Roommate bonding! Let's do each other's nails and talk about boys!

Oct 05, 2009 12:45

Characters: Paula and Wave
What: Roommate bonding
When: Oct. 5th, evening
Where: BW-12
Rating: PG

Paula had just finished the last of her homework. Putting away her books and papers, she let out a content sigh. After the whole Nancy incident, it was nice to get back into the old swing of things. She could only take so much excitement at one time.

After changing into pajamas, she hopped onto her bed. She wasn't particularly tired yet. It was still early in the evening, after all. She considered reading or writing a letter home. But nothing particularly caught her attention. That was when she noticed that her roommate also happened to be in the room and did not seem very busy. Time to start some friendly conversation!

"Hey Wave," she smiled. "How has your day been?"

!rp log, wave (sonic the hedgehog), paula (mother)

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