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crimsongambler December 3 2010, 00:13:06 UTC
Joshua hated the snow. Despised it. Where was the scorching heat of desert lands that he was so used to? As beautiful as the sight was, a picturesque first experience with the fluffy bits of snow - he refused to go outside into the chill.

Instead, he watched the snow fall by sitting on a windowsill, bundled up and still shuddering slightly. It was from a higher view, from the third floor of the teacher's dormitory in a public hallway.

[Feel free to throw a snowball at his window or stumble upon him. Or something. :)]


stumbleupon yeaaaaaah rulebywisdom December 3 2010, 00:49:31 UTC
Zelda, however, quite enjoyed the first snow of the season. Sure, she knew she'd be sick of it by the time January rolled around and the entire campus was covered in a blanket of once-white snow that slowly grayed and turned to slush, but there was always something magical about the first time it happened.

Though she certainly wanted to spend a bit of time outside, she knew the entire student body (and most of the faculty) would be out and about in the snow, so it seemed like an ideal time to do some uninterrupted holiday decorating. The task brought her up to the third floor of the teacher's dorms, where she carried a bundle of lights and garland up the stairs only to find she was not alone.

Zelda didn't recognize the new faculty member, but he seemed slightly uncomfortable. "You look cold."


yayyyyy \o/ crimsongambler December 3 2010, 01:14:42 UTC
The sound of someone walking up the stairs, along with the rustle of decorations registered in the back of Joshua's mind - but he made no action to acknowledge it. The cold numbed his senses just a tad, and his stuffy nose did nothing to help that.

Joshua's head turned from looking out the window to Zelda, an automatic crooked grin appearing on his face once he saw her - since she was a girl. Only because he tended to be nicer towards women, with a slightly twisted sense of chivalry in a way.

"It's a cold day," he answered back, straightening up from his slouch. But her observation was right, since even his newly bought winter wasn't enough for him. Eying the bundle in her arms, an idea popped into his head before he asked a question. "You need help with that?"


rulebywisdom December 3 2010, 03:01:00 UTC
"It is." She agreed, adjusting the pile of garland in her arms. "But I'm glad it's started to snow--it makes the cold a bit more bearable." Cold without snow was just...cold. At least now the campus would look nice in a wintery sort of way.

Joshua, however, just seemed cold. Zelda shrugged a bit and smiled. The garland rustled. "I've just been decorating the dorms for the holidays. If you'd like to help, I certainly wouldn't object. I'm Zelda...the RA for the girls."


crimsongambler December 3 2010, 03:22:50 UTC
"The snow is interesting," Joshua remarked, glancing back out the window at the falling flakes. He hadn't felt or experienced it, but it did make things look nice. A different kind of beauty, but one to be appreciated nevertheless.

"It's nice to meet you Zelda, I'm Joshua. New teacher," he paused after talking smoothly, a more puzzled expression overtaking his grin. "What's a RA?" It was a bit embarrasing to be clueless about so many things in the new world, but he figured that it would be better to ask now instead of misunderstand things. After he got up from the windowsill, Joshua walked over to gently take some of the ornaments - a bit wary, not wanting to break the strange objects.


rulebywisdom December 3 2010, 04:27:18 UTC
She was more than happy to answer questions, knowing that she'd certainly had a lot of them when she first arrived at Smash Academy.

But it was so exciting to meet new faculty! Instantly her smile grew wider and she shifted the bundle in her arms to extend a hand to him while he relieved her of some of the decorations. "A pleasure to meet you as well, Joshua. I'm, ah...it stands for Resident Assistant. I make sure the girls dorms run smoothly and they come to me with any problems they might have. What do you teach?"


crimsongambler December 3 2010, 21:39:05 UTC
"Interesting," Joshua commented simply and vaguely, before taking her hand with a light bow and placing a light kiss onto it. As strange as it seemed in this world, it was something that he was used to doing back in Jehanna. Or more like, was forced to at first for all of the pretty visiting princesses before he gradually took it on as a habit. Besides, Zelda had looks worthy of any royalty back in Magvel.

"Swordsmanship," he grinned, drawing back before releasing her hand. Joshua didn't want to scare her, or approach too quickly - he was more of a casual flirt than an actual playboy.


rulebywisdom December 5 2010, 04:56:16 UTC
Luckily for Joshua, Zelda was perfectly accustomed to such greetings, and even took it as something of a complement that her newfound acquaintance chose to introduce himself in this way. She smiled and allowed him to carry on.

It was very nice to hear that he was teaching a more traditional form of combat--what with all the explosives and guns and things that happened at the academy, it often seemed to Zelda that things like archery and swordsmanship were overlooked. "Wonderful." She said, her grin broadening. "I hope you don't mind if I join the class sometime."


crimsongambler December 5 2010, 05:18:33 UTC
Lucky indeed, it would have been unfortunate for one of his first meeting to end with a slap or scathing word. "I would love to see you there," Joshua chuckled, staying honest to his word. The other certainly seemed capable enough, and the more students the better! The compliment to swordsmanship, his life, also did help his mood considerably.

"So what are these for?" When he asked the question he gestured to the decorations in his hands, that he started to hang up also. While Jehanna did have holidays, nothing like Christmas existed there. And he had no association between this holiday and one from home, since the seasons usually notified him of what event was coming up.

But snow? Never happened there.


rulebywisdom December 8 2010, 01:41:19 UTC
"I must admit that archery is my strong point, but I've dabbled in swordsmanship." Dabbled in the sense that her private princess tutoring covered a good deal of things, the use of a sword being one of them. She could not deny, however, that her talents with such a tool were a bit lacking.

Zelda looked down at the decorations in her arms. "Ah, they're just to celebrate the winter season. This country also celebrates a holiday around this time of year--they call it Christmas."


crimsongambler December 9 2010, 02:13:44 UTC
"Archery, eh? Usually the graceful ones do know that, I find" Joshua grinned, indirectly complimenting her. But his statement was true, whenever he had met archers out there they were all usually quiet and graceful - though there were definitely some few exceptions.

"Christmas? What's it about?" Asking way too many questions, he continued to try and display them the right way, as a method to make up for it. Even if Zelda didn't mind, he still didn't want to be a bother.


rulebywisdom December 10 2010, 02:50:30 UTC
Zelda was very easily flattered, and this was no exception. It was difficult to stop the slight blush at his comment, so she turned away slightly and busied herself with a string of lights.

That was not to say, however, that Joshua had made her feel uncomfortable, as evidenced by the friendly tone with which she answered his questions. "Ah...from what I gather, it's a holiday centered around giving. Friends and family exchange presents. Many people also decorate a pine tree with lights and ornaments."

She never really understood the tree.


crimsongambler December 11 2010, 00:45:38 UTC
"Giving, hm?" Joshua mused, trying to grasp the concept. Not that he wasn't one that liked giving, but that a whole holiday was centered around it. Plus, after being out on his own for so long it had been a while since he thought about other people, nevertheless actually being selflessly giving towards them.

"Why a tree?" he asked the question out of confusion, not knowing that Zelda didn't really get it too.


rulebywisdom December 11 2010, 04:41:23 UTC
"You know, I'm not sure." It was one of the things that puzzled her most about the season. "The gifts are placed under it, but...I've never really made the connection between that and a decorated pine tree in the house."

Zelda busied her fingers with untangling a snag in the string of lights. "They do look nice, though."


omg this so late I'm so sorry ;; crimsongambler December 26 2010, 18:58:44 UTC
"Maybe it's some old tradition no one can explain." Joshua was familiar with those back in the old days, since he was the type to ask curious questions before eventually giving up and just celebrating.

"In a way," he mused, looking back up at it. The tree was a strange sight in the state that it was currently in, though it did have an odd charm already.


psshaw <3 rulebywisdom December 26 2010, 22:53:57 UTC
"It's certainly possible." She said, pondering it for a few moments. "I suppose I could always research the tradition in the library, if we decide we're especially curious."

Zelda flashed him a wry smile.


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