Who: Lash, Jeff, Samus. SPECIAL GUEST STARS?
What: Lash,
determined to find out who the infamous April Fool's Day prankster, or pranksters were, manages to make a break-through with some evidence; a cryptic message, and a strange, white powder. She only has so much luck identifying it however, and
asks Samus for help. The
results and theories from said analysis point fingers at Capcom High. Lash subtly suggests a recon mission over to security-tight rival school via means of unguarded, underground tunnels, which Samus finds convenient. The bounty hunter however, decides not to explain why she finds them convenient which prompts Lash to
ask Jeff to see if he can find out what Samus might be up to. Eventually, the trio get a more solid
game plan together to do a recon mission into Capcom High Monday evening to resolve who was behind the April Fool's pranks one and for all.
When: April 26th, evening.
Where: TUUUUUUBES and Capcom High.
Notes: If you have a Capcom High account and are maybe possibly interested in joining this log, by all means ask~
This was stupid.
This was very stupid, Samus thought. She was pessimistically expecting this 'mission' to end up much like her first and last
venture into Capcom High; a complete waste of her time. She decided to go along with this for essentially the same reasons as last time as well... there was a small possibility this could lead to a definite answer as to, 'who dunnit?' and if Jeff and Lash were to be involved... Samus would rather keep an eye on them and make sure they didn't accidentally [or intentionally] make the Smash Academy/Capcom High rivalry any worse than it already was. Not that that was as much as a concern as one of them accidentally [or intentionally] getting themselves hurt. Surely that was not the real reason.
Samus would have much rather preferred to do all this by herself.
So stood a six-foot tall giant orange robot, waiting for Jeff and Lash to meet her under the flagpole at this particular time. Samus faced the sinking sun and slowly darkening skies... hoping that the sooner she got this done, the sooner she come back to her dorm and take care of other business.