Who: Max, Bulbasaur, Skull Kid
What: The most Wonderful of Magical Things happens now.
When: January 20th, evening.
Where: The most Magical of Locations. (The weight room.)
Rating: M. For Magical Muscle Mayhem.
Do not be afraid, my biceps will prot-- OH NO MY --BICEPS--! )
Comments 32
Max acknowledged Bulba's entrance by grunting at him, "HHHHRGN," as at the moment, his manly exertions prevented him from more than a guttural utterance. He certainly wasn't expecting anything beyond the normal for an afternoon of weightlifting, this was beyond all doubt.
Lift weights, drink water, help Bulba, get muscles. Nothing, surely, nothing out of the ordinary would interrupt this everyday cycle.
Though it seemed a lot less than usual. Bulba realized it was probably because Knuckles wasn't around. That was weird. Actually, it wasn't just the echidna. There wasn't anyone else around either! So it was just the large, very muscular man and his tiny, kinda-sorta muscular friend.
Wow, that sure made for a convenient scenario for a horror film something weird to take place! Not like that would happen.
Today, Skull Kid was hanging around the gym because he had a brilliant idea that involved the use of 27 gym mats among other assorted implements of destruction. Unfortunately, he had been foiled by a locked supply closet door. Not one to be deterred so easily, Skull Kid instead began prowling for someone to pull a quick prank on. The building was mostly empty and quiet, except for a few voices coming from the weight room.
Skull Kid scurried to the door and peeked in. Just two. And he recognized one of them! So, that Bulbasaur kid was here to get stronger? Skull Kid knew a way to make that happen.
A few moments later and he was sneaking away, leaving behind two very confused people, some bright colors, and trying hard not to giggle too loudly.
Something was not right about this.
He set the wights back on the rack easily. He moved to sit up and realized he had to maneuver around giant muscles to do so. Oh no. Bulba slowly turned his head to look at... himself.
"... Ba."
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