Who: Pit, Volgin, and YOU.
What: Pit vs. Volgin. Good vs. Evil. Angel vs. demon. Pretty classic, really.
Where: School's Stadium
When: November 11th
Warnings: Arrow to the butt.
It had been awhile since Volgin was allowed to legally tear something into wet shreds, not that legality was something to stop him from doing so when the situation called for it. Having since recovered from his fatigue after his return, complications had scheduled the match to today and the Communist had been more than ready for it. He bypassed testing one's patience and bee-lined for punctuality.
His combatant might have been one of his students, but the giant could care less; the heart of this school was fighting and he had full intention to fight his damn well hardest with all his pent up savagery.
Externally, Volgin had been standing in the Arena, eyes closed, rolling his shoulders and channeling his electricity with an almost uncharacteristic, practiced restraint.
Any time now.