(no subject)

Jul 01, 2008 13:14

Who: Louie, Olimar
What: Louie discovers Olimar's current situation through a AIM conversation
Where: One word: AIM (screenames are still in)
When: June 30th, after café
Rating: PG-13, I guess? I'm bad at this rating business...

Okashi Daisukii: Back from the cafe already Louie? Good evening!
mushi no ou: Hi, sensei! Yeah, I'm back.
Okashi Daisukii: I'm sorry I couldn't be there...not like I probably could have anyways. I slept in till like...ten o'clock in the morning and I feel so...strange. I NEVER get up that late...
Okashi Daisukii: Well, you would know...heh. I mean we were up as early as four o' clock in the morning sometimes!
mushi no ou: You're feeling alright?
Okashi Daisukii: ...I suppose.
Okashi Daisukii: ...Look, you won't tell anyone this, will you?
mushi no ou: I won't.
Okashi Daisukii: Well, I haven't been able to sleep at all for more than a week! I only managed to fall asleep because I practically got nagged by D-...Falcon when I told him that.
mushi no ou: ...sensei, this worries me a lot.
Okashi Daisukii: Why? I'm fine!
mushi no ou: Are you sure? I mean...you're not sleeping as it should be.
Okashi Daisukii: It's nothing!
mushi no ou: I assume the problem's with Falcon-sensei, no? I thought that...that was completely forgotten.
Okashi Daisukii: ...
Okashi Daisukii: Look Louie, I...I don't think I can talk about it.
Okashi Daisukii: Or at least not with you. I shouldn't burden you with my problems.
mushi no ou: But...
mushi no ou: ...alright then. I understand.
Okashi Daisukii: Louie...I didn't mean it like that!
Okashi Daisukii: Believe me, with all we've been through. I REALLY trust you...but I don't want to worry you.
mushi no ou: ...I'm already worried since long time ago.
Okashi Daisukii: That's true I suppose...
Okashi Daisukii: Well another thing is I PROMISED Doug, er that's Falcon, I wouldn't tell anyone but I suppose I can share what I can.
mushi no ou: Go on, sensei. Tell me.
Okashi Daisukii: W-well, things were going fine...I told you this yes? I swear my wife and I have been talking and getting along so well. I love her so much and you know this too.
Okashi Daisukii: Well what happened was I really wanted to give a try at changing my form like how Mr. Powalski has those seminars on Saturdays. He gave me these pills to intake, hahah you've seen how I look in this form though.
Okashi Daisukii: That's not the point though. Well it seems like Doug decided to stop by to talk to me since he mistook me for a substitute teacher. Erm...the two of us went out to a bar, his idea not mine, I'm not like that! Well you see...things have been getting really out of hand and...I'm worried it's wrecking my character and who I am. I mean...I haven't been able to forget a thing.
Okashi Daisukii: I...would elaborate but I PROMISED I wouldn't. I shouldn't even be saying this much but I trust you so much!
mushi no ou: Sensei...
mushi no ou: ...d-did he took advantage of you?
Okashi Daisukii: W-WHAT!?
Okashi Daisukii: I-I must be misreading that!
Okashi Daisukii: Why would you ask that!?
mushi no ou: Something really bad must've happened to leave you in that mood.
Okashi Daisukii: ...I can't talk about it. I promised.
mushi no ou: Sensei...
mushi no ou: ...
Okashi Daisukii: ?
mushi no ou: Don't lie to me please. If he did that...
Okashi Daisukii: H-he...b-but I mean it sounds so wrong when said like that...I-I mean we both have way too much to drink. I don't know why he did it but I didn't stop it so I'm no better!...
mushi no ou: Then...did you like it?
Okashi Daisukii: ......I can't remember exactly.....Look Louie I was completely intoxicated, I don't know how I TRUELY felt.
Okashi Daisukii: Though...
Okashi Daisukii: Though the next morning...
Okashi Daisukii: Doug and I got into a fight over it and we're supposed to pretend it never happened...
Okashi Daisukii: It just hurt me so much!...I know he's being more sincere now but as I sit at home trying to forget it like he tells me to Friday night keeps coming to my mind. Louie I feel so...so violated...
mushi no ou: You should quit your job and leave the school if you want to completely forget that.
Okashi Daisukii: I can't do that!
mushi no ou: Why not? I'm sure you can find another job outside.
Okashi Daisukii: I can't abandon my class!
Okashi Daisukii: I really love this job.
Okashi Daisukii: No matter how much trouble some students cause I've grown to really care about each and every one of them!
Okashi Daisukii: I can't just quit over something like this!
mushi no ou: Sensei...
mushi no ou: I understand all that, but...think you can do it?
mushi no ou: I worry for your sanity.
Okashi Daisukii: I don't know Louie...I wish I did...
Okashi Daisukii: I'll be fine...
Okashi Daisukii: I told you this.
Okashi Daisukii: I've been through worse!
Okashi Daisukii: This is just all too new and...I didn't think anything was going to divide my family. No! I'm not going to let that happen! I'm better than that to give up! It's not an option! I can't believe I question myself sometimes, how could I...
mushi no ou: Sensei...I-I want to help you through this.
mushi no ou: I can't stand to see you hurt!
Okashi Daisukii: Thank you Louie...I know I can count on you for support.
mushi no ou: I'll be here for you.
mushi no ou: Always.
Okashi Daisukii: ...Louie...
Okashi Daisukii: I...
Okashi Daisukii: I feel terrible putting this burden on you but at the same time I couldn't thank you anymore.
mushi no ou: You'll be fine, that's for sure.
Okashi Daisukii: Thank you Louie, I hate to repeat myself but I mean it!
mushi no ou: I know.
Okashi Daisukii: I must be the most pathetic middled aged adult you must know, you know that? I mean I'm way too old for this!
mushi no ou: You're not pathetic...I know too many people like that.
Okashi Daisukii: ?
mushi no ou: People that have problems at that age.
mushi no ou: Although...you're a special case. But I don't think you're pathetic.
mushi no ou: Not at all.
Okashi Daisukii: Why am I a special case?
Okashi Daisukii: ...
Okashi Daisukii: I don't understand.
mushi no ou: Uh...I think sleep's getting to me.
Okashi Daisukii: ...Alright if you insist Louie
mushi no ou: Maybe that was nonsense, I don't know.
Okashi Daisukii: Okay then.
mushi no ou: I think...I meant you're special regarding your situation.
Okashi Daisukii: I see...
mushi no ou: I haven't found a person like you before, so...I think that was I meant.
Okashi Daisukii: Ah, I see!
Okashi Daisukii: Well, to be honest I could say the same for you.
Okashi Daisukii: I can honestly say I have never met anyone like you before in all my life. Not that it's a bad thing! No it's not at all! Hahahah
mushi no ou: Really...?
Okashi Daisukii: Yeah, I mean when we were collecting treasure for Hocotate Freight at first it was so difficult to speak with you. You've always been so...what's the word?....eccentric.
mushi no ou: I remember that.
Okashi Daisukii: Over time though I was so happy you began to speak up more and we could finally talk. Remember when I caught sight of some of your recipes you were writing?
Okashi Daisukii: Heh, that's one talent you should follow with all your heart Louie. You have a real talent and you can go far with it, I know it!
mushi no ou: I think I'm already on that way, sensei.
mushi no ou: I'm quite enjoying my job at the café!
mushi no ou: Um, sensei...
Okashi Daisukii: Yes?
mushi no ou: I think I'll go to sleep. My eyes are slowly closing...
Okashi Daisukii: Alright then...
Okashi Daisukii: I
Okashi Daisukii: Should try sleeping myself...
Okashi Daisukii: Well
Okashi Daisukii: Good night
mushi no ou: Good night, sensei! Have sweet dreams.
Okashi Daisukii: ...heh...
Okashi Daisukii: Alright then, I guess you too Louie.

olimar (pikmin), louie (pikmin), !chat log, !completed log

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