Hospitals and Visits, Oh My!

Dec 17, 2010 00:54

Who: Sick animals and you
What: Hospital visits!
Where: FDC's Pokecenter
When: Anywhere between the 13th to the 21st!
Warnings: Guys being guys. Mons being mons.

For the next few days, everything was a blur for the both of them. Sasha felt sick to her stomach from everything, being unusually quiet apart from the small talks to the people online. But she ( Read more... )

kerosene/charizard (pokemon), red (pokemon), knuckles (sonic the hedgehog), euphrosyne/espeon (pokemon), slippy toad (starfox), marie/squirtle (pokemon), ulki (fire emblem), gideon/dusknoir (pokemon), nyx/gengar (pokemon), sonny moe/snorlax (pokemon), !open log, spinny/spinarak (pokemon), misty (pokemon), sasha/charizard (pokemon), bulba/ivysaur (pokemon), vinnie/venusaur (pokemon), nephenee (fire emblem), lyra (pokemon), milimili/banette (pokemon), green (pokemon), max (advance wars), general guy (mario), erika (pokemon)

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ALSO, A CHAR. (Anytime after the 15th) blazinglizard December 17 2010, 06:20:25 UTC
Not too long after Sasha and Vinnie checked in, the room across the hall from them had a new occupant. One (1) Chayzard of the not-shiny variety. Unlike Sasha and Vinnie, however, he most definitely wasn't stewing in guilt over what happened: getting into fights, after all, had been in his nature since day one, and he hadn't actually even hurt Raikov that time around.

He really hadn't bothered thinking about it much, anyway. Frankly, he didn't have the energy to get all pissed off. As much as Char hated Pokemon Centers, the idea of trying to force his way out just seemed too tiring to bother with just yet. Nothing left to do, then, but wait for that flame to get back up to its usual brightness.


first thing in the morning, thursday 16th redisaloser December 17 2010, 06:28:03 UTC
Green wanted to make sure the first thing Char saw when he woke up was his face.

There were a lot of things that he wanted to say to the Pokemon, but he wasn't entirely sure how he would formulate any of it.

As it was, it was all he could do to keep himself from stabbing Raikov in the face. He sat, exhausted and waiting, next to the bed.


Re: first thing in the morning, thursday 16th blazinglizard December 17 2010, 06:51:42 UTC
Consciousness came slowly, starting first with the uncomfortable ache spreading from his tail to his spine. Char lay quite still, eyes closed, some fuzzy little corner of his brain hoping he could just go back to sleep, remain oblivious to his soreness.

No such luck. Slowly, awareness that he was in pain gave way to awareness as to why he was in pain. The meeting with Raikov, the hasty flight, the sound of gunfire. He didn't know much about the afterlife, but he was quite sure that he wouldn't be so exhausted and aching if he were now part of it. He opened his eyes, head lifting slightly off the pillow ( ... )


Re: first thing in the morning, thursday 16th redisaloser December 18 2010, 07:57:28 UTC
Green hadn't fully expected it, but the somehow to even see Char look up at him like that was... well. He released a breath he was unaware he was holding, and put one hand on the hospital bed near Char's head, steadying himself. He was even laughing a bit.

"... You big lummox."

He bought his other hand up to his hair, running his fingers through it. A nervous habit.

"You really scared the shit out of me."


Re: first thing in the morning, thursday 16th blazinglizard December 18 2010, 08:30:18 UTC
All the breath seemed to leave Char in a rush, his head lowering back down to the bed. It wasn't just that he was tired; it was apology. He nosed at the hand bracing Green against the bed, pressed the side of his face against Green's arm in something that bordered on nuzzling.

He hadn't thought it would come to that. Hadn't thought Raikov'd bring a gun to a fistfight. Hadn't thought he'd bring Green more stress with his stupid impulsive need to slug it out with every goddamn person, hadn't thought... hell, just hadn't thought. And he knew Green understood -- that a Charizard didn't think about human mind games, that a Charizard thought like a Charizard...

But all the same, he owed Green a lot of things right now, and an apology was one of them.


Re: first thing in the morning, thursday 16th redisaloser December 18 2010, 08:49:36 UTC

... )


oh look snap's tl;dring. what a surprise. blazinglizard December 18 2010, 09:43:31 UTC
Char made an amused little sound in the back of his throat. That was so like Green. Probably wanna impress chicks with his awesome gunshot scar. Wouldn't be quite so impressive if it was in the same general area as Char's wound, though; nothing all that cool about getting shot in the ass, right?

He could tell why Green was saying it, though, and it just made the gratitude burning in his chest even stronger. Just like that... "It's just the way it is." No disappointment, no shame, not a single hint of coldness ( ... )


tl;dr stands for TOTALLY LONG; DID READ redisaloser December 18 2010, 10:26:20 UTC

... )


tsundere loving; ...dang... rutabagas.... blazinglizard December 19 2010, 01:23:52 UTC
Char wanted to prolong the moment as much as possible. After spending so long with only bashful, brief, touches, it was like he was trying to provide enough affection to satiate them both for the rest of the year. He was reluctant to put any more distance between himself and the hands that had held him fast, the voice that had kept him from slipping away; even that open show of love didn't quite feel like enough to express just how grateful he was, just how happy he was to have Green there ( ... )


timid lifestyles; destructive rattails(?!) redisaloser December 19 2010, 02:55:08 UTC

... )


take liederhosen; dongs ready blazinglizard December 19 2010, 03:44:32 UTC
Char bowed his wing over Green protectively like a wicked sweet blanket fort awww yeah, craning his neck down to nose at Green's hair. It hadn't been Green's fault. None of it had been Green's fault. That his trainer understood that a Charizard lived to seek out strong opponents, that his trainer understood that a Charizard was going to challenge those who infringed on his territory... Char had always been thankful for that. Having a trainer who didn't try to deny his nature, one that allowed him the independence to pick his own battles, made Char one of the luckiest Pokemon out there, as far as he was concerned ( ... )


tits latkes; disco riders redisaloser December 19 2010, 03:56:25 UTC

... )


thread's left; done replying %D blazinglizard December 19 2010, 06:59:07 UTC
It was strange to think that the last time Green had slept next to him like this, it had been after they'd had a fight because Green hadn't been there. Now here he was, two years later, curled around Green because he'd been there right when Char had needed him most.

He laid his head back, and in spite of the steady ache in the tip of his tail, let out a contented sigh. It wasn't long before his eyes drooped shut too, and he joined his trainer in sleep.


friday afternoon, 17th toyboxarmy December 17 2010, 06:43:55 UTC
So, since the teachers seemed to be aware of their student's living arrangements, Genny had been trusted with the task... no, forced would probably be the word. He had been forced to bring his MIA room mate his assignments of the week. He chose to visit the hospital on Friday afternoon so no moment of his weekend would be wasted on this foolishness, and not at all because he was actually just a tiny bit concerned. There will be none of that.

He arrived in Char's doorway with an armful of books, expression stony.


blazinglizard December 17 2010, 06:57:26 UTC
Oh. Great.

Charizards weren't social creatures. There was absolutely no advantage to showing any signs of sickness; in the wild, there was nobody who would take care of them. From an evolutionary standpoint, doing your best to hide your symptoms was the smartest thing to do, especially while in the presence of potential predators or anyone that might threaten your position of King Of Your Turf.

Thus, it was obviously important he not act lethargic as hell. He'd been resting with his tail curled around his body, but once he noticed Genny's presence, his head snapped up, one wing bending to try to conceal his wounded tail and the diminished flame attached to it. Assuming Genny was only hear to get his gloat on, Char made no effort to transform, preferring instead to stare at him warily.


toyboxarmy December 18 2010, 07:53:43 UTC
Genny had spent enough time around his room mate to know that he absolutely hated to show any sign of weakness, and through Char's motions he could practically see a shield go up between them. His response was to simply roll his eyes, and walk deeper into the room. He kept his distance from the bed, considering he usually brought the worst out in the Pokemon, and even he knew it would do him no favors to get riled up right now.

"I brought you your assignments. Whether you actually do them is far out of my hands, but I'm sure I know the answer to that regardless."


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