Unfriendly Skies! My enemy is...

Feb 21, 2010 19:21

Who: Wave, Sonic, Knuckles, and MYSTERIOUS GUESTS
What: Wave sees something strange and goes to investigate.  All hell breaks loose.
Where: The streets of FDC
When: February 21, late afternoon
Warnings: Violence

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It was getting late, and Wave checked her watch for perhaps the fourth time.  Perhaps it was a bit last-minute to call Sonic and Knuckles out to do something, but she had been cooped up inside for too long and needed something to think about.  She had a lot on her mind; graduation was coming up, after all, and she had to figure out what she was going to do.  She could have gone back to the Rogues, but she wasn't exactly ready to leave this place yet.  She had been thinking about possibilities, like applying for a teaching job.  She could definitely do it, she had no doubts about that.  But did she really want to give up on her old life completely?  No, she didn't.  But something had to give.  Maybe she'd see Jet and Storm again soon.  Maybe they could come back and they'd be a family again.  Maybe...

In the distance, a loud explosion rumbled in her ears.  "What the heck was THAT?" she asked, her focus shaken as her eyes turned skyward.  Were they at war?  Was Eggman trying to make a move?  No…  There was just the one explosion, and she could vaguely make out where it was coming from…  Was that the museum?  Sure looked like that's where the billowing cloud of smoke was coming from.  Either way, her instincts told her to check it out.

As sirens blared and police cars made their way down the road, Wave dropped her Gear, hopped on, and took off speeding down the streets towards the scene.  She opened up her holo-computer, and after typing up a short message to Sonic and Knuckles to meet her there, she focused solely on her flying.  She was ready for anything at this point.

Except for what she actually found.  The museum was nearing her line of sight.  The explosion had left a hole in the wall of one of the upper levels, and from out of the hole shot three colourful blurs.  One green, one grey, and one purple.  Her eyes widened.  Jet…?  Storm…?  It couldn't be!  Who was that with them?!

The trio's escape route took them down the street in the direction Wave was flying.  She ducked into an alleyway to avoid being spotted, and watched as they flew past.  It was Jet and Storm all right.  She recognized them from anywhere.  But the third was…

Wait, the third member of the team was her!  Wave's eyes widened.  No way!  It couldn't be!

Something was wrong.  She had to get to the bottom of this.  She wanted answers.  Firing up her Gear, she took off after the trio.  Jet and Storm were behaving just as they always did; Jet sped right past obstacles, and Storm was happily punching out cars that got in his way.  And whoever that girl was that looked just like her, she definitely had the moves.  She was just as nimble as Wave herself was.  Definitely an impressive fake, but she still planned to teach it a lesson.  You don't impersonate the best and expect to get away with it.

Wave tried to cut them off.  She knew a shortcut through some alleyways, and once she finished zigzagging between buildings, she emerged in the middle of the trio's convoy.  "Pull over!" she demanded angrily.  "Jet!  Storm!"

Her companions looked at her.  But the looks in their eyes…  They could only be described as strangers looking her over.  "Har!  A faker!" Jet cawed.  "Don't think you can dress up like the Babylon Rogues and get away with it!"

"Yeah!" Storm chimed in, punching his fist into his hand.  "We'll smash you up good!"

"You know, I always thought someone impersonating me would look a lot better doing it," the fake Wave scoffed.  "What a shoddy job!"

"What are you talking about?!  It's me!" Wave insisted.

It was too late.  They converged on her.  "Too bad for you," Jet told her, "we don't take kindly to fakes!"

Storm struck her Gear from the front.  Jet whirled around and clocked her in the side with his board.  Wave was sent to her knees, grabbing on to her Gear for dear life.  While she was distracted, her fake flew up behind her, a mine in her hand.  She slapped it down on Wave's Gear and grinned.  "Hope you have a blast," she sneered with an arrogance that definitely reminded Wave of herself.  As Wave tried to right herself, the fake Wave hopped off her Gear, grabbed it, and landed on the back of Jet's gear, two jet trails flying off into the distance.  All Wave could do was drop off her Gear as it soared a few more feet and promptly exploded.

Wave rolled to a stop by the side of the road.  She had a bruised rib, and could barely get herself to her feet.  She looked off in the direction the trio had flown.  Who were they…?  They definitely weren't her Jet and Storm.  That much was certain.  For now she just had to get out of here and find Sonic and Knuckles.

The sound of sirens cut her off.  Police cars that had been following the convoy through the streets screeched to a halt around Wave.  Officers climbed out and held their guns level.  "Freeze!  Hands above your head!" one demanded, as they circled around Wave.

Too weak to fight and feeling faint, the only thing Wave could do was slowly raise her hands and get to her feet as two officers came to grab her and slap handcuffs on her.

!rp log, sonic (sonic the hedgehog), knuckles (sonic the hedgehog), wave (sonic the hedgehog)

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