Remember that box?

Jun 16, 2010 20:59

Who: Jeff Angel and Pit.
What: A promise to make dreamcatchers.
Where: BE-08
When: Saturday, June 19th, sometime in the morning.


!rp log, pit (kid icarus), jeff angel (hotel dusk)

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Comments 79

princeangel June 17 2010, 16:21:27 UTC
Jeff had been aware that his roommate entered the room. However, this was his precious reading time, and he wasn't about to be easily distracted by every little thing. And then Pit sat down on his bed. His bed.

No, alright, that was fine. The angel had done that plenty of times before. Maybe if this had been in the beginning of their roommate relationship, he would have said something. But the blond knew it was pointless now. Fine. Let the angel do whatever he wanted, so long as he didn't interrupt--

"Ow!" Jeff flinched as his toe was pinched. It wasn't very painful, but he hadn't expected it at all. Glaring at the angel, he harshly asked, "What?"


pitticus June 17 2010, 18:13:57 UTC
There was no way he could hide his eruption of giggles. "Haha, remember the day when I was losing feathers all over the place? And we kept some? And you said we should make dreamcatchers? Let's do it!"


princeangel June 17 2010, 18:55:00 UTC
Dream catchers? Ah that's right, he had said that. Glancing down at his book, Jeff decided he might as well attempt to appease the angel. He put a bookmark between the pages, closed the book, and placed it on his nightstand.

"Alright, alright," the blond stood up. "I have a feeling that even if I said 'no,' you would continue to bother me until I changed my mind. Go get the feathers. I believe I have the other materials somewhere..."

Checking his closet, Jeff found the box which contained string, twigs, and beads. It hadn't taken him very long to obtain the materials or to find instructions on-line. The only reason they hadn't made the dream catchers before was due to conflicting schedules. But since they both were free, now was as good a time as any.


pitticus June 17 2010, 21:21:00 UTC
Pit returned with the feathers he scrounged up. He automatically figured the middle of the floor was a good station for them to work, considering their room was kept so clean. He squatted down and place the small sack on the hardwood. "I got them~," he sang, and then waited with patience for everything to come together.


princeangel June 20 2010, 01:49:18 UTC
"So it's basically a system of apprenticeship. Everyone specializes in a specific trade and the more experienced people teach the younger ones." It seemed a bit medieval, but considering Angel Land was more-or-less timeless, it made sense ( ... )


pitticus June 20 2010, 05:45:46 UTC
"I wonder..." Pit continued to muse. "What will happen to gods in the future? This world is nothing like my world. Everything is so logical, so easy to explain with facts and knowledge you get from books. Aside from our magical powers and the wild curses, of course. But the way people explain things, like lightning. It's not hurled from the heavens out of fury. It's something about positive and negative charges that happen in the clouds, I've been told. It's hard to believe after all this time... It's like gods just vanished into nonexistence!"

And then, another jerking thought tugged at his brain. Pit looked puzzled, astonished even. His hand reached up gingerly to glide against his own cheek as he said, "Will I... disappear someday too?"


princeangel June 20 2010, 14:31:12 UTC
Jeff snorted. "Just because people don't believe in it doesn't mean it'll just up and disappear. Gods are just as alive as humans, aren't they? That means they'll continue to live until... well, I guess not until they die since they're immortal, but close enough."

"You're just being overly dramatic," Jeff batted Pit's hand away from the angel's face. "Besides, who's to say that human science applies to gods anyway? Gods were used as a way to explain things. But that doesn't mean the theories actually affected them. So what if people changed their ideas from 'gods make lightning' to 'charges make lightning'? I don't see how that would affect the gods, other than altering their reputation."


pitticus June 20 2010, 16:45:37 UTC
The abrupt disconnection of his hands from his face shocked, then grated on his nerves somewhat. "M-maybe," he replied, a little shakily. "I didn't think about it very much. You're probably right."

Pit decided maybe they should change the subject, since the current one felt stuffy with overflowing ideas that were haunting. "Anyway," he continued as he scooped his dreamcatcher back up (how many times was he going to be compelled to put it down, anyway?). "Were the people very different at your old school?"


pitticus June 28 2010, 23:58:32 UTC
To project his approval, Pit flung a thumbs-up and said, "Nice!! It does work fine." He kept glancing back and forth, hands on his hips, examining the new additions to their room. "Now all that's left to do is find out whether they really do catch dreams or not. I hope they don't steal all the good ones, though."

He stared at the mess of feathers on the floor and wondered if there was anything else that could be done with them. A lot of them were coverts or fluffy feathers that usually stayed tucked beneath his more outstanding remiges- feathers that had a fuzzier quality to them. He couldn't help but grin as he remarked, "You sure you don't want a pillow stuffed with angel feathers? Imagine how rare it would be!"


princeangel June 29 2010, 02:04:14 UTC
The brunet had a point. Not everyone could say they slept on a pillow filled with angel feathers. Where he came from, such a pillow could sell for millions, if not more. Jeff was particularly a fan of having a one-of-a-kind item like that.

On the other hand, the idea felt a little weird. Sure they were angel feathers, but they were also his roommate's feathers. Wasn't that a little creepy? It made the blond think of stalkers who collected other people's hair. Not a very pleasant image to say the least.

"Hm, I guess..." He couldn't pick whether it was a good or bad suggestion. Smirking, he tried to hide his indecision, "It'd certainly be an interesting keepsake after I leave."

As soon as the words left his lips, he immediately regretted it.


pitticus June 29 2010, 03:37:29 UTC
Pit beamed at his consent. "See? I thought about it, and it made me realize how awesome it would be." He didn't mention the part about having yet another keepsake to remind him of him. A pillow would be an interesting one. Instead of hanging it up to look at, it was for sleeping with. Something about keeping a piece of him with a purpose like that made him feel warm somewhere. Jeff might think it was cheesy, but he liked it.

"Not to mention soft."


princeangel June 29 2010, 17:30:46 UTC
"Alright, alright," Jeff waved it off. "You don't need to go on trying to convince me. I'll use the feathers as a pillow."

He paused. The blond didn't even know how to sew, let alone how make a pillow from scratch and fill it. Sewing always seemed like a lower class hobby to him. Folding his arms, he muttered, "Maybe I could ask someone..."


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