It's time for Pokemon Stadium! ... or not.

Jun 26, 2010 10:25

Who: Lt. Surge, Ampere
What: Stadium exploration, oh joy!
Where: ... The stadium.
When: BACKDATED to Thursday, June 24th
Warnings: Uh, maybe slight fighting? Pika might want to try out the sandbags/targets there and... stuff? *shrug*

Super Smash Bros.: Special Pikachu Edition )

!rp log, amp/pikachu (pokemon), lieutenant surge (pokemon)

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badasstrenches June 29 2010, 16:01:37 UTC
"Yeah, that's right. Usin' a Thunder Stone, Pikachu evolves into Raichu. Though I guess it could be a bit difficult to get your hands on a Thunder Stone."

Surge just blinked in surprise. It seemed a little odd that the Pokemon didn't know about her own evolution line. Then again, if she had spent her whole life sheltered in Viridian Forest, it made sense. At least the last time the lieutenant had checked, there weren't any Raichus there.


volttackler June 29 2010, 16:11:29 UTC
Amp... wasn't sure what to think of this. The idea of evolution for a second time sounded like fun, especially since she'd done it before through beaming happiness and experience. However, evolving with... a stone? Not the most appealing thing, for some reason. Plus she liked being a Pikachu. It... held some kind of enjoyment. Some odd enjoyment. Perhaps it was the energy level, the speed, the lifestyle... no, it was probably just everything. She liked being like this!

"I get it, but I don't think I'm ever going to evolve! Ever! Being a Pikachu is fun!" She exclaimed. "I can show you, too! It's really fun, lots of fun, chu! Wanna watch me attack Sandbags?!"


badasstrenches June 30 2010, 01:21:45 UTC
Surge laughed, "Alright, alright. So no evolvin'. Not like anyone's forcin' ya. 'Sides, you might change your mind in the future." Not that it was the lieutenant's place to say anything. That was up to Amp to decide.

"Oh?" he folded his arms. "Go right ahead. Let's see what you can do." Hearing stories from the other non-human students, humanization took some getting used to. But he did have to admit that he was curious as to what she could do in that form.


volttackler June 30 2010, 18:53:56 UTC
Amp wasn't so sure about changing her mind, but oh well. It really was her own decision, not Surge's, and he told her he wasn't forcing her, basically. He was so nice! No wonder he was a gym leader ( ... )


badasstrenches June 30 2010, 22:17:12 UTC
Ah, that was... slightly disappointing. Expected, but still rather pathetic. Not that Surge could blame her. This was the first time she turned into a human, so it was understandable that she had difficulty using her abilities.

He walked over, shooting her a reassuring smile. "It's okay. Tons of kids have trouble in human form. Takes some time to get used to." Chuckling, he added, "And the whole walkin' on two legs thing."

The lieutenant explained, "There should be plenty of chances to practice usin' your powers. Lots of classes help with that too."


wow I never got a notif for this SO SORRY D: volttackler July 5 2010, 15:11:47 UTC
((I am going to punch LJ. So much. Could you please IM me or something out of LJ whenever you tag me? ;__; gsdfgfdgdfh I promise I would have tagged earlier if I knew.))

Well, at least Surge understood, but Amp kind of really wanted to get used to her human form asap. Her excitement did make her a bit impatient at times, and this was no exception. She was thrilled over the idea of doing things in her human form, so she just needed to get used to it as soon as she could.

"There are classes for helping with human forms?! Where?!" Amp probably misinterpreted that, but who knows? Maybe some of the teachers did know, and could help her out. "And- And- How do I change back?" She kind of wanted to show off her power as a regular old Pikachu, as well.


badasstrenches July 5 2010, 15:49:40 UTC
"Well, there used to be one taught by the Zoology teacher," Surge folded his arms. "But now there's just a humanization councilor. Er, what's his name? Shadow or something? One of the students who graduated a short while ago, I think."

The lieutenant wasn't too sure on the details. It never really applied to him so he never bothered to find out.

"As far as turnin' back... Since you used one of those balls, it should wear off eventually. An hour or something? I'm not sure. You'll just have to wait it off." He had a feeling that Amp wasn't much of a waiting type.

((Nah, it's fine. AIM started derping out on me (and pretty much everyone) last night, so I probably won't sign in until later this afternoon. Take your time tagging, there's no rush~))


volttackler July 5 2010, 16:50:27 UTC
((That's cool. I'll still try my best to stalk the post (and all other posts, at that) for tags anyway, but just letting you know~ 8>))

Sadly, Amp didn't know that Shadow, while heard of, was soon to leave the school (or already had, I forgot when activity check ended). However, she was more than willing to find out anyway. "Neat, neat! I'll find out then! And waiting? I can do that! So I can show you some other day! Or, or, or, we can battle someday, and it'll be the most shocking battle ever, chu!"

She was pretty much just bouncing in her spot right now. "Do you wanna do something else while waiting then?! Or are we done? Or what, chu?"


badasstrenches July 5 2010, 18:38:24 UTC
Surge wasn't exactly up-to-date with who arrived or left the school. He was just as oblivious as the Pokemon in that respect.

"Another day it is, then," he grinned. Perhaps it was his blatant favoritism showing, but he was already looking forward to the next time they met. "Maybe we'll even have time to do both."

Cocking his head to one side, Surge thought for a moment. "I didn't have anything else in mind. Unless you did. I guess that's it for now."


volttackler July 5 2010, 18:44:59 UTC
Amp vigorously nodded in return. "Yeah, yeah, yeah! Okay! Then I'm gonna stay here and practice! Yeah, I'll try my best so I can be really shocking when we battle, chu! It'll be the greatest!"

She put one hand to her hip and began to do some stretches. Hey, even little Pikachus can do the same ones humans do, however funny it might look. "Bye Mr. Lieutenant Gym Leader Teacher Surge! Chu!"


badasstrenches July 6 2010, 00:54:45 UTC
Watching her for a moment, Surge quickly got the hint. "Yeah, alright," he grinned. "Good luck gettin' used to the whole human thing. I'm sure you'll get it down in no time."

As he jogged away, he gave a small salute goodbye before leaving the stadium.


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