BioMech - Bioweaponry [EMP]

Feb 02, 2011 21:49

Who: Biomech Samus and YOU
What: Right what it says on the tin - BioMechanical Engineering class
When: Thursday, February 3rd
Where: Room 214

[Samus has TOTALLY BEEN TEACHING THIS CLASS ALL THIS TIME IN SPIRIT. She has also probably been noticeably grumpy... grumpier... than usual. Particularly since Jeff offered her a teacher assistant proposal and then DECIDED TO LEAVE RIGHT AFTER THAT. What a lying jerk. And GHOR IS GONE TOO. Samus believes she is not allowed to have nice things. Grumpy butts everywhere.]

Now that we've had a couple of weeks to settle into class schedules again and we've gotten off-screened introductions out of the way, I hope you're prepared for this week's lecture.

Bioweaponry. [She starts to write on the blackboard.] This will be the subject of study for this semester and we'll be starting off with Electromagnetic pulses, otherwise known as EMPs. An EMP is a burst of electromagnetic radiation that results from an explosion and or a suddenly fluctuating magnetic field. These are typically caused by nuclear weapons, but can be generated by a capacitor bank or an explosively pumped flux compression generator.

In the case of a nuclear weapon going off, an EMP starts with a short, intense burst of gamma rays produced from detonation.

[Samus begins to draw diagrams on the board.]

The gamma rays interact with the atoms in air molecules, knocking them out of place, and the electrons are scattered at high energies. This is a process known as the Compton effect. This ionizes the atmosphere and generates a powerful electrical field. The strength of the EMP depends highly on the altitude at which it is released, and is actually more effective at higher altitudes, where the pulse can be distributed evenly.

This electromagnetic field can cause havoc on nearly any electronic system. It is a short burst, but very damaging to anything that can conduct a current; like wires, antennas, and other metal objects. Voltage spikes from the EMP will consequently fry out computers, circuits, phones, lights, water heaters, even satellites. Even if you turn off the device there's no guarantee it will not be overloaded. It's possible to protect yourself against an EMP by using advanced space technology magical pokemon tears angst shields redirecting the current, but that's usually incredibly difficult to do on such short notice. A Faraday cage might suffice, but it's clumsy and primitive no guarantee.

As you should know from some of my other classes, the body's nervous system does use weak electrical impulses, but these are chemical based and don't operate in the same sense as a computer does. This would probably different for electric-type Pokemon but I digress... and that's getting off subject. Therefore an EMP blast is not lethal to living organisms. We are in fact, surrounded by electromagnetic radiation all the time in small doses. For example, every time you hold your cellphone up to your ears you are bombarding your skull with it. However, if you were to foolishly subject yourself to an extremely high field EMP--near the point of denotation, for example--your muscles would seize and your body would be overwhelmed with electrical shock. Or if you are Volgin have a pace maker you would of course die instantly.

How else can an EMP be used as a bioweapon? [Samus is getting tired of yapping so she's parking her rear on the edge of her desk, crossing her leg and taking a sip of coffee from her mug. Her NON-FABERGE EGG MUG, THANK YOU VERY MUCH BOWSER.]

You're going to tell me as your written assignment today. Write out as many answers to this question and turn it in before you leave. Think about it carefully--weapons do not need to cause direct damage to be destructive, and I already gave you some hints as to how. If you do not turn in a paper you will fail for today. If you do not answer the question correctly, you will fail. I will award only so many brownie points for creativity. If your writing is illegible that will also earn you an F.

Also, you will be timed, so I hope you took notes. [Siiiiip.]

If you don't have any questions you have twenty minutes. Make them count.


# biomech, !rp log, !open log, samus aran (metroid), !class log

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