Nov 19, 2010 01:22

Who: Anyone who was sent a note with an E# & F# table numbers.
Where: Off-campus restaurant. AND BEYOND!
When: November 19th
Warnings: Who knows depending who is here.

[The third group's restaurant is a rotating fancy restaurant, the tallest in all of FDC! The place is high up in the air, and you can see all of the ( Read more... )

giratina (pokemon), maxwell labs (mother), apple kid (mother), knuckles (sonic the hedgehog), uxie (pokemon), meta knight (kirby), ulki (fire emblem), vianca/red and white pikmin (pikmin), fuel (mother), kojiro/lapras (pokemon), zelda (zelda), r.o.b. (gyromite), ganondorf dragmire (zelda), sonny moe/snorlax (pokemon), raiden (metal gear), raikou (pokemon), wendy o. koopa(mario), shinon (fire emblem), eusine (pokemon), daisy (mario), * event - blind dates, raikov (metal gear), milimili/banette (pokemon), alex/zapdos (pokemon), erika (pokemon)

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TABLE E4 : PERSON WITH THE LETTER S IN THEIR NAME GOES FIRST! reign_of_power November 19 2010, 06:29:10 UTC
Re: TABLE E4 : PERSON WITH THE LETTER S IN THEIR NAME GOES FIRST! punchtheflute November 19 2010, 15:15:46 UTC
Sonny Moe was probably one of the few who had put his name down willingly. He wanted to meet more people at the school being he was still pretty new. Amd besides? What if the girl they paired him with was really cute??

He was in his human form and looking over the menu trying not to drool. It all looked really really good and he wasn't sure what to order first, but suffice to say, even if the company wound up being terrible at least he was going to enjoy this from a gastronomic perspective.


Re: TABLE E4 : PERSON WITH THE LETTER S IN THEIR NAME GOES FIRST! trick_room November 19 2010, 23:29:03 UTC
Milimili was one of those other individuals that put their name on the roster willingly. Willingly, but not for the same reasons.

The dark-haired girl waltzed into the restaurant, tripping a woman on the way in. She pretended not to notice. Without even checking the table card, the Banette slid into the seat across from Sonny Moe, chewing on something. She picked up the card, stared at it for a while (chewing, chewing, chewing), and dropped it back on the table. With her mouth full of something, she gazed up at her date.



punchtheflute November 20 2010, 07:20:58 UTC
What was she chewing? He liked to chew things too! At least they had something in common.

"Hey. Nice to meet you! I'm Sonny Moe."

Well, she wasn't exactly what he'd been expecting. But he was here to meet new people and so he was going to do his best to make sure she had a good time.

"Menu looks great! What are you eating? I think it's all expenses paid so you didn't need to snack first."


trick_room November 20 2010, 07:39:42 UTC
Grabbing a menu hastily, she looked at it, clearing her throat with the loud noise one makes before hauking a lugi. Her cheek puffed out, before she exhaled through her nose.

"Dunno. This place is probably one of those places that serves everything really small on the center of a pretty little square plate," the Banette commented, eyes half-lidded. "Oh, right, I'm Milimili," she piped up, smiling. Spitting on her hand, she shoved it out, offering it across the table.


He's a human all evening but I only have two human icons right now. XD; punchtheflute November 20 2010, 20:19:05 UTC
....well. THAT was an interesting custom. He'd.. never... seen anyone spit in their hand before. Not on purpose, anyhow - sneezes don't count.

Well. When in rome.

He launched a big ole glob into his own hand before grabbing hers and pumping it enthusiasticly. And squishily. "Nice to meet you! It's alright if the portions are small. We don't have to pay for anything so we can order as many little plates as we'll need! Might be more fun that way cuz we get to try one of everything instead of just getting a few big things."


Alright, I understand! ♥ trick_room November 20 2010, 20:30:53 UTC
She was a little disappointed that he wasn't absolutely disturbed by her gesture, and she couldn't mask it, either. Her face drooped, the smile flipping and her eyes searching for any trace of disgust written on his face. No luck. She pouted, and completely ignored his statement.


Re: Alright, I understand! ♥ punchtheflute November 20 2010, 22:46:38 UTC
Sonny Moe was too busy devouring the menu with his eyes to notice. "Hmmm... I think I'll start with the duck. And asparagus. And prime rib. And the caesar salad - did you know the sauce has anchovies in it?"

He lowered the menu to see her frowning deeply. His own smile dissapeared.

"Oh.. do.. do you not like anchovies?"


Re: Alright, I understand! ♥ trick_room November 20 2010, 23:02:03 UTC
She tried to wipe the expression on her face, her trickster-side diminishing for the moment. "Nah, they're cool."

What could she do to bother him...? Somehow, he reminded him of a Swalot or something, but that didn't seem right. "Hey, are you a Pokémon or somethin'?"


punchtheflute November 21 2010, 00:17:10 UTC
"Yeah! Yeah, I am. I'm a Snorlax. Red's Snorlax. Me and my team just got here a little while ago so I thought this'd be a great way to meet people. How come? You a Pokemon too?"

Now he was interested. With her appearance, he could think of a couple of Pokemon she MIGHT be, but he didn't want to make any kind of guess. Then again, he'd found out that not every non-human student here was even a Pokemon at all! So, she might be something entirely different.


trick_room November 21 2010, 01:49:44 UTC
A Snorlax. That explained it: his appearance, his appetite... Milimili snapped her fingers. "Yeah, you seem like a Snorlax." Not only that, but he was one of that Red's Pokémon, the guy that dumb Charizard seemed to like so much. Glorified, up on this shining pedestal, but for what reason? Because they were loyal to him? Because they were forced to be kept in Poké Balls that belonged to him? A petty thing, the Banette considered; no free will, she told herself. A tinge of jealousy flooded her mind, filling in all the cracks between the hatred and superiority.

Oh, a question. Milimili's slight smile returned to her face, the elongated tooth sticking out from her lips. "Me? Yeah. Can you guess?" Her hands folded together under her chin, her elbows on the table.


WHO'S THAT POKEMON!? punchtheflute November 21 2010, 02:44:34 UTC
Pale skin. Dark hair. Funny teeth.

"'re... a G... Glalie...? Maybe?"


IT'S... NO trick_room November 22 2010, 16:13:32 UTC
She drummed her fingers on the table. "Nope. Guess again."

But that was funny. Her teeth weren't as white as a Glalie's.


Re: IT'S... NO punchtheflute November 23 2010, 02:15:30 UTC
"Hrrrm." The Snorlax pondered.

" a... uhhh.... OH! Are you an Absol?"

Well. It was black and white.


Re: IT'S... NO trick_room November 26 2010, 03:07:58 UTC
She frowned. "Ick, no. I'm a Banette," she stated, shutting her eyes and pointing toward herself. "Gee, you're not the brightest bulb in the box, are you?"

Speaking of bright, Milimili couldn't help but feel as though the lights in the restaurant were sort of... blinding. The lights shone like spotlights on each table and around the entire room, and they were slowly giving her human body a headache. Too bright in the room. Her eyes felt better shut like this.


Re: IT'S... NO punchtheflute November 27 2010, 03:53:31 UTC
"Oh! A Banette. Never seen one in real life before, just on TV. But it's cool to meet one - sorry for calling you a Glalie."

It was the far worse thing to be called, in his opinion.

He noticed her squinting her eyes closed and his smile fell a little. "Hmm... you OK?"


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