Who: Eggman and students
What: Questionnaires!
Where: Eggman's classroom
When: Wednesday, June 2
Well, another year, another session of Eggman trying to drill knowledge into the heads of a room full of immature idiots who can't even appreciate his superior intelligence.
Joy of joys.
And like the child who sulks at having to go back to school after summer vacation, Eggman was disillusioned and not in the mood for a good deal of theatrics.
"Welcome to POLITICAL SCIENCE," he declared. "My name is Doctor Robotnik, the GREATEST SCIENTIFIC GENIUS IN THE WORLD!! Some of you are new, some of you are FAILURES who are back here trying again in vain to LEARN SOMETHING. Whatever your reasons, give my class your all, and you MAY PASS."
"POLITICAL SCIENCE is the study of POLITICS and GOVERNMENT. Here, you will learn about how governments of the past and present operate, schools of political thought, and political action. There will be a LOT to cover! But first, I have provided questionnaires for you to fill out. Fill them in and submit them. By now I'm certain you know the drill, and if not... Then you obviously haven't taken any OTHER classes at this godforsaken dump before!"
"Now, while you work, I want you to keep something in MIND. I have something VERY SPECIAL planned for this year. So I want you to look around this room, and start thinking about who you would like to work with the most. I will give you more details LATER. Now GET TO WORK!!"
The forms contained the following:
Why are you taking this class?:
What previous political science knowledge do you have?:
Do you have any experience running anything?:
What grade do you THINK you'll get?:
Are you afraid to die for your country?: