SumaBuraCafe Chat Log 6/30/08 Part One of Two

Jul 02, 2008 22:34

Characters: Mr. G&W, Tails, Green, ROB, Bulbasaur, Charmeleon, Nyx, Geno, Dimentio, DDD, Rosalina, Sky Shaymin, Louie, Peasley, Chibi Robot, Luigi, Shaymin, Mimi
What: Lots of random cafe related things
Where: ... Café. X^D
When: Monday, 30 Jun 2008
Rating: PG-13 to be safe

G&W: *rings his bell* The cafe is now open!
Geno: ~waiting outside the cafe~
CR: *runs into the cafeteria straight out of his Chibi-House, wearing his chef's hat and using a nearby Chibi-Door to go to the kitchen quicker*
Louie: Good evening~
Peasley: I'll be on my best behavior this time, sir!
Mimi: *straightens her uniform.* This time the cakes are staying in one piece! <3
Rosalina: *walking up to the cafe and sees Geno.* Hi there~
Dimentio: *warps in* Ahaha...Now for... *warps in ROB*
ROB: *warped alonged with Dimentio* Ah.... *shakes head* It.. shall take me a while to get used to that...
Geno: ~smiles~ H-hello! The cafe just opened. Shall we? ~opens the door for her~
Nyx: *grumbles at the uniform, but tries to retain a smile* Well, here goes.
Rosalina: *smiles back* Of course. And thank you~
CR: *pops out of a Chibi-Door at the kitchen counter's level and rushes over to the stove, readjusting its hat* [ ! ]
Geno: You're welcome., this cafe is alot nicer than I expected...
Bulba: *sort of wanders in to the cafe in human form, looking around a bit* .. Hm.
Louie: *sees Chibi-Robo* Oh, there you are! Um, about that donut and coffee you left for me last Sunday...I'm sorry I forgot about them. It's just that I was, uh...too busy thinking on something.
Char: Oi, Bulba, wait up. *follows Bulbasaur inside*
Dimentio: Hah. *pats ROB on the back* You will. You'll have to get used to moving around that way, since your usual mode of transportation is as slow as a lonely turtle trying to make it's way up a slippery hill.
Bulba: *looks at Charmeleon* Ah, sorry, Char. *grin*
Rosalina: Yes, it doesn't seem as crazy as described. But I guess it's just begun, huh?
Peasley: Perhaps some guest needs a waiter~?
CR: *stares for a few moments, and then mimics rubbing the back of its head, making small motions with its arms, but unable to convey any message to Louie*
Char: Let's make sure we grab a table near the middle, alright? Green won't wanna be in some lameass corner or nothin'. *totally scanning for anybody that looks like they may have harassed Green last week*
Nyx: If anyone needs anything, just ask. *starts to wander around among the guests*
Bulba: Okay! I think we might be allowed to just seat ourselves... *wanders over to grab a middle table*
ROB: ... it is not that slow.. *lowers his head, a tad embarresed that he is still human* No matter.. shall we find a seat?
Char: *joins him, sitting down as carefully as possible thanks to the whole flaming tail thing*
Geno: ~leads Rosalina to a table near the wall~ This looks nice. ~pulls out her chair~
Sky: Sorry I'm late guys! I had trouble getting my suit on as a human so I just stayed as a Pokemon..hehehe
Bulba: *trying not to look too terribly excited*
Dimentio: Yes it is. Especially compared to my instant transporting methods. *drags ROB to a table*
Sky: *looks around for anyone who needs serving*
Peasley: Ah~! My new fellow waiter. Heheheh, these "grass" pokemon are quickly becoming my favorite.
ROB: AH! *dragged*
Char: Great... that little poodle-thing finally showed.
Louie: All right then, let's go to work~ *straightens his outfit*
Mimi: *absentmindedly wanders to Dimentio/ROB's table* Well hello there, can I get you anything to--
Mimi: *finally realizes who's sitting at the table*
Rosalina: Oh, thank you again, Geno. You're too sweet.
CR: *salutes and dusts off its tiny apron* [ ! ]
Bulba: Little poodle-thing? .. *looks and sees Sky* Oh!
ROB: ... *headtilts at Mimi* Yes?
Mimi: ...s...start? *twitch*
Sky: Oh hello! You look pretty cool, are you a grass type too??
Dimentio: *grins at her* Why...Hello there~
ROB: *to Dimentio* Do you two happen to know each other?
Peasley: Hahaha~ No I am no pokemon. *bows* Prince Peasley, hailing from the Bean Bean kingdom~
Nyx: *wandering, walks to Geno and Rosalina's table* Hello! Can I help either of ya with somethin'?
Sky: A prince?? Wow super cool! Are you like one of those hero princes that ride of a horse and save the day?
Geno: Ah, it's nothing. ~sits beside her, then looks at Nyx~ Ah...I'd like some tea and a blueberry scone please.
Peasley: Ahahaha~ *shine* You could say that! I do enjoy the... occassional heroics, heheheh.
Char: You know that runt yet, Bulba?
Dimentio: *at ROB, but still facing Mimi* Yes, we had both been members of a certain imbicile's crew.
Sky: Petals awesome! Ok I'm gonna go check the tables, k? *floats off*
Nyx: Of course.*turns to Rosalina* and for you?
Bulba: *@Char* Ah, yeah. We played around a bit the other day.
Rosalina: oh, ah, I'll just start off with tea thank you
Louie: I'll do some donuts first...
Char: ...Hmph. You've got bad taste in friends, then. Kid's freaking annoying.
CR: *nods to Louie and runs off to start gathering the materials for scones*
ROB: Oh.. *looks between the two a few times* Well... *to Mimi* If it is alright, I shall pass on any foods.. I cannot eat..
Nyx: Two teas and a blueberry scone. Sure thing! *heads off to the kitchens to get it for them*
Sky: Oh hey bulbasaur is over the- ...and Charmeleon... *goes in a different direction* oh weeds...
Mimi: *to Dimentio, yelling* Hey! Don't insult the count, you big meanie!
Bulba: *makes a face* He wasn't annoying with me. Maybe it's because you're a fire type.
ROB: *jerks back* Erm.. can.. can we not have any arguments?
Dimentio: *chuckles* The count insulted himself every time he opened his mouth to utter some other mispronounced excerpt from the Dark Prognosticus.
Geno: ~turns to Rosalina~ So... //I have no idea what I'm doing// how are things at the library?
Char: Haha, the little hero's racist, huh? And here I figured it was 'cause I'm a bad guy.
Rosalina: *perks up* Good! I'm hoping the headmaster will approve of that shipment of new books I asked for!
Bulba: ..... You know that's not what I meant. *pout*
ROB: *has no idea what the two are talking about, but he scoots back a bit to stay out of the argument*
Mimi: W-Well who cares about that dumb book anyway?! The Count went through a lot! Ugh, you totally ruined EVERYTHING, you big meanie!
Nyx: *comes back towards the tables with the two cups of tea, cream and sugar, sets them down on the table* Here ya go. The scone'll be ready in a bit.
Mimi: *throws her notepad across the table, ready to throw a full-blown tantrum*
Char: Maybe so, but I still don't like that runt. Pick your friends more carefully, Bulba.
Dimentio: *laughs harder* Oh, are you going to throw a fit like the CHILD you are?
Geno: I hope so too! I fear that the students don't spend enough time reading or else. A greater selection of books would encourage that. ~turns to Nyx~ Ah, thank you!
ROB: *eyes spark a tad from the notepad flyign across the table* .... *STEPS BACK*
Rosalina: thank you~ *stirs sugar into tea*
Sky: *goes over to dimentio's table* Hey guys, is there trouble over here? Need another waiter maybe?
Mimi: OOOH! Don't treat me like a BABY, you stupid...
Mimi: Stupid...!
Luigi: *walks in quietly* ....looks like I came in at a busy time.... *tries to find free seat*
Dimentio: ...
ROB: .... *steps backwards towards the kitchen*
Bulba: *at Char* Geez. *looks down at the menu* Still don't think he's bad. What'd he do to you?
Rosalina: (@Geno) Mm yes. It's a shame really. Ah, but what about you? How are your classes going? I haven;t been to one recently
Peasley: *sees this* Now now, Pigtails, we should uphold our jobs without insulting the guests!
Char: Little prick attacked me when my back was turned, that's what. He ain't as heroic as he fancies himself to be.
Dimentio: ... *snort* *snickering* Cl-Clownface? THAT'S the best you could do? I shouldn't be surprised, but STILL!
Mimi: *to peasley* Stay out of this, sparkles!
Dimentio: now now, don't be rude to him.
Geno: They've been...mostly uneventful. The class you attended had the greatest student participation...despite Bowser's interruption, heh.
Sky: I..I see these guys are busy..
Peasley: *gak* ... Ah-haha! If you insist *annoyed hairflip*
Bulba: *frowns, slightly distracted by the events at the other table* .. F-For no reason?
Mimi: UGH, you're such a--
Mimi: *looks around for Game and Watch, then picks up her notebook*
Sky: *sighs, and then flies over to bulbasaur's table* Might as well..
Mimi: *still angry* What can I get you tonight?!
Rosalina: oh... that's no good. We need to get students more interested in the stars! They're so wonderful and you're such a good teacher~ *sips tea, completely ignorant to her little rant*
Peasley: I shall see if more tables need waiting! *points into the air and stiffly walks off*
Sky: Hey Bulba...Charmeleon. You guys need some serving? *keeping as upbeat as possible*
ROB: *sneaks in the kitchen, just in case*
Char: Well, I sure as hell wasn't pickin' a fight with him. All I was doin' was talkin' to the chia pet, and... *notices Sky* Well, speak of the devil.
Dimentio: Ahaha...I'm afraid I won't be ordering anything. At least, not from you. I've got the distinct feeling you'll slip something distasteful into anything I order.
Louie: *making donuts, overhearding what's going outside* Another fight? I shouldn't be surprised...
Bulba: *glances between Char and Sky and smiles awkwardly* Yes, actually.
CR: *nods and shakes its head* [(/)]
Sky: Oh good! what do you two posey pokemon need, then?
Mimi: Huh?! Like I'd waste my time poisoning YOUR food! I'm not a big coward jerk like YOU are! *sticks tongue out.*
Luigi: *waves excitedly at wandering Peasley, trying to ignore fight*
Char: Us two what?
Bulba: It means good, Char.
Geno: ~blush~ Ah, you're too kind, really. But thank you. I feel the same way, but of course I'm a little biased, haha... ~puts some sugar in his tea and sips it slowly~
Sky: Two tulip dudes! It's a compliment, silly!
Dimentio: *spots Luigi, still speaking to Mimi* Say whatever you wish. Your childish insults don't bother me.
Sky: Petals pals! Rosey rad guys!
Char: ...I still think your slang's retarded.
Bulba: .... *sighs* ... *smiles at Sky* Um, could I get a scone?
Char: What guy would want to be compared to a flower?
ROB: *looks around the kitchen, spotting Cheebo* Oh... hello. Do you happen to know where Sir Game * Watch is...?
Peasley: Oh! Greeny is here today! *waltzes over*
Sky: Hrmph! Well do you need anything or not, mr grumpy?
Nyx: *sticks her head into the kitchen* 'bout how long on the scones? ..Sorry for being a bother~
Bulba: *quietly* I'm part flower, thanks.
Char: Hmph. I'll try one of those scone thingies too.
Luigi: *steadfastly ignores Dimentio and others* Hiya, Peasley! How's work tonight?
Mimi: FINE! I've got better stuff to do anyway! *Storms off toward the kitchen.*
Louie: I bet there's going to be another disaster involving cake as well. *sigh*
Sky: it. What about you, Bulba? *grin*
Peasley: As smoothly as always~! *ahem* *bows* Would you like to start with a drink?
Bulba: *blinks* Ah, a scone please~
Dimentio: You have fun now~!... *looks around*...ROB?
CR: *looks up at ROB and waves, then blinks its beady little eyes and points back out to the Café* [ ! ]
Luigi: *laughs awkwardly at bow* Uh, coffee should be fine I think...
ROB: ... he is.. outside? That is odd.. I did not see Sir Game & Watch out there..
Sky: Two scones! Sweet! I'll be back in a jiffy! *hits chest with fist, then flies off*
Peasley: Haha! Fabulous choice! Excpect no wait! *rushes off*
Dimentio: *huffs* Little gizmo ditched me like a used napkin... *looks back at Luigi*..Ah well. *warps over to Luigi*
Char: ...What a supreme dipshit.
CR: *tilts its head, hands spinning idly, and it stands there for a moment, thinking, when its head starts to spin for a short time* ... *shrugs* [(/)]
Luigi: *waves farewell like a doofus*
Luigi: GAH! Di-dimentio?!
Bulba: *gives Char a look*
Char: What's that look for? It's true!
Louie: *sees ROB* ...oh.
Bulba: Pfffft.
Dimentio: *immitating him* Di-dimentio!? *cackles* The one and only~
ROB: ... I do wish you could talk sometimes... huh.. I guess I shall look for him again.. *heads out the door, nearly running into Mimi*
Char: He tried to compare a fire Pokemon to a posey, Bulba.
Luigi: *frowns* You're-a not funny, Dimentio. I'd-a tell you to leave, but . . .
Nyx: *Comes back towards Geno and Rosalina, with geno's scone* Here ya go. Let me know if you need anything else, alright?
Bulba: But that was meant as a good thing! He was trying to be nice.
Dimentio: You and I both know you don't have the nerve to tell me to do anything. *grin*
Louie: *wondering about ROB* That was his human form...?
Char: Only because he's bein' paid to. I see nothin' good about bein' a posey, anyways.
Sky: *returns to char and bulbas table* Got your scones! Did I hear Posey? You guys talk about cool stuff! *sets plates on table*
CR: *turns to Louie and nods* [ ! ]
ROB: *notices Louie* ... Oh, hello, friend.. er, may I ask where Sir Game & Watch is?
Luigi: *sweats* I-I-a have the nerve! I just know you WOULDN'T 'coz you like being a NUISANCE!
Bulba: *was about to say something to Char but grins at Sky* Heh. Thanks!
Louie: Hm, I thought so. Looked familiar.
Sky: Heheh! No prob! If you need anything else just tell me, bud!
Char: *staying silent, and that's about as civil as he's going to be today*
ROB: *headtilt* Hm?
Bulba: Okay!
Better a nuisance with nerve than a spineless coward with a flimsy 'stache~
Peasley: *returns with a coffee* Oh! Luigi, you've brought a friend? Lovely!
Louie: *to ROB* Uh...I don't know?
Luigi: *shaking* He's-a not a friend!! *hurt* He called my moustache flimsy . . .
Sky: *gives a small wave then flies off* That wasn't so bad I guess!
Rosalina: we're both a little biased then? but it's just
Dimentio: Ah, you! Sorry if my polygonal old pal offended you earlier. She's incredibly hot headed.
Peasley: Ahahaha! So a jokester of an aquantance?
Peasley: Heheheh... I've met many hot heads in my time. Not a problem~
ROB: oh... well, if you do see him.. could you mention that it may not be a good idea to have Miss Mimi and Sir Dimentio in the same area together.. they seem to have some.. history? I think that is the word...
Char: ...Tch. Still think he's a dipshit.
Luigi: (@peasley) Not even an aquaitance!
Dimentio: Oh, Luigi. *playful shoulder slap* Don't deny our times together.
Bulba: *glances back over at Char* Thanks for not saying so in front of him though. That's progress.
CR: *tilts its head, looking confused, and spins its hands around, having already prepared enough scones to last a while on his end*
Geno: ~looks up at Rosalina~...hmm? It's just what?
Char: ...Hmph. Don't patronize me, Bulba.
Luigi: *flinches away from touch* There-a were no times, why do you keep saying that!
Louie: *to ROB* Why not? *smiles* Of course I'll mention it to him.
Peasley: *a bit confused* Oh, so you are old friends? How exciting. ...Luigi, you look ill, are you well?
Bulba: *sticks his tongue out at him a bit and kinda sorta picks up his scone*
Mimi: *finally exits the kitchen to look for customers*
Luigi: Unless you-a call blowing me up a time together!
Dimentio: Why yes. Yes I do.
Luigi: (@ Peasley) No, I'm-a not well . . .
Bulba: ... Do I just bite this like a pokeblock or.. *attempts nibbling*
ROB: *nods* Well... they mentioned something about working under the same leader.. and another thing about a book.. I was not paying much attention..
Rosalina: *laughs* No, I mean. It's just. It's justifiable for us to be biased. Ha ha, that must have sounded foolish.
Mimi: *Notices Luigi and co., but tries obviously hard to ignore them.* Hmph!
Char: What else would you do with it? *snorts, picking his up as well*
Luigi: (@ Dimentio) . . . . . You . . . . *loss of words*
ROB: ... *looks around, remembering where he was* Oh, I am sorry. I should not be here in the kitchen.. I should leave now..
Bulba: Well I never had one before! *nibblenibble* ... It's good!
Dimentio: *decidedly ignores Mimi* Me...? Go on.
Peasley: *not sure whats going on, so just stands and smiles*
Nyx: *goes back to wandering about the cafe, looking for anyone who might need help*
Char: Well, if you like it, then it can't be all that bad. *not nearly polite enough to nibble, just shoves half of it in his mouth XD*
Louie: *to ROB* See you later.
CR: *waves at ROB, still silently standing there*
ROB: *nods and heads out the door*
Luigi: You . . . are a . . . J-Just-a go away, please? *looks pleadingly at Peasley*
Dimentio: *snaps attention to Peasley* Ah, I don't believe we've properly introduced ourselves to each other! *clears throat, bows* My name is Dimentio~
CR: *turns its head to look at ROB as he leaves and heads back to preparing scones, running across the kitchen counter*
Geno: Of course not. ~smiles~ I suppose it's understandable...but I'm glad that we're both here to share our knowledge with these kids.... ~starry eyed like a doofus~
ROB: *notices the group Dimentio is with* ... Oh.. oh dear.. *mumbles* I do hope he is not causing any trouble.. *walks over to the group*
Peasley: *looks between luigi and dimentio* Ah... *opts for the formal route and bows* Prince Peasley!
Bulba: *laughs, taking slightly bigger bites once he's use to holding it*
Dimentio: Well met, Prince. *straightens up*
Char: Mmph... so did Green mention any of the guys who were givin' him a hard time last week? He wasn't too specific with me, so I ain't got any clue who I'm gonna be gettin' even with.
ROB: *now next to Dimentio* Sorry for vanishing like that, friend.. i just wanted to make sure nothing bad would have happened..
Luigi: *more relieved someone else is here besides Dimentio* Hi-hiya ROB . . .
Dimentio: ROB! There you are! *pats him on the shoulder* I was wondering where you went.
ROB: *smiles and waves, hands still close to his chest* Hello.
Bulba: *thinks about it* Mm.... No, I don't remember him mentioning them to me at all. He just said he got roughed up a bit, but he almost didn't tell that either.
ROB: *patted* Forgive me for running off like that..
Peasley: You pair have been served already, no?
Char: Hmph. Those punks... if any of 'em are here today, I'm gonna make them pay. I can't believe they'd have the nerve to gang up on 'im like that!
Dimentio: think nothing of it. You know I'm prone to running off myself. *ahem* Oh, we aren't ordering anything at the moment. Thank you, though~
Rosalina: *smiles, nods, sips tea* I have to make sure to listen in on your classes more often. It's nice to hear you talk
ROB: Sadly, no... I am unable to consume anything as it is..
Peasley: Very well then! *hairflip* Say Luigi...
Luigi: *brightens* Si, Peasley?
Peasley: Heheheh... you MUST tell me of your adventures with this high contrast fellow!
Bulba: *nods, frowning* Yeah. That's horrible. I wonder what happened. :I
Louie: *goes back to making donuts* *wondering in a very low voice about Olimar* Looks like sensei's so busy that he forgot to tell me Saturday if he wanted to go with me outside the school...I wonder if I can do something.
ROB: *perks up a tad* I would not mind hearing some stories as well..
Geno: ~blushes again~ I would like that very much. But enough about are you adjusting to your dorm here? I'm sure its less spacious than what you're used to...
Luigi: *facefaults* Gah . . . Peasley, don't-a you understand??. . . . Ah not you-a too ROB!!
Char: Beats me. Green wasn't talkin' too much about it. All I know is anybody who messes with our trainer's in for a world of hurt!
ROB: *headdroop, his antenna also drooping a bit* oh.. sorry..
CR: *fans itself with its chef hat and tilts its head at Louie, not hearing him, but he seems awfully distracted*
Luigi: A-ah! Scusa, ROB, I-a didn't mean to . . . to yell . . .
Dimentio: Ohh, I've told and retold my stories. My tongue grows sore from repeating the same things. *reclines in midair* Luigi, I'd love to hear your side of our misadventures and enthralling encounters.
Bulba: *nods* .... I wonder what's keeping Green. *nibblenibble*
Char: ...Y'don't think he's avoidin' the place, do you...? Considerin' how his last time went...
Peasley: Understand...? *hears Luigi* Oh I see! Haha, if it is lengthy I would feel bad to oblige you~
ROB: *perks up* Do not worry, friend.
Mimi: *overhearing the conversation.* Well, gosh, if you guys need stories about Dimentio here, I've got a ton! <3
Luigi: N-no! It's-a not lengthy. . . . *sweats* It's-a pretty short, how I recall it
Nyx: *spots Charmeleon and Bulbasaur, and grins* 'Oi, Flamebutt. Didn't think you'd want ta be doin' somethin' as 'girly' as the cafe, what gives?
ROB: *turns to Mimi* Oh, hello again.. sorry for any problems earlier..
Dimentio: *turns to Mimi* Oh my, are you actually being polite?
Bulba: *looks a tiny bit crestfallen* ..Maybe. That'd kind of make sense..
Rosalina: Well yes. But I don't have many things so it's still pretty roomy. The only problem I have is the lack of windows, but I wont complain. I'm adjusting well enough n_n
Peasley: *leans in* Do tell, do tell!
Mimi: *to ROB* Problems? Oh, of course not! <3
Char: ...Still... you'd think us bein' here'd be enough. *glances over at Nyx and rolls his eyes* Mind your own business, Casper.
Mimi: Well gee, Dimentio, I thought it'd just stink to make a big scene in the middle of the cafe. It's supposed to be super-fun here, don't you know! <3
Luigi: *stares at Peasley* I-a was a prisoner then he blew me up. The end.
ROB: Oh.. *smile* Very well then.
Louie: *notices CR* Ah...w-what's happening? You're running out...?
Peasley: Oh my! ... Who were you a prisoner to? Was it an excape attempt? *excited*
Dimentio: *to Luigi* Oh, you hacked out all the good bits, like a wasteful butcher of tales!
Nyx: Aw, no really! I'm just curious! If anything, I would'a thought your idea of hangin' out would be beatin' the poor kid's face in. Ya seem the type.
CR: [(/)] *shakes its head, just having been curious, and starts to work back on making some more scones*
Bulba: *blinks at Nyx*
Mimi: *To Luigi* Yeah! You're leaving out all your sweet, tender moments with your pal Dimentio here! <3
Sky: *comes back from the back* Aw looks like Bulba's table is being waited...guess I'll find another. *looks alert*
Luigi: *sweats* There-a were no other bits, Dimentio! That's-a how it was! And peasley, I-a was . .. well I was prisoner to his-a boss I guess, but Dimentio BLEW. ME. UP.
Peasley: Luigi! Am I hearing correct? You MUST go on!
Char: Do I? Huh. Where would you get an impression like that?
Geno: No windows? That's a shame. I wonder if there's a way to access the roof? I'll bet that would be a great place to get some air and watch the stars. I do feel a little homesick occasionally...
Char: This here's my teammate, Bulbasaur.
Luigi: (@Mimi) What-a tender moments?! Stop lying! *spazzing*
Bulba: *waves a little* Hullo.
Dimentio: Oh, don't forget about your times brainwashed into Mr. L!
Peasley: *looks at Dimentio* Is this true? Blowing up?
ROB: ... Mr..L?
Nyx: *cackles* Do you even need to ask? You've been here, what a week? And how many fights have you been in already?
Dimentio: Ahaha, well I do get a little reckless with my powers...
Char: ...Only three or four. I'm bein' good this week.
Luigi: Mr. L? I-a don't recall a Mr L. Maybe he-a showed up AFTER YOU-A BLEW ME UP.
Bulba: T-three or four??
Peasley: Oh my.. now I'm very lost. *Concentrates a bit*
ROB: *to Dimentio* Friend.. who is this "Mr L"?
Char: ...Uh. No. I meant... shit.
Rosalina: *blinks* I hadn't even thought of that! If there is a way to get up to the roof, then you should come to my dorm so we can watch the stars together~ it'd be lovely!
Char: Look, I ain't been in any trouble from teachers or nothin'. Just don't tell Green, got it?
Dimentio: No, no. I distinctly remember you donned in a silly little mask and black overalls, calling yourself "Mr.L aka Green Thunder". You were quite into the whole evil thing.
Nyx: i think yer definition of 'good' might be a little screwy, firebutt.
Bulba: I knew about the one! THREE OR FOUR?
Bulba: ....... :I
Luigi: *stands up suddenly and grabs Peasley's arm to pull him away before he can hear anything* COMEON PEASLEY
Char: You should see me misbehavin', Spooky.
Dimentio: *warps in front of Luigi, blocking his path* Hey, it's very rude to leave in the middle of a conversation!
Char: ...Bulba, don't you gimmie that look. Promise me Green won't hear nothing.
Peasley: Green thu- *grabbed by luigi* Heh?
Nyx: Tch. If it's nothin' more than a coupl'a brawls, then that's just borin'.
Louie: Oh, sorry about that...i-it's just that I worry much about certain things...
Peasley: I thought you were the green missle, Luigi, hahaha!
Bulba: *frowns at him but nods a little*
Char: You got any better ideas for some fun, then?
Geno: //ohgodohgodohgodohgod// Y-yes! Absolutely. That sounds like a fantastic idea. I'll borrow a telescope from the science department and we can keep it up there if you like. ~absolutely beaming~
Luigi: *shaking* Dimentio, let us go, please. (@ Peasley*) Yes, exactly, that's-a all I am
CR: *tilts its head at Louie while working, but nods and does some arm motions, not able to really explain what it means however* [ ! ]
Nyx: Honey, I'm a gastly. Troublemakin's what we're kown for.
Char: If you think Gastlys are good at troublemakin', you've never partied with a Charmeleon. Heh.
Dimentio: If it bothers you that much, we can omit the Mr. L parts for now, and go back to the brainwashing and explosions.
Dimentio:Your friend seems very interested in hearing about that, and I think it's awfully selfish of you to deny him such delicious information.
ROB: *confused, but staying quiet as it is*
Mimi: Hey, Dimentio, don't be such a big meanie! If you're not going to eat anything, you shouldn't have even come!
Nyx: Sounds like fun. We might have ta arrange somethin'.
Dimentio: *to Mimi* I came here to mingle, and I might get something later. *rolls his eyes a bit and goes back to eating his scone, still contemplating the "three or four"*
Peasley: Such negative emotions im getting! Luigi, this is nto a happy reunion. Cheer up won't you, haha!
Luigi: (@ Dimentio) I'm-a serious, Dimentio, leave me and Peasley alone, I'll-a . . . *holds up shaking fist*
Char: Heh... I guess so. You're in on that haunted dorm investigation crap, right?
Nyx: You bet I am.
Louie: *starts icing the donuts*
Dimentio: Oh, Luigi, won't you listen to your friend? This doesn't have to be so painful if you'd just calm down.
Char: I think maybe you and me could make that little adventure a bit more... thrillin'.
ROB: ... *to Dimentio* I am.. a bit wotrried about all the attention you are attracting, friend..
Sky: *notices rob* I..Is that a...IT IS! *flies over*
Peasley: *hands on hip* Ho-hum... my friends are most silly sometimes!
ROB: *turns and sees Sky flying right at him* AH!
Sky: *to rob* HEy Mr. Mr!! Are you a ROBOT??
Nyx: *grin* Well, you've got my attention, Flamebutt.
ROB: *pauses for a moment* ... yes. yes I am. Why do you ask?
Luigi: I'll-a be calm when you're gone, Dimentio! You're-a really pushing me!
Char: Five to one odds there really ain't anythin' spooky in that dorm room. I think it'd be a real let-down if everyone snuck out to see it and they didn't get some kinda scare, am I right?
Sky: Ahh petals AWESOME! A real Robot! You're even bigger than Chibi! How do they fit you in the TV?
Dimentio: And I just wanted to reaquaint myself with an old team member! But you just can't let bygones be bygones, can you? You know, I saved you a number of times.
Dimentio: But your memory seems so ATROPHIED, you can't recall it!
ROB: ... TV? *blinks, his headlight flickering* I am not following... *no longer paying attention to Dimentio's little group*
Nyx: We sneak in ahead'a time, set somethin' up to give 'em a good scare?
Char: It's like you read my mind.
Luigi: *ignores* My-a memory is perfect, it's-a yours that's bad. *tries to push past pulling Peasley behind him*
Sky: Well you ARE a super robot right? Do you fight crime and stuff? And have a super special attack??
Nyx: *sticks out her tongue* Well, it's not like it was a hard answer to predict.
Bulba: *totally not listening intently to their plans, oh no. nibblenibble*
Rosalina: *glowing* We can keep it up there? That would be so--yes yes, I'll check tonight so we can do it as soon as possible!
Dimentio: Don't push me, please. *flicks Luigi's nose* We don't want a brawl, do we?
ROB: well... I am not a super robot... I guess you have to see my normal form to realise what I really do.. *places his hand next to his cheek bashfully*
Char: Heh... true enough. *Char is not actually retarded enough to forget about Bulba, silly. He shoots Bulba a look* Oi... you're gonna keep quiet about this, right?
CR: *fans itself with its Chef's hat and looks over to the kitchen... it gets curious and decides to use a Chibi-Door to peek at the area of the commotion*
Sky: You mean you look even MORE like a robot regularly?? Wow tulips!
Peasley: Luigi what's the rush- A brawl? Now you know sparring isn't permitted here~
Tails: Wow lots of people here today! *walks in and climbs up onto a seat*
Luigi: *taken back momentarily by nose flick, but frowns and shoves Dimentio on the shoulder* Scusa!
Mimi: Hey, hey, hey, NO fighting! *panics*
Dimentio: *frowns, shoves him back* You can brush off memories, but you can't brush off the real deal!
ROB: .. Tulips? Are those not a kind of flower? *blinks, his eyes making camera clicking noises*
Bulba: .... I know its healthier for me if I don't.
Sky: *notices the shove* Uh oh! Looks like there's some trouble by us, Mr. robot!
Nyx: Well, that sounds like it should be fun... Talk to me 'bout that later. I gotta go pretend that I like people. Later!
Char: You always were sharp. ...Though, uh... if you let Green in on it, I won't mind too much.
Char: Heh. You have fun with that, Casper. See you.
ROB: *turns* .. Oh.. oh dear.. *slides next to ROB* Friend, please.. no fighting..
Geno: ~blushes~ soon as possible. ~smiles,, then looks at the table~ Oh hey, a scone. ~eats~
Tails: Everyday there's so many new people here...*waits for a waiter*
Nyx: *Still snickering, makes her way over to Tails* Can i help ya?
Bulba: *smirk* Okay then.
Dimentio: Oh, don't worry, ROB. He won't raise his fists to me. *glares and shoves harder* I-a said scusa!
Sky: You tell em Mr. Robot! No one will wanna fight with a super robot around I bet!
Peasley: *Attempts to put a hand on Luigi's shoulder* Luigi.. perhaps..
Rosalina: *laughs softly* I was wondering if you had noticed that...
Tails: Oh hello! I'd like a soda please, and a scone.
CR: *blinks its beady eyes at the commotion from its floor-level view, and goes back into the Chibi-Door to arrive at the kitchen counter once more* [ ! ]
Dimentio: *grinds teeth, grins* I don't think so! *shoves back again*
ROB: *to Sky* I.. told you, I am not really a super robot.. and please.. call me ROB..
Nyx: Sure thing! Be right back with that.
Luigi: *shakes off Peasley's hand* No, first-- *gets shoved* That's-a it! *throws a punch*
Sky: Oh ok ROB! *sees punch* Ah Gah! A fight! Oh no!
Geno: Hahaha, I must've been too caught up in the conversation. ~takes another bite~ These are quite good, you should try one.
Dimentio: *grabs his fist, a little taken aback* Oh HO! He has some fight in him, it seems!
ROB: *quickly grabs Dimentio by the shoulders, being he's taller than the jester* Please, friend! No fighting!
Peasley: Woah ho! Luigi, I'm impressed!
Tails: *ears lower* //More fighting again...? I guess I should expect this in a fighting school...//
Dimentio: I'd suggest you don't touch me, ROB!
Bulba: *notices the ruckus* Eep!
Luigi: *gapes, sweats some unsure what to do*
Sky: *stands tall* A-HEM. No fighting in here! *probably getting ignored*
Rosalina: that's quite all right. I'm sure they're delicious, but I'm not really hungry~
Peasley: Luigi you have to use your other hand now! like HAH! *motions*
ROB: Please, I do not want anyone to get hurt here! *tugs him back a bit* Just try and control yourself!
CR: *rubs the side of its head, eyes squinted, but hopes the ruckus outside the kitchen finishes soon* [(/)]
Luigi: *hears Peasley, frowns deeper and with free hand throws fire*
Char: *just grins, sits back, and watches*
Geno: Ah well, that's fine then. ~finally notices the commotion~ Oh...oh my.
Nyx: *comes back to Tails' table with the soda and Scone.* Here you go. Enjoy.
Sky: A type attack??
Mimi: *to Luigi* Hey, you big doofus! You're so not gonna win!
Dimentio: *ahem* ROB- *hit in the face with fire* AUGH MOTHER FU- *rubs his face*
Tails: Thank you! *tails wag*
Bulba: *is at least happy it's not Char doing it this time*
Nyx: Let me know if you need anything, all right? I'm just gonna try to help break up this fight...
ROB: *jerks back, letting go of Dimentio as his eyes release a large cloud of sparks in surprise* AH! 8falls back*
Peasley: Ahaha~ How will he return the attack? *too excited now to worry*
Rosalina: ?? *turns head to see* ah... is that Luigi fighting? D:
Luigi: Ah-ah! ROB?! *worries*
ROB: .. Oh.. oh dear.. oh dear..*stands up shakenly* Oh dear, oh dear..
Sky: Woa a robot special attack!
Nyx: *Makes her way over to the fight, glaring.* Oi, You two. Cut it out, or take it to the stadium.
Luigi: *forgets Dimentio briefly* ROB you-a okay??
Peasley: *rubs chin* Perhaps this is getting serious...
Dimentio: *dark eye shut tightly, light side of face charred, mad grin* You...You are willing to fight? Very well then! *snaps fingers and disappears, reappears a second later, accompanied by two other Dimentios*
ROB: *still shaken* yes.. but.. where is Sit Game & Watch..?
G&W: *juggling in the back*
Geno: [@Rosalina] Please excuse me. ~approaches the crowd~ Hey, break it up!
Sky: *becoming more of a child-like spectator now* Woa a doppleganger ninja move! Wow!
Peasley: Tut tut, multiplication! It seems I will have to even out the numbers~ *draws sword*
Luigi: *backs up a little, blocking Peasley* Y-yes, too serious . ..
Luigi: *spazz* Peasley!!
Bulba: *big eyes* A sword!
Mimi: Oh my gosh! Stop it! This is a cafe!!
Peasley: Hahaha! Confidence, Greeny!
Char: Haha, I like this place already!
CR: *fans itself while recharging, having made a pile of scones that nobody is going to pick up at this pace, still squinting its eyes*
Dimentio: *all three shoot energy blasts at Luigi, ignoring Peasley* *mentos1* I've no issue with you, Prince!
Tails: Wow that's a nice looking sword! *watches*
Rosalina: ah-- *starts* ...!
ROB: oh dear.. er.. *dashes off in some direction, looking for the monochrome man*
Peasley: No worried, Mimimi~ this is only- *sees blasts at Luigi*
Luigi: *dodges away* Wah-ah!
Geno: ~gets in between Luigi and Dimentio~....YO! CHILL OUT!
Luigi: *stands quickly back up, holding hand out at Dimentio in guard* St-stop it!!
Peasley: Now Dimentio, I value a fair fight is all~
Sky: *thrown back a bit by the blast* Ah weeds! This is getting serious! I better help!
Mimi: Oooh, you guys are so stupid!!
Dimentio: Ah, suit yourself then. But keep in mind any attacks directed at you aren't out of malice. Humm... *one DImentio vanishes* Even indeed.
ROB: *bursts into the kitchen again, this time SET on finding the owner* Sir?! ... Sir?! Hello?!
G&W: Beep? *a ball falls.* *CRUSH*
CR: *'s beady eyes open up and it jumps from its sitting position*
Luigi: *relaxes a little, but still wary*
Peasley: Heheh, I will take your word! Apologies Geno sir... it is upon my honor!
ROB: *hears a crushing noise* Sir Game & Watch?
Nyx: Dimentio. I don't want to have to try and do anything drastic while human. Stop. Now.
G&W: Mr. Game & Watch is fine, beep. What is the matter?
Char: Oi, Bulba... think this'll turn into one big chat-wide brawl? Heh. *Clearly would not mind if that happened.*
Dimentio: *both fire more energy shots at them*
ROB: Ah, sorry... but this is important.. there is a fight.. between two old friends.. and.. *having a hard time explaining*
Bulba: *@Char* I don't think cafe's are supposed to do that... Maybe though!
Peasley: *uses sword to try and deflect blasts, rushing in*
Luigi: Wha--wah! *dodges again and flings fire again* St-stop!!
G&W: ...beep. *walks to the floor* Who's fighting now?
Luigi: P-peasley?!
Sky: Woa! *shots getting dangerously close to him*
Shaymin: *pants* alright I actually made it
Peasley: Haha~ Fear not weege, I have your back!
Shaymin: Sky!
Char: *@Bulba* If that's the case, I've got your back. Ha... thought I guess I shouldn't be gettin' my hopes up.
Geno: ~groans and avoids the shots~ Take this fight OUTSIDE.
Luigi: Y-You're-a fight's with me, only, you CLOWN!
Dimentio: *one warps VERY close to Luigi* I don't think so! *PUNCH* *other focuses on Peasley*
Sky: *flies over to her* Sis what are YOU doing here?? I thought you wern't coming! *frantic now*
ROB: *standing behind G&W for safety.. even though he's a good two feet taller than him*
Nyx: *shakes her head, seeing that she is ignored* Fine, fine. If this gets much worse... How many people can I put to sleep at once..?
G&W: *Goes to Dimentio and pulls out his hammer, doing his Judge attack and holding a sign up with a 9* NO FIGHTING AT THE CAFE, BEEP! *chiiiing*
Shaymin: hehe well I ended up making it! Whats wrong Sky?
Peasley: Stand strong, Green! *lunges with blade*
Rosalina: *stands up but isn't really sure how she can help the situation* ...
Luigi: OOF. *sees him going for Peasley* No!!--
Bulba: *grins* I'll be fine if I switch back. *eeps at G&W's sudden move* ... It'd be better if we didn't.
Geno: ...phew, thank you, Mr. Game and Watch.
Dimentio: *clone is NINE'D, vanishes, normal Dimentio stops* What- OH!
G&W: Beep, not a problem Geno
Luigi: A-ah, Mister Game and Watch!! Thank you!!
Peasley: ... foo. That was mine.
Mimi: Thanks, Mr. GW~
G&W: Please take fights elsewhere, beep. I'd like the cafe to be standing this time.
CR: *peeks out of the kitchen Chibi-Door to see if the commotion has finally finished*
Sky: *stands over shaymin, hugging her* G..get down theres a big fight!
Char: ...Spoilsport.
Peasley: *puts sword away* Another time, I suppose~
G&W: *walks to the back*
Sky: *peeks up* At..atleast there was...*phew*
Dimentio: *rubs burnt half of face* Yes, we really should try again some time.
Luigi: *rubs sore face* I'd-a rather it not . . . *goes up to Peasley* C'mon . . .
Bulba: Heheh.
Shaymin: Oh then I came at the right time
Tails: Wow, how does he manage to do that with a paper-flat hammer? *blinks*
ROB: *watches G&W leave* ... *mumbles* Goodnes.. such a strong arm..
Sky: Just..Just be extra super careful ok, sis? There's a lot of commotion here and I don't wantcha getting hurt, ok?
CR: *fans itself with its chef's hat and spins its head around, heading back into the Chibi-Door and to the kitchen counter*
Peasley: You wanted to sit elsewhere?
Geno: ~happily returns to the table~ Terribly sorry about that...
Shaymin: Alright I'll be okay
Luigi: *looks at him in utter relief* Y-yes, please . . .
Bulba: *@ Tails* I'm... not sure...
Dimentio: Peasley, you wouldn't mind if I joined you, would you?
Sky: *lightening up* Hey sis, how do I look in this waiter outfit? Pretty posey, right? *pose*
ROB: *walks up to Dimentio* Are you okay, friend..?
Tails: *looks at table beside as he sips soda* ?? *looks at Char and blinks* Um...
Rosalina: *sits back down with a sigh of relief. Nods at Geno* That's all right. I'm glad it was handled quickly
Peasley: Ha, so be it!
Char: *@Tails* ...What're you lookin' at?
Shaymin: *goes up to G&W* Mister Game and Watch is there anything you need help with?
Tails: I think your tail is on fire! o.o *blinks*
Dimentio: *to ROB* Yes, I'll be fine. *to Peasley* Can ROB join us too? He doesn't have many friends..
Bulba: *laughs*
Char: Thanks, I hadn't noticed.
Char: *grins* Kid... it's s'posed to do that. I'd drop dead otherwise.
Peasley: A more pleasant sitting would be agreeable! I mustn't forget not to be hasty into action.. heheheh
Geno: Me too. ~sips his tea~ Although I'm actually quite impressed that Luigi stood up for himself...not that he chose the right way to do it of course...
ROB: Oh.. stop that.. *bashfull hand-to-cheek gesture*
Tails: Wha? *blinks* How does it work? Some sort of thermal energy in that tail of yours? *tries to figure it out*
Peasley: I will get everyone menues~! *runs off*
Luigi: *sighs* I . . . should probably just leave . . . AH-H PEasley don't . . . *small* leave me alone with him.
Char: ... *shrug* S'been like that since I popped my eggshells. Ask Oak or somebody if you wanna know the science behind it.
ROB: *goes between Dimentio and Luigi for safety's sake*
CR: *starts to gather ingredients to bake a couple of cakes*
*A Random Waddle Bursts into the cafe amongst the chatter*
Dimentio: *sits across from Luigi, still touching his burn* You...
Bulba: *looks at Tails' tails* ...Are you a pre-Vulpix? You've only got two tails...
Dimentio: Hm? *looks up*
W. Dee: Your Royal Highness, Majesty and King of Dreamland; King DeDeDe Beauchamp von Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg Cortes O'Dede XXI
Geno: ~blinks at the waddle~
Luigi: (@Dimentio, glowering and rubbing bruises* Me what?
ROB: *turns towards the Waddle Dee* ... what is that?
Rosalina: Hmmm *startled by the random waddle* ak
Tails: Oak? //That Pokemon guy?// Oh! I'm...just a fox with two tails hehe. I'm not like Vulpix
Shaymin: AH! Mister King Dedede! How are you
Nyx:*Jumps at the sudden Waddle-Dee, turns and glares at it.*
DDD: Thank You, Waddle... *wobbles inside the cafe*
Bulba: *distracted by the W. Dee* ...W-who. *@ Tails* Oh! I see.
Sky: Hey it's the king with the cool hat!
Geno: ...well that's one way to make an entrance.
DDD: [at Shaymin] Oh! Hello Fuzzy Sushi
Luigi: *stares blankly at procession*
ROB: *looking at King Dedede* ... Oh, it is our art and dance teacher!
DDD: Horf Horf Horf, So where is my table!?
Char: ...Hell of a name for just one Prinplup. *Also distracted by THA KING*
Tails: You must be a Pokemon! I'm new to your kind and all. You all seem very diverse and strong!
Dimentio: *back to Luigi* Admittedly, you got me pretty good. You've improved.
Rosalina: such an animated teacher...
Nyx: ...Oh great. a giant Penguin.
Luigi: *glares some more* Flattery will not get you-a nowhere.
Mimi: ...that guy teaches dance? Gross!
CR: ... *hears Waddle Dee and the King...* ... [(/)]
Sky: *to Dedede* Hey mr. D man! Like my suit? Doesn't it go well with my scarf? You should wear one sometime!
Bulba: *grins* Yep! I'm a Bulbasaur... *motions to Char* This is Charmeleon.
Peasley: *comes back with menus* *to himself mostly* Oh! Heheheh, if it isn't King Penguin!
DDD: Oh, Interesting, I see some of my students... Hmmm? *looks at Sky Sheymin*
Dimentio: Flattery? Flattering you is the last thing I'd do. I was just giving credit where it's cue. No need to be so snappy.
Geno: I quite enjoy the variety of faculty we have...although some are more pleasant than others.

kerosene/charizard (pokemon), louie (pikmin), sky shaymin (pokemon), * event - sumabura cafe, mimi (mario), shaymin (pokemon), rosalina (mario), prince peasley (mario), dimentio (mario), luigi (mario), tails (sonic the hedgehog), geno (mario), r.o.b. (gyromite), nyx/gengar (pokemon), mr. game & watch (game & watch), !chat log, bulba/ivysaur (pokemon), chibi-robo (chibi-robo!), dedede (kirby)

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