's baking all this for? Herself? Heck no.