Who: Brock and YOU.
What: FREE BOULDER BADGES Brock invites people to challenge him for his badge.
When: ANYTIME. Seriously. Let's say afternoons from July 1st to July 10th (excluding TRIPPIN BALLS day July 2nd) when the stadium is unoccupied. I might adjust/extend these dates depending on what happens.
Where: The stadium.
[SO HERE'S WHAT'S GOING DOWN. I am lovingly ripping off borrowing Kat's idea for a multi-purpose spar log. Brock is out at the stadium most afternoons training his Pogleman team, and recently he's offered to organize official matches for anyone who wants to challenge him for the Boulder Badge. This log can be for that! It can also be for general bothering/spectating/creeping/asking questions/causal training--you most certainly do not have to show up for the badge, or to fight at all. Similarly, if you are a Pokemon sans trainer, feel free to challenge Brock anyway.
BASICALLY this log can be for whatever the heck you want. Just date and time your threads please!]