Who: Eusine, any students and lurkers
What: first History of Magic class
When: Sept. 9th
Where: classroom
Rating: PG, may change depending on who attends
[Eusine watches everyone enter the room, leaning against the front of his desk. When everyone is settled, he begins.]
Hello everyone and welcome to History of Magic. My name is Professor McGonagall Eusine. Please don’t bother with "mister" or "sir." I want my classroom to be a relaxing environment where we can discuss the topic and our opinions freely.
Now "magic" can have various meanings. In ancient times, it was often used in tandem with gods or higher powers in an attempt to explain natural phenomenon. But in other cultures, it was a term to denote abilities which specific people or groups had.
During this class, we’ll cover numerous types of magic in plenty of different civilizations. We will also learn how the use of magic was portrayed and idealized in specific cultures, such as how magic users or non-magic users thought about these powers.
Since this is just the introduction class, I’m not going to start teaching just yet. Instead, I’d like you all to answer some questions so I can see the range of ideas about magic.
[He starts writing on the chalkboard:
Area of origin
Previous knowledge of magic
Please describe what “magic” means to you. Feel free to explain your own powers or how magic is viewed in your home/place of birth.]
Please answer these questions on a note card. When you’re done, hand it in and you’re free to go.
[A pause.]
Oh wait, you need note cards to write on, don’t you? I’m sure if you take a look around, you’ll find them soon enough.
[Note cards will suddenly appear behind your character’s ears or in their bags or in their desk, etc. Now how did that happen?]