Sparring: Zelda vs. Luigi [closed]

Jul 03, 2008 15:13

Characters: Luigi, Zelda, and anyone who's watching.
What: The sparring match between Zelda and Luigi, for Smash Fundamentals class.
Where: Stadium, in Battlefield form
When: Thursday, July 3rd
Rating: Light PG? (it's friendly fighting, and they aren't exactly the types to swear up a storm)

Zelda sat on one of the floating platforms, straightening ( Read more... )

!rp log, !completed log, zelda (zelda), luigi (mario), * event - sparring matches

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Comments 32

itsafootball July 3 2008, 22:48:19 UTC
Luigi approached the stage, feeling incredibly nervous. He wasn't worried that Zelda was going to be cruel, she being a senior like himself he had spent more than enough time with her to know she was very kind. However, she was also very strong and would fight to the full of her ability, and that alone frightened him somewhat. Any prospect of being injured or hurt generally gave him quaky knees. He also didn't want to make a fool of himself in front of the crowd.

However, he reasoned with himself, even if he lost, as long as he TRIED he wouldn't be made a fool, right?

He straightened himself up and adjusted his hat with a confident air, even if it was just bravado, and nodded at Zelda, with a friendly smile on his face. "Good luck!" he said with a sing-song tone to his voice.


zelly_bean July 3 2008, 22:53:08 UTC
Zelda smiled, getting up and wiping dirt off the back of her skirt. "The same for you, Luigi!" She backed up slightly so that she was standing in the middle of the platform. "So, are you ready?"

She wasn't sure if the countdown would be made automatically or not, but decided that there wouldn't be too much of a difference if the combatants did it instead, anyway.


itsafootball July 3 2008, 23:00:06 UTC
He nodded enthusiastically as he took to doing his usual en-garde stance, fireball hand forward and ready. "I'm-a ready!" he said with a bit more serious tone.

A voice rang over the speakers:
Three . . . Two . . . One . . . GO!

And with that, he swung his arm back and out, green flame shooting forth and heading for Zelda, and he somersaulted back, just to be a bit further back in case Zelda let loose with a closer range attack as well.


zelly_bean July 3 2008, 23:06:45 UTC
Zelda saw the fireball heading for her, and put up a blue shield around her, Nayru's Love reflecting it. However, by that time, Luigi had moved back and likely out of the way.

She decided two could play at this game of fireballs, and sent her own Din's Fire towards him, hoping to time the ending explosion correctly. Still, Zelda knew the distance would have to be closed eventually.


itsafootball July 4 2008, 00:08:18 UTC
The downfall of the Cyclone was it took him a couple seconds to recover, so he couldn't avoid the kick that Zelda delivered. It got him square in the gut and knocked him back a bit--he luckily had stamina enough to not be knocked too far despite his lack of practice after his sickness, but he didn't know how long it would hold strong.

He fell on his back, but immediately rocked back up onto his feet and did a move that was completely embarrassing but seemed effective: Run like a total spazz, fists flailing, eyes shut tight as he uttered tiny cries. Opponents generally seemed put off enough by a grown man with a moustache attacking like that that he was able to throw in a few good blows. (He also like the attack because it meant he could let out some of the fear he felt in a total cowardly way but still be effective, but no one really needed to know that.)


zelly_bean July 4 2008, 00:21:10 UTC
Zelda had been caught completely off guard, and Luigi's hits connected, sending her back a fair bit, onto her back. She craned her neck slightly, noticing how close to the edge she had gotten. She was a bit of a lightweight, and could get knocked around easily.

Rolling back onto her feet to get up close to Luigi again, she went for a quick attack, swinging her arm in front of her, at him. A trail of sparkles followed her hand, adding more power to the blow.


itsafootball July 4 2008, 00:40:41 UTC
Luigi had been preparing to launch his missile attack, intending to do it full charge, when he was hit with her magically empowered strike. He somehow managed to catch a painful blow on the ground by leaping into the air, and seeing Zelda wasn't currently under complete protection of a platform, tried to turn his blow back into an attack, holding his legs out for a drilling downward kick.


zelly_bean July 4 2008, 00:57:18 UTC
Zelda was hit hard, and was sent flying back, off the edge. She did a mid-air jump, realizing it wasn't enough. Taking a breath, she allowed green and yellow magic to spiral around her, and for a brief moment she disappeared.

She reappeared just above a platform, but momentum kept her going forward, so the ended up falling past it, to the solid ground below. The sheer concentration involved in using Farore's Wind prevented her from reacting much, during this, leaving her open to another attack.


itsafootball July 4 2008, 01:11:32 UTC
Luigi snapped his fingers, wishing he could have had more momentum behind his kick, but not much you can do in midair. It was always impressive to see Zelda do her teleportation type save, but he managed to pay attention enough to see that she had a moment's worth of opening in her defense, and he rushed forward to get close enough to do a jab. He let it build up a little strength in his arm, and just before she had time to truly react, released it, driving it into her side ( ... )


zelly_bean July 4 2008, 01:32:57 UTC
Zelda had fallen onto the ground, and got up. Instinctively, she crossed her arms in front of her, causing a red spherical shield to form around her. Luigi's punch hit it, and she was left relatively unharmed, but the force weakened the shield considerably and still sent her back several feet. A bit confused at the unexpected strength, she put down her shield; another hit like that would likely break it, and it needed to regenerate.

She used Din's Fire again. However, her aim was a bit more off than when she first used it, as she still had trouble making the path curve, and she had lost some of her focus from the attack. Judging from how far she went from the punch, it wouldn't take more than a few more strong hits to finish her.


itsafootball July 4 2008, 01:50:23 UTC
He somehow managed to dodge the Din's fire completely this time around, only on the sheer fact she hadn't aimed it entirely well. He felt that a good sign, and ran forward with more confidence, throwing a few more punches at her, knocking her back a ways in hopes that he would have the time to charge a Green Missile attack and hit her hard enough with his rocketing body to knock her off the stage. He crouched and waited to release the energy at just the right moment, and seeing her come to her senses faster than he expect, he launched. . . .


zelly_bean July 4 2008, 02:06:48 UTC
Zelda didn't have enough time to react, and was sent flying. She didn't have any time to try to slow herself down, and cried out as she passed the stage boundaries, the blast obscuring her as she disappeared.

Then came that familiar feeling, of momentary darkness and rejuvenation, before the sights of the stage came back to her. She stood on the restoration platform, and took a second to regain her wits. Zelda had one more life, and could still win if she hustled.

She came down, heading for Luigi, and ran for him as soon as she touched the ground. When she was close enough, she stopped, drawing her right arm back and concentrating a lot of magic into it. Zelda had to grab her upper arm with her free hand to keep control, and jabbed it out, expelling that magic in a powerful burst of sparks, hoping to hit her target.


itsafootball July 4 2008, 02:18:39 UTC
Like the dope he was, he was excited with the sheer fact he had even managed one KO, let alone the first one, that he was too busy cheering for himself to notice that the moment she appeared on the stage she was flying right for him with one amazing attack.

One moment he was smiling in joy and the next moment he felt amazing pain before he saw a flurry of lights as he flew too far away from the stage.

Dazed, he came to on a restoration platform of his own. He blinked away the remaining stars in his head, adjusted his cap once more, and thought sternly to himself not to screw up like that again. He desperately wanted to win: for his brother who he knew was watching him in the audience; to have a proud story to tell Peasley when he was done; and most of all, to show Dimentio he wasn't some wimp to take lightly.

He jumped off the platform, but away from where Zelda was warily waiting, standing on the other side of the stage for a moment to see if he could think of a plan quickly before he took any action.


zelly_bean July 4 2008, 02:30:56 UTC
Zelda also waited, knowing that whoever made the first move now could easily be blocked. Still, she decided that she could still have some of the surprise needed, even as she ran a few feet towards him. Suddenly, in a flash of green, she was gone.

Zelda reappeared near Luigi, hopefully catching him with the 'bang' of her teleportation. In her junior year, she had almost always used Farore's Wind as simple recovery. Now that she had grown more confident with it, she wanted to see how practical it was as a direct attack.


itsafootball July 4 2008, 02:43:18 UTC
He saw her dash forward and immediately crouched into a more defensive position, fire hand held out as always to let loose a handy firewall just in case.

Then, she disappeared.

He kept his hand still up defensively, but he had no idea where she was going to show up, and so he couldn't properly cover all angles at all. He glanced about in a panic, biting his bottom lip as he tried to concentrate and hopefully ~sense~ where she was coming before she showed up.

Yeah, that wasn't happening. She in fact appeared right opposite of where he had been looking.


zelly_bean July 4 2008, 02:54:05 UTC
Zelda clicked her tongue, realizing she had overshot and just barely missed hitting him with the resulting explosion that came with her appearing. This likely blew her cover, though, meaning she had to act fast. She inched a bit closer, crouched onto the ground, and kicked, hoping that the low attack would trip him up. Although, if it didn't trip, at this stage it probably wouldn't do as much damage as she'd hope.


itsafootball July 4 2008, 04:31:15 UTC
He managed to bring up his own shield on time to block most of her attack, the force did knock him back some and the shock made him accidentally drop the shield, taking the remainder of the attack to the face. He shook it off, dashing forward once more, throwing a fireball as he went mostly to be distracting than damaging, and super punching her up into the air high enough for him to do an upward jab, attempting to knock even higher her higher.


zelly_bean July 4 2008, 04:39:18 UTC
Zelda dodged in place to avoid the fireball, but was then super punched up. She tried doing an aerial dodge to avoid any extra hits, but was too late, and only turned slightly before hit again, knocked upwards.

She knew she was on the losing end, but she was going to go down fighting. Zelda did a kick down, hoping that she was above Luigi, as she had become slightly disoriented.


itsafootball July 4 2008, 04:52:22 UTC
He was taken by surprise again that her downward kick aim was true despite how hard and high he had hit her. He crashed violently to the ground, sliding back quickly as his stamina lowered.

Then, he found himself out in thin air. With a cry, he double jumped and some how miraculously found the edge of the stage under his fingers. He paused to breathe deeply and gather his wits. He thought he heard her approaching, and hoping hard that he had heard correctly, he kicked off the stage, flipping up back onto it, doing a kick, similar as she had done before, trying to trip her or even knock her back hard.


zelly_bean July 4 2008, 04:58:35 UTC
Zelda had come to get close enough so that he wouldn't see her charging a smash attack, but found herself on the receiving end of an attack instead, and fell back quite a distance. She sat up from where she was on the ground, momentarily dazed. This was likely to prove costly for her.


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