Candy Shopping Log [ Pt. 3/4 ]

Jun 25, 2008 01:18

Characters: Chansey, Zelda, Vulpix, Amy, Duon, Panther, Kirby, Yoshi, Dimentio, Fox, Shabunga, Adeleine, Manaphy, Parakarry, Shinx, Porky, Ms. Marshmallow (and more?)
Where: School Gates > Candy Store
What: Chansey arranges an outing to the candy store.
When: 8PM June 25, 2008

(If I forgot someone or made a mistake, then I'm super sorry. Please comment about it and I'll edit it.)

Adeleine: That...was quick. ^_^;;

Manaphy: *is a but taken aback at Kirby* Manaaa???

Dimentio: *is next in line, put candy on the counter*

Chansey: *slaps a hand to her head in disbelief*

Manaphy: *also decides to wait in line*

Duon: The tiny pink ball is surprisingly gluttonous.

Vulpix: °//////////////°;;;;;

Kirby: [@Adeleine] They have so much candy poyooo =D

Shabunga: FOX! Are you taking candy from cusstomerss?

Chansey: [@Vulpix] I-It's okay Vulpix-chi...

Fox: You pay this much, Dimentio! *holds out the counting thing showing the price*

Zelda: *also, gets her money out to pay. She came prepared for a binge like hers.*

Kirby: Poyo poyo *gets in line and waits*

Fox: Buh? o.o Um, it was offered to me Shabunga

Adeleine: This is probably paradise to you, isn't it? [Chuckles]

Dimentio: *pays that much, takes his candy*

Shinx: Hmmm...~grabs some jellybeans and some pocky~ I think I'm read--OOH what's that?

Vulpix: *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh* M-maybe Thursday... *ears droop*

Chansey: (I never knew that he could be this dense... TuT;;;

Fox: Come again! *takes Zelda's candy* Thanks Zelda, come again

Shabunga: Fine, I'll believe you for now! But stay focused!

Panther: *wwwwhen is it my turn~*

Chansey: [@Vulpix-chi] There are always other chances. ^^;;

Fox: You pay this much Panther *holds out counting thing*

Kirby: *is looking into the bag, mouth starting to drool* Poyoo :3

Adeleine: Kirby, don't eat them before you buy them~

Manaphy: *decides to have fun by making Kirby's drool float around* *giggles* (while waiting in line)

Shabunga: *mumble* The kid catches on fassst atleast..

Zelda: Alright, take care! *keeps it in a bag for easier carrying, then moves away to chekc on the others*

Shinx: ~has discovered ferrero rocher - and may never go back~

Panther: *pay woohoo* Thank you. *polite smile just because he's like that*

Yoshi: dumps armful of candy on counter* Yoshi want this! ^_^

Kirby: [@Adeleine] Poyo, I won't :x

Fox: *takes money* Next in line!

Para:*walks around a bit...well flies around*

Fox: You pay this much, Yoshi *holds out counter thing*

Vulpix: Y-yes...

Shabunga: I'M TAKING A LUNCH BREAK. *vanish*

Yoshi: *pays that much with some coins* Yay!

Fox: Come again! *takes money*

Dimentio: Enough of this place. It's getting harder to resist knocking over shelves. *warps outside the door*

Fox: Next in line!

Panther: *approaches Shinx with the chocolate rose* Here you are, my dear~

Yoshi: *grabs up his stash* ^___^

Kirby: Poyo is that me? @ @;; *confuzzled*

Fox: I think so yeah n_n; Come on up

Manaphy: *is after Kirby*

Shinx: ~grabs a box~ Kay NOW I'm ready. [@panther] Oh, thank you! ^-^

Para: *watches everyone*

Kirby: Poyo poyo~ *puts the bag full of candies onto the counter* I would like this much poyo :3

Porky:*enters with Ms. Marshmallow* Boy, did I pick the wrong day... Too many brats..

Fox: You pay this much then *holds out counting thing*

Zelda: Heh, and I still have enough for anything else later on... Maybe I didn't have to put up that third box. *rummages through the bag to get one of the smaller candies*

Yoshi: *perks up* ...Bacon?

Para: *turns around and sees Porky* O_O

Manaphy: *is disturbed by dark feeling* Phii...

Kirby: *digs into his pockets and takes out the money* Is this enough poyo? *puts the money on counter*

Manaphy: *droop*

Ms. Marshmallow: Please bear with it, King P~ After all, we're here to buy you more snacks.

Fox: Yup! Thank you Kirby *takes money*

Fox: Next!

Para:*shudders a bit then turns away from Porky*

Porky:Right, right. So you better buy me lots, Marshmallow!

Dimentio: *silently followed Porky back inside and warped to a different area of the store*

Adeleine: [Notices Porkey] The philosophy teacher? Ah, well teachers have sweet teeth too, I guess~

Yoshi: It's teacher who smell like bacon! O_O

Manaphy: I'm next mana!

Ms. Marshmallow: Yes, King P~

Kirby: Yeay poyo~ *takes the bag and hops away, starting to eat some of the candy right then*

Manaphy: *puts his candies on the table*

Fox: You pay this much! *unfolds counting thing*

Adeleine: [Chuckles seeing Kirby]

Para:*mutters* First Mr. Minch...This can't get any worse...

Duon: Hm... It's the pig-nose...

Chansey: Has everyone almost finished buying their goodies?

Adeleine: I'm done~

Porky:I sense someone talking bad about me.

Yoshi: *staring at Porky* o.o

Shinx: ~puts the rose in her bag so as not to accidentally pay for it a second time~ I'm getting in line now~

Kirby: [@Chansey] I'm done poyo~ *is eating a piece of candy*

Manaphy: *pays* *walks a bit more quickly out since he's scared of Porky*

Marshmallow: It's your imagination, King P~

Zelda: Oh, Mr. Minch? Well, that's a surprise! *still not fully aware of all the rumors and their truth*

Dimentio: *suddenly next to Para* Oh hush about me. I've been behaving like a good little boy.

Para: *promplty shuts up*

Fox: Thanks, come again! *a little quick today, eh?* *puts money away*

Fox: Next!

Vulpix: *standing outside DEJECTEEEEED*

Chansey: [@Kirby] Hehe, alright.

Adeleine: [Goes up to Chansey, but just stands by her]

Manaphy: *runs and hides (kinda) next to vulpix* Mana...

Para: *startled by Dimentio, he turns back to a Paratroopa*

Porky:What? Oh, it's you Zelda. Yeah, guess you're all right. You actually pay attention in my class. Unlike the rest of you!

Chansey: If everyone's finished, let's all go outside!

Shinx: ~waiting in line?~ Shiii~

Adeleine: [Smiles, goes outside]

Fox: Oh hi Shinx! *shows counting thing* You pay this much

Yoshi: *slowly shuffles to the exit, still eying Porky* o.o....

Kirby: Poyo poyooo *almost drags the bag with him as he goes outside, following Adeleine*

Shinx: ~gives money~ Hope that's right - I'm not used to counting, shiii~

Manaphy: *is glad to be outside* *still warily eyes Porky* *antennae lowers*

Adeleine: Ah, Kirby, do you need help with that?

Zelda: [@Porky] Hehe, thank you. Sorry, I have to go. See you in class! *follows the others as they leave*

Fox: Oh this counting thingy doesn't lie as far as I can tell. Probably magic n_n; *takes money* Come again!

Dimentio: *warps outside* Finally!

Fox: next in line!

Kirby: [@Adeleine] Poyo? I can carry this poyo =D

Para: *flies after everyone* Wait for me!

Ms. Marshmallow: Well, let's start looking through the snacks. My treat~

Yoshi: *outside* Teacher who smell like bacon is bad man. o.o

Chansey: Okay. *steps outside* Is that everyone?

Adeleine: Alright then~

Porky:Kya, hah! Ah, Marshmallow~ -starts looking through snacks-

Kirby: [@Chansey] Poyo poyo~ *hops around*

Panther: *is now outsiiide and walks up to Vulpix* Dear, are feeling alright? You look depressed.

Zelda: *outside now, and has decided on just chewing some gum for now*

Adeleine: I'm here~

Shinx: Thank you! ~starts outside, notices Vulpix~ P-pixie? p_q

Fox: I guess that's everyone for now. *sits back in a chair and looks around*

Chansey: *gives Vulpix a pat on the back*

Manaphy: *notices Panther* hi mana?

Vulpix: ;A; *but isn't going to give up! there's still THURSDAY*

Para: *rushes outside nearly knocking Porky* Sorry! Sorry!

Porky:*hit* Oi! Turtle! You did that on purpose!

Vulpix: ;∇; I-I'll be fine, thank you. |D;;;;

Kirby: *eats another candy* :3

Manaphy: *hugs Vulpix* Phiii~

Ms. Marshmallow: King P! Are you hurt!?

Dimentio: *juggling purchased bags of jellybeans, has the lollipop in his mouth* Ohh, it seems that old habit has returned.

Chansey: [@Vulpix] *whispers* Hehe, maybe you can give it to him with a *places fingers on lips*

Panther: Well, if you're sure... *another chocolate rose WTF HE BOUGHT MORE THAN ONE?* Even so, I hope this will at least cheer you up a little, dear.

Porky:He hit my arm... I'm going to give him such a failing..

Para: *turns back to Porky* Forgive me, sir! I didn't see you!

Adeleine: [Takes out one of her marshmallows and nibbles it]

Fox: *fiddling with the counting thingy again*

Panther: That kind of look doesn't suit you.

Zelda: *hearing what's going on inside and shifts nervously from foot to foot*

Ms. Marshmallow: Sir... *takes Porky's arm and examines it* Don't worry. Nothing's wrong, my king~ *gives a soft peck on the non-existent wound*

Vulpix: °///////° Ch-chansey!

Yoshi: Mail turtle is still inside with teacher who smell like bacon?

Manaphy: *look at Dimentio juggle* mana! mana! *claps happily*

Chansey: Tee hee, I'm just kidding~

Porky:Kya, ha, hah~~~!

Shinx: ~nuzzles Vulpix's shoulder since she doesn't understand human affections~ Shiii~ ;____;

Para: I'm sorry Mr. Minch! I didn't mean it!

Chansey: You're still as cute as ever, Vulpix-chi. =3

Vulpix: *accepts chocolate rose and says thank you without even really paying attention to Panther* [@ Chansey A-are you really? :x

Kirby: *looks over at the small crowd around Vulpix* Poyo? *munch munch*

Vulpix: ;w; Thank you, Shinxie... *pets head*

Dimentio: *grins* Oh, you like this? *does a few juggling tricks that I can't remember the names of*

Porky:What? Forget about it. *Marshmallow service made him not care*

Vulpix: ^-^ Thank you guys. ♥ You're the best~

Duon: Ah, so you can juggle!

Para: *gulps nervously then goes outside*

Manaphy: (@ Dimentio) That is so cool mana~

Adeleine: [Notices Vulpix, smiles that she's getting happier] Mm~

Chansey: [@vulpix] Welllll, you could always do that in the future. *winks* Hehe.

Vulpix: °A°;;; U-uhm... I'll keep that in the back of my mind...?

Dimentio: *at Duon* Did you ever doubt me? *at Mana* Why thank you~ Maybe I'll teach you how someday.

Para: *stands outside surprise that Porky didn't do anything to him*

Zelda: Is that everyone? *makes a bubble*

Vulpix: Anyway, let's go~ ♥ Sorry to bog everyone down for a moment there. :x

Yoshi: Is mail turtle okay??

Duon: You should do it more often. I'll help even help you set up your very own tent.

Chansey: *squeals and glomps Vulpix* Waii~ You're just the cutest.

Yoshi: Teacher who smell like bacon is scary. o.o

Porky:These truffles look good~

Manaphy: *nibbles a bit on the rocky candy* *looks at Dimentio with shiny eyes at the thought*

Para: *turns to Yoshi* You're telling me *sighs and slumps a bit*

Marshmallow: This brand always goes well with the tea I serve~ Let me buy you some, King P~

Dimentio: I've spent enough time working with clowns, I'm quite through with that.

Adeleine: Hey, Kirby, would you like one of these marshmallows I got~? [Offers him one]

Chansey: [@Vulpix] *whispers* But really, good luck, my BFF~!

Vulpix: *hugs Chansey back* Thank you~ ^//^

Kirby: [@Adeleine] Poyo? I would like some poyo~! *takes one and eats it* Poyo poyo~~ X3

Shinx: ~smiles and gets a candy star out of her bag, popping it into her mouth~ Shiiii~ This is so tasty!

Zelda: [@Yoshi and Para] Hm, well, I do admit he's rather harsh.... *still not sure what to believe about Porky*

Kirby: [@Yoshi] There's a teacher that smells like bacon?? :O~~ *drool*

Porky:Oh, look, the bottomless pink stomach is here...

Ms. Marshmallow: Bottomless pink stomach, sir?

Kirby: [@Porky] Poyo~ Hi Mister Mean Teacher! =D

Chansey: Okay~! Now that everyone's got their candy, shall we go get some dinner or go somewhere to play first? ^^

Manaphy: *makes Kirby's drool float again*

Para: [@ Zelda] *quietly* I don't know whether to trust him yet.

Adeleine: [Chuckles at Kirby's drooling]

Manaphy: *giggle*

Porky:He calls me this. He always does.

Ms. Marshmallow: But... King P isn't mean at all. I love him because of his kind ways~

Kirby: [@Porky] Poyo? Should I call you something else poyo? :< Everyone seems to call you mean...

Porky:Like the lady says, I'm not! I happen to be a saint~

Shinx: Shii? ~tilts head~ What's a saint?

Porky:An enlightened despot, even!

Para: *sighs a bit, still slightly startled*

Kirby: [@Porky] Poyooo really?? *sparkle eyes*

Fox: -_- *waiting for Porky to get his candies.* //why does he like to drag out everything?//

Yoshi: And you smell like bacon!

Dimentio: *stops juggling, letting the bags stack up on his hand* Ta daaaah~

Zelda: [@Para] *a bit quieter*, but at the same time I'm worried about what I've been told... *won't speak more; she's going to stay quiet about it, not knowing who else has been told*

Panther: [@ Chansey] Perhaps playing first? I'm sure everyone's hyped up on sugar now.

Chansey: ^^;;; P-Professor Porky.... Are you... joining us?

Porky:Yes, really! I'm really not such a bad guy! And I don't smell like bacon! Right, Marshmallow~

Chansey: [@Panther] That sounds good, Panther-kun.

Para: [@ Zelda] *nods in agreement and also buttons his lip on the subject*

Ms. Marshmallow: Yes, your Highness~ Hmhm~

Panther: Once everyone's settled down after that, then we can eat.

Kirby: [@Porky] Poyoo then what should I call you, Mister Bacon Teacher?

Porky:What? Join you guys? Ms. Marshmallow came here with me because we're short on snacks. I'm not with you guys.

Manaphy: *cowers at sight of Porky* Mana....

Vulpix: *adds on* And then we could walk off the carbs after!

Shinx: Playiiiing~! ~twirls around a little~

Chansey: Everyone who wants to go play before dinner, raise your hands and say "aye!" ^o^

Porky:Hey, I don't smell like bacon! Get that through your stomach!

Para: *raises his hand* Aye!

vulpix (pokemon), zelda (zelda), duon (smash bros.), parakarry (mario), chansey (pokemon), shinx (pokemon), manaphy (pokemon), kirby (kirby), pokey (mother), !chat log, fox mccloud (star fox), shabunga (starfox), dimentio (mario), adeleine (kirby)

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