Welcome to the world of Vidyas

Jan 20, 2010 18:46

Who: Ivan, Nester
What: vidya gaems
Where: Nester's dorm
When: massive backdating; weekend of 12/05 [this can be changed if you'd like~]
Warnings: obnoxious cut text

We're gonna play the game, the Playstation all day,
With Metal Gear Solid to Tekken 3
And from Omega Boost to Resident Evil
Just play for the fun
Cuz we got it going on.

!rp log, lark/nester (pilotwings), ivan (golden sun)

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That is fine with me *w*b snarksterpilot January 21 2010, 02:28:31 UTC
Nester was already on his Funstation 2, playing one of his favorite Pyro the Dragon games while waiting for Ivan to get there. Of course, he wasn't going to limit game-choosing to just the Funstation 2. He had... plenty of other consoles he could hook up. PLENTY of them. Wow, that guy sure seemed crazy to him for one thing only right now. How in the WORLD had he never heard of video games? Was he crazy?!

He would soon find out how he'd fare with them, too, now that he heard the knock at the door. He threw it open, already radiating with boyish energy as he gave him a large grin. "Hey-!"

Then he just stared at the strange, uh, thing that was with him.

"... What the heck is THAT."


<3 <3 purple_eyebrows January 21 2010, 23:13:06 UTC
Ivan blinked, trying to remember if the two had met sometime before. But obviously not, since Nester seemed so surprised by it. The little Djinn was perched in his hair (as that seemed to be its favorite spot now) and Ivan pointed to him.

"Gust? Uh, he's a pet ... or er friend. He kinda goes everywhere with me," he laughed. "Whether I like it or not."

A blink and a curious look. "May I come in?"


snarksterpilot January 21 2010, 23:50:36 UTC
Nester found this thing to be far too much of a weird creature, but oh well, he'd deal with it. Maybe. "Uhhh yeah, whatever, only if the freako thing doesn't break stuff!" If it didn't, he'd be all good.

He moved out of the way to let him in, and before he'd turn his game off, he pointed to the screen. "See?! That's a video game! That's Pyro the Dragon, the coolest game on the Funstation 2!"


purple_eyebrows January 22 2010, 00:07:59 UTC
W-what awww. Gust gave a sad little chirp at being called a 'freako.' But Ivan just tried to reassure Nester, "He'll behave."

Okay. Ivan followed Nester into the room and watched the screen his friend pointed to. So a video game was something on the television screen. And you played it. "Uh, I dont know what a Funstation 2 is, but I guess that makes sense."


snarksterpilot January 22 2010, 00:20:40 UTC
"You don't?!" What in the world. This guy must REALLY be oblivious to what was in nowadays. Nester stood straight and gestured for the Funstation, giving off such a stance that radiated 'so this game console is almost as godly as I am'. Needless to say, Nester loved his gaming systems, and he darn well would show that.

"The Funstation's only one of the best gaming systems ever! There's also the PES, the SPES, the Panasonic 64, the first Funstation, and uhhhh... a lot more! They're all rad!"

He gestured to all of the systems that were piled up around the television in the room (though not all of them were plugged). "Which one do you wanna play?!" If Ivan didn't wanna choose, Nester would just choose for him.


purple_eyebrows January 22 2010, 23:35:22 UTC
Ivan nodded along to every word Nester said. He seemed to really know what he was talking about so it was safe to trust him on this one.

And holy crap there were a lot of systems. Ivan couldn't even fathom how half of them worked. And now Nester wanted him to choose one. "Ummm...y.. you can choose. I wouldn't even know where to start!"


snarksterpilot January 23 2010, 00:37:51 UTC
"Rad! Then we're doing the Panasonic 64!" Nester spoke to him, turning off his Funstation 2 and plugging the P64 inside. "Now c'mon, I've got a bunch of games we can play!"

He lead Ivan over to a box that he kept inside of his closet. It was a decently sized one full of Super Panasonic and Panasonic 64 games from top to bottom. Oho boy, he was quite the collector. "I've got the biggest game collection out there! It's totally record-breaking!" Well, not really, but he liked to stretch the truth for his own egotistical reasons.

"I've got games like Fiddly Kong Racing, Violin-Nooie, Giana Kart 64, Giana Party games, and a lot of other games we can play! Uhhh, what kind of games do you wanna play?! We can do racing or shootout games or board game... games or..."

He just went on and on and on and ON goodness did he ever stop talking about games?


purple_eyebrows January 23 2010, 01:02:34 UTC
If Nester had a lot of systems, he had ten times more games. And it was easy to believe that his collection was indeed record-breaking. The titles Nester listed off kind of went over Ivan's head but he did his best to follow along.

Ivan snickered a little at Nester's enthusiasm. "W-whichever would be best for beginners, I guess?" Because honestly, all he was going to be doing was button-mashing until he got the hang of it for real.


snarksterpilot January 23 2010, 02:06:29 UTC
"Then we'll go Giana Party 2!" Nester yanked out the game and showed the cover to him. "It's totally easy stuff! I'll still kick your butt, though!" When does he not claim that, though?

Nester went over to the gaming console, stuck the game inside, and turned it on. After watching the title sequence of a show being held where the Giana Sisters series big brute was causing trouble was shown, the game's title popped up in bright colors. Nester skipped all the pointless stuff and went down to the nitty-gritty: a two-player game with two CPUs! Oh boy!

There was a list of characters, ranging from Giana and Maria themselves to Monkey Kong and others because Essay is just half-assing this derp. "I'm gonna use Monkey Kong!"


purple_eyebrows January 23 2010, 10:20:17 UTC
why did Giana sound like a STD goddamn

"We'll see." Ivan laughed. There was always that beginner's luck, wasn't there? Though it was highly doubtful in Ivan's case. The blonde chose a comfortable spot close to Nester and watched the screen in ~ subtle awe~ so it was an adventure game! Sorta! Ivan could do adventures! Games would be easier than real life, right? He manhandled the controller for a bit, gently, but still thumbing over each button and toggle - and watching the screen to make sure he didn't mess anything up.

When Ivan next looked up, there was a character selection screen. Okay, he didn't know what a CPU was but there were two of him and now he had to choose a character. Uh. Ivan chose one randomly. It was Maria. Which sounded kinda like Mia - not that he wanted to be her or anything but ... uh. "Okay. What do we do?" Gust chirped again in mutual curiosity.


snarksterpilot January 23 2010, 20:18:47 UTC

"We do this!" Nester spoke, choosing two computer-controlled characters for the two of them to play against. "See those?! We don't play as those guys, but they're gonna try to beat us! But I can- uhh, I mean we can beat them! I'll just beat you, too." Clearly Nester had confidence in him, perhaps a bit too much. The two computer characters that I don't have names for, so they'll be CPU1 and CPU2 for now were selected. He then chose the easy difficulty setting, and off the characters went onto a board ( ... )


purple_eyebrows January 24 2010, 23:47:29 UTC
That seemed easy enough. Ivan watched Nester's hands to see which buttons to push and so far, only the big main button on the controller was needed. Then Nester's character moved on the board and collected its' gems. So it was like a board game, but with extra features; definitely easy enough.

It was Ivan's turn now and he watched the dice spin until he utlizied his ~awesome one button pushing skills~ and got a 5. He landed on a blue space like Nester had so he piped up with his brilliant discovery. "Oh okay. Red takes away gems, then I guess. Ha ha, that is easy...!"

The CPUs moved on there own and Ivan had a small moment of "oooooh".

((yah that's fine! |D;; )


snarksterpilot January 25 2010, 03:01:26 UTC
The CPUs wound up getting one blue space, as well, but another got a red space. "Yeah, you're right! You're almost as smart with these things as I am! Almost." Nester was ever the guy to be so cocky during given moments, and just... any moment ever, really.

Suddenly, after the last CPU's turn, a scrolling wheel popped up and the center spun. There were four triangles within, each containing the name of a mini-game. It landed on 'Bumper Balls', which was one of the simpler, yet slightly tougher games.

"This one's easy! Read the instructions!" He gestured to them on the screen. They were simple: use the control stick to move.

... Yeah, simple.

"All you've gotta do is knock everyone off the platform! Ready?!"


purple_eyebrows January 26 2010, 02:14:05 UTC
Maybe the game was mocking him; since this was really easy. Ivan nodded with another laugh. "Ready!"

The announcer lady on the screen shouted the start and the music began playing. Ivan played it like one of those beginners that veered the hell away from the other players so they wouldn't get pushed off, rather than actively trying to push them off himself.

Uh. For now anyways.


snarksterpilot January 26 2010, 02:19:28 UTC
Well, that was just no way to play. That was no way to play at all, at least not for Nester. "What are you doing?! You're gonna lose! Watch what I'm gonna do!"

Nester went over to CPU2, and began to bump it along. They bumped at each other back and forth until the redhead managed to get the CPU by its side and, after a few more small tries, he knocked it off of the platform.



purple_eyebrows January 26 2010, 02:35:41 UTC
"Oh whoops!" So much for beginners luck, right?

After Nester's demo, Ivan went in head first though kind of nervously because he was probably gonna die, but it was worth a shot. He found it was a little harder to control but managed to bump the other CPU closer to the edge.


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