Who: Nester, ROB
What: Nester encounters ROB and comes to find out that he highly resembles something he owns.
Where: Around the school somewhere
When: BACKDATED to Friday, July 9th
The point of the matter today was that Nester was truly, incredibly bored.
Life wasn't giving as much of a spark as it usually did except for in games, and while Nester was never the type to mope about it, he sure was the type to frequently express his boredom with a snarky word. He had nothing much to do! The classes were dull, activities weren't interesting him, crazy things were happening... yes, all wasn't too much fun at the moment.
Something else needed to happen. Or maybe he needed more hobbies? Drawing, maybe? He did tell the art teacher he'd practice, anyway, and while he rarely went through with his words for classes, maybe drawing would be enjoyable outside of that. Perhaps he could get into casual hang gliding again? He wasn't at all into fighter pilot things like Goose was anymore. He preferred to just have a life of fun, not a life of serious business. Admittedly, though, hang gliding was relaxing, and the hang glider was definitely his strongest point when it came to piloting. Maybe he just needed to get into town more?
Or maybe he just needed an interesting encounter to have a bit of fun. Nester went through the halls of the school, out of nothing other than his boredom. Surely something would come along that would aid him with that.