Let's study until our hearts break.

Mar 25, 2010 23:57

Characters: Voile, you, you, you, and you. You know, everyone.
Synopsis: Study time! (And general shenanigans.)
Location: BW-15 :: Voile and Mimi's room.
Date: March 26 - Afternoon / Evening
Warnings: It's studying. What is there to warn about? No seriously. Hard to say.

She counts the number of holes in the ceiling when she gets bored. )

voile/gardevoir (pokemon), !open log

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monotreme_101 March 26 2010, 07:14:44 UTC
Study time with his new buddy? Knuckles couldn't say no to that ( ... )


reservedempath March 26 2010, 23:40:24 UTC
Voile peered over the edge of her book and she blinked a couple of times. There was Knuckles, radiant as always, and he certainly looked happy. It was almost the overwhelming kind of feeling. It was like a fountain of some kind of miraculous water. All it was, however, was happiness, and it just added to her own.

She smiled and lowered her book, nodding to him and waving him in with a leafy hand, "You've come to study with me. That's very sweet of you. I'd like that a lot." Her expression softened as she made her way to her feet and showed him in with some form of a half bow. Then she gestured to her half of the room.

"Make yourself comfortable. And try not to touch any of Mimi's things. She's not here right now, but it's just much better to avoid upsetting her." And Voile had to admit that likely no one would enjoy others poking and prodding at their personal belongings.


monotreme_101 March 27 2010, 19:52:03 UTC
Knuckles nodded, taking a seat on the floor pretty close to where Voile had gestured, and setting his books down carefully. "Yeah - I got a lot I need to study up on." he admitted.

He wasn't about to touch any of Mimi's things - he was pretty touchy about folks touching his stuff without asking, after all, and tended to extend that same courtesy to them. Settling down and making himself comfy as she'd requested, he offered her a wide smile. "So - How've you been? having fun here so far?"


reservedempath March 28 2010, 05:32:55 UTC
Only after he made himself comfortable did she choose to make herself the same way. She sat back down, pulled her book into her lap, and beamed toward him. She was very happy to see him, but could he see it? Really see it? She couldn't be certain, but she'd try to show it in the best way she knew how to.

"I'm well. I'm happy to be here. I'm not really sure if I'm having 'fun', but I'm very happy to be here." Voile nodded to him, as though to confirm her words. Or perhaps she simply didn't want him to worry.


monotreme_101 March 28 2010, 06:11:21 UTC
"Well, I'm glad to hear you're happy but sorry to hear you're not having much fun." Knuckles said, his head tilting to the side and his look sympathetic, even if he was still smiling. "We'll have to fix that somehow."

He could see that she was pleased. He was very pleased to be here too. He felt that he'd found a very good friend in Voile. He always felt really comfortable with her.


reservedempath March 28 2010, 06:27:58 UTC
It only took her expression a moment to falter. The smile lessened, disappeared entirely, and then she flushed to the very roots of those strange strands of green, that were likely the same as human hair. There was a kind of sincerity that Knuckles always had that she wasn't accustomed to. She'd never really let anyone that close to her, however. The thought of letting him frightened her.

To think someone so kind to others could be so very skeptical of others repaying her with the same consideration... It sounded so absolutely ridiculous.

"Oh... That isn't..." Then she fidgeted with the cover of her book somewhat anxiously, "How are you doing?"


monotreme_101 March 28 2010, 18:22:24 UTC
"Oh.. I'm OK." he replied, looking at her, his eyes widening a little. "Um... did I say something dumb?"

The drop in her expression and the rise in her coloration were both clearly noticeable and he wasn't at all sure what he might have said to cause it. He liked to try and make all of his friends lives a little more fun. Sure, life was full of duties and responsibilities that had to be taken seriously and regarded with the proper level of solemnity. Of course. But if you couldn't spend the rest of your time enjoying yourself and having fun, you were missing out, right?

Maybe I phrased it awkwardly and it sounded like... innuendo or something?


reservedempath March 28 2010, 19:38:54 UTC
She'd only wanted to say that it wasn't necessary. She didn't want him thinking he'd have to go out of his way for her and she didn't even want him doing that. Voile was a very independent person. She'd always wanted to be able to do things on her own, but she wanted to help other people. Was it really possible to do that if she couldn't help herself? But who had ever said she couldn't help herself?


Finally, a shy smile crossed her lips and she shook her head, "No. On the contrary, I was very touched by what you said. I'm not used to hearing things like that, so it catches me by surprise and I don't always know how I should respond." Then she gave an idle shrug, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you worry."


monotreme_101 March 28 2010, 21:53:26 UTC
"Oohh.. Oh, OK." Knuckles replied with a nod. He could understand that. He wasn't always sure what to say either, and it probably showed on his face fairly often.

"Sorry - I thought for a second there I'd said something to upset you. But... y'know. It's all good. And it's OK... I don't mind going the extra mile for my friends and you're certainly one of those. You'll probably hear me say stuff like that all the time.. so... you're just gonna have to get used to it, I guess! haha!"


reservedempath March 29 2010, 00:06:06 UTC
Lifting a hand, she idly scratched at her cheek and nestled a little, hiding a single eye under her hair. Staring at him through the other way, her smile grew and she rolled her shoulders again at him, "I guess I will. Shouldn't be too difficult if you decide to do it every day or something silly like that."

When it was just the two of them, it was easier to cope with. If he did something like that in public, she was reasonably sure she'd go a little crazy. Maybe. Or she'd just get very embarrassed and try to go into hiding. The second seemed more probable. She just hoped he really wouldn't do something like that.

From what she gathered of him, however, it did seem like something he would do. Out of kindness, of course.


monotreme_101 March 29 2010, 01:02:16 UTC
Yeah - Sorry Voile. Tact wasn't exactly one of Knuckles' strong points so it's quite possible - and in fact probable - that he'd have said the exact same thing no matter who was present.

"Well, anyhow..." he said, deciding to change the topic a little "I bought all my textbooks and stuff. Some of them are ones from last year I kept because it's helpful to go over the basics again. For me at least." He shifted the pile closer to her so she could see better.


reservedempath March 29 2010, 04:33:53 UTC
So they were going to go over old curriculum first? It would probably come in handy. She wasn't about to tell him not to. Instead, she scooted closer to him, placed her legs off to the side and leaned over onto the palm of one leafy hand to look over at his older books.

Then she nodded to him with a smile, "That makes sense to me. I'd like to go over some of the older things with you, if it's permissible. I mean, you did go through the trouble of bringing your older textbooks and all."


monotreme_101 March 29 2010, 05:25:13 UTC
"Of course!" Knuckles replied. "I don't mind at all! Here's my books for Biology and demoli--I don't think you take demolitions, do you?" he asked. If so, he just hadn't spotted her. He was usually pretty busy in that class so it was possible.


reservedempath March 30 2010, 03:41:54 UTC
"No. No, I don't. I take some of the standard classes, and that ethics class, and a theatre class, too." Because of some of the finer things in life, Voile loved nothing more than performing and performers. That was almost like a secret, though, as many things about her were. She wasn't ashamed of it, of course. She was simply a bit self-conscious.

"What kinds of classes do you take, Knuckles?" she asked as she leaned into him and ducked her chin to rest on his shoulder.


monotreme_101 March 30 2010, 04:10:16 UTC
Oh, hello Voile's chin! Have a seat on Knuckles' shoulder. Please try to not be dazzled by the sheen of pinkness creeping up his, now very close to your eyes, cheek!

"Well, I take Piloting and Drivers' Ed. Those are my two best classes - all A+'s! Aerial tactics, Cooking, Political Science, Ethics, Demolitions, Experimental Psychology... and of course Sexual Education." The last was a little hushed.

"I used to take creative writing with Professor Xatu. I owe him a lot. And also art with Miss Martha Skitty. She was a good friend and I miss her. I never got really great grades in either class but it helped me broaden my horizons a lot."


reservedempath March 30 2010, 04:23:53 UTC
She was a little too forward, wasn't she? She'd never noticed it. No one had ever said anything. They didn't need to, though. She felt all kinds of flutters from Knuckles when she decided to do things like that. He'd never told her to stop, though, so she assumed she wasn't pushing the envelope too much. Besides, she got a strange kind of amusement out of the situation.

"That's many classes," she observed, lifting a hand to rest against his forearm. "That seems very time consuming. I hope you don't strain yourself or work too hard. I can, as much as anyone else, support the need for education, but when it begins to interfere with personal health, even I think there's a bit of a problem."

Then she blinked a few times. Xatu and Skitty. More Pokémon. She wondered how many had been there before she'd come. Already she'd felt like there were plenty in her company, but perhaps she'd missed some great, outstanding number of them previously. She should have come along some time before, she supposed. It was a little too late for that.


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