AU - May we die in the forest

Mar 08, 2011 01:23

Who: A wild Ivysaur and everyone who crosses his path
What: Your nature walk just got more interesting
Where: FDC woods
When: He'll be here all week until he's murdered
Warnings: Fighting, swearing, violence towards flora, Death

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morty (pokemon), little mac (punch out), vinnie/venusaur (pokemon), mallow (mario), lyra (pokemon), max (advance wars), green (pokemon), lash (advance wars), waddle dee (kirby), blacky/misdreavus (pokemon), skull kid (zelda), samus aran (metroid), *event - au

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YOU'RE NOT SORRY punchtheleaves March 17 2011, 10:39:39 UTC

The leaves sliced through skin, but so long as Ivysaur was engulfed in his draining glow, the cuts healed only moments after they were made. Mere flesh wounds right now were a tug of war between how quickly his tormentor could slice him and how much vitality could be stolen in return.

But the tearing pressure being put on his vulnerable flowerbud wasn't so easily repaired. Dark fluid oozed through humanoid fingers, sticky sweet as a sharp pain arched through his symbiote spine. Giga Drain had its limits, and he was already pushing them by holding out his attack so long.

No, the Ivysaur was going to keep siphoning as long as he could, even if it meant burning out his nervous system just to spite the bastard. The desperate adrenaline was making him reckless, but fuck it. If he was going to die, he'd at least make this traitor remember his hate.

Of course it couldn't last, not enough to finish him. The Ivysaur's limbs were going numb. A murkiness was invading his mind, and slowly the glow began to fade.


I AM TO AN EXTENT 8C rocketstarter March 18 2011, 07:06:16 UTC
That had been a surprise. Had things proved to have been more troublesome for Frankie, he might have actually felt a bit of concern for his own well being. He let out a shuddering breath as the glow of the Ivysaur's body dulled, the subsequent breathing that followed coming in short pants. The feeling of his life slowly filtering into another against his will was unlike any other. It was alarmingly disorienting. Even once the last draining tendrils faded from him, Frankie fought to regain the amount of control he had before. His vines had slipped away from the battered captive, momentarily useless.

The Ivysaur was hardly free though. The vice grip the human Pokemon's fingers had in his flower remained. He might have felt humiliatingly weak at the moment, but Frankie was still very much alright. The feeling would pass and clarity would take it's place.

He had to admire the Ivysaur's tenacity. For the few sweet breathes of relief he might have been able to breathe right then, all he had managed to do was invite his death that much quicker. Frankie gave a small hiss of annoyance at that, throwing the grass type to the ground finally. He supposed he would just have to make it more obvious about just how this Pokemon met its unfortunate end.

He took a moment to inspect his soiled glove, keeping a foot on the creature's side lest he get the idea that he could crawl away. Frankie brushed his fingers together, observing the behavior of the crushed bud's sap. Dark and sticky, it trailed between his finger tips in loose strands. Staring down at the Ivysaur, he swiped his tongue across one digit. Sweet as it smelled, but alarmingly sour to the point that it was bitter. No doubt it was something that should have been killing him if he were anyone else.

Curiosity satisfied, Frankie reached down and began smoothly plucking the pretty pink petals from their bud.


this jerk took forever to die okay punchtheflowers April 12 2011, 23:51:51 UTC

The Ivysaur hit the ground with a pained yelp, but even with his crushed bud out of his tormentor's hands, there was simply no strength left in him to run. His limbs had gone completely numb, and no matter how hard he tried or how loud he wished, they simply couldn't hear him anymore. Somewhere in his spine, where his floral symbiote connected to his nerves, he had just been broken.

The pressure of the other Ivysaur's foot on his side wasn't even necessary to prevent escape - but if it was suffering he wanted, the dying Pokemon couldn't help but comply with harsh, desperate gasps for breath in between the crushing pain. He had nothing left: no one to care, nowhere to run, no means of self-defense, no dignity in dying. Even his hate began to wither under the crippling reality of helplessness.

Involuntary tears welled up in his eyes as his thoughts pleaded, kill me, kill me already, fighting against the animal inside that hopelessly clung to its survival instinct.

I don't want to die.

Just kill me.

It can't end like this.

Fuck you.

Please, please, please...

But the haze of despair was shattered by a new wave of pain - sharp, stabbing straight into the heart of him like a blade of light. The Ivysaur choked in mid-thought, his entire body seizing up as a vital chunk of his life was forcibly ripped from him. Then again. And again. Flaying him down to the core in an agony he couldn't possibly describe.

Only moments earlier he would've thought himself physically past the point of screams, but this very quickly proved him wrong. It felt like his soul was crying. And every time he blacked out, another torn petal shoved him back into this existence of unrelenting pain.

The Ivysaur couldn't feel the tears streaming down his face, or the breaking point where his throat had shred itself too raw for noise. The air was stained, just as the ground had been, with a smell so sweet that it teetered on the brink of nauseating. By the time Frankie's work was done, the Ivysaur was an empty husk of a creature that could only wait to die.

Delirium and consciousness faded in and out, neither one allowing relief.

And it'd be a full 24 hours before anyone would even think to look for him.

Don't leave me like this. I don't want to die. Just kill me...


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