Oh god this place is going up in raging flames.

Sep 28, 2009 08:23

Who: Team 13: Samus, Eggman, Tony, and Lash vs. special guests Dr. Wily and Edward Falcon.
What: Infiltration of Capcom High's Skull Castle
Where: Skull Castle
When: Sunday, September 27th
Warnings: Nobody is safe- All But Not Limited To: power beams, power missiles, crazy scientists, explosions, robots, BADASS WEAPONRY, and a minor character pretending to know how to fight.

The crowd of four known as Team Thirteen (at least in Tony's mind, if that counted for anything) stalked the lawns of Capcom High's campus. It hadn't been a long trek from point A to point B, since Skull Castle was right there within easy reach- but stealth was still required, just enough so the Smash Academy members weren't oblivious to any possible wandering eyes of Capcom denizens. It was their job to search the castle for Nancy. They were currently positioned close to the Yashichi Building and its rotating pinwheel.

Tony had trouble containing his excitement over the prospect of a thrilling mission that involved him. His group couldn't be any more perfect! Well, to be truthful about the entire subject, the only way it could even be considered perfect were if Jeff had also been included, but right now was not the time to be sighing over the way the coins had flipped. "Are we ready to make a go for it?" Tony asked his team in a suspenseful hush.

!rp log, !rival school, tony (mother), * event - rescue mission, eggman/robotnik (sonic the hedgehog), lash (advance wars), samus aran (metroid)

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