
Sep 12, 2009 11:08

Who: Amy, Otacon, Hojita, Daroach, Sable, Aviana, Wave and Knuckles
Where: Room BW - 02 (Amy's dorm room)
When: September 12th, 2009. Starts this time around the early afternoon.
Rating: Unknown. Presumably around PG. (Might be higher if some clients decide to be vulgar.)



otacon (metal gear), !rp log, sable (animal crossing), hojita/bulbmin (pikmin), knuckles (sonic the hedgehog), wave (sonic the hedgehog)

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HOJITA youresosweet September 12 2009, 19:27:30 UTC
Re: HOJITA bulbmin_glutton September 12 2009, 19:44:19 UTC
Hojita was very excited to do one of these cute little readings. She quite liked Amy, despite only having met her a few times in the past. Plus, she simply found the idea to be quite fun in general, and even pretty cute. She wanted to know what her 'fortune' was anyway!

She knocked on the door before opening it. "Hi Amy!!"


Re: HOJITA youresosweet September 12 2009, 19:54:54 UTC
She liked Hojita back, from first impressions that is. She seemed like a fun and perky girl. (And down right adorable!)

"Hi, Hojita! Take a seat," she cheerfully gestured to the opposite side of the table. "How are you today?"

Usually Amy would hate to stay locked up on a Saturday, but it wasn't as nice out as it was in the past few months anyway.

Secretly, there were a couple of things Amy would have liked to ask to the Bulbmin get to know her better. It was a mystery why she and her 'sisters' continue to follow Mr. Olimar. It was probably just a Pikmin thing, but it always struck her as weird.


Re: HOJITA bulbmin_glutton September 12 2009, 20:03:43 UTC
Hojita squeaked and plopped down on her seat oh-so-gracefully (except entirely not). She gave Amy a big, toothy grin with her reply. "I'm really, really good!! I just came inside from being outside!" She didn't go far this time unlike her usual escapades, but that was because today was an exception. She really liked the idea of this fortune telling thing.

"Um! How are you?!"


Re: HOJITA youresosweet September 12 2009, 20:16:19 UTC
"I'm doing good!" she replied in a chipper tone, as she took out the cards from the box. "Umm... How are your sisters? I think I got one of them coming over later!"


Re: HOJITA bulbmin_glutton September 12 2009, 20:20:36 UTC
Hoji's smile perked up a little. "They're doing good, I think!! But Stanley had to go back to the garden!" Her smile may have nearly faded just a tad, but she still kept on a cheery expression. Besides, she knew she could visit her and write to her whenever she wanted. "But that's neat!! Is Aniki coming?! Or Ionia?!" She didn't know whether or not it would be rude to ask about who would be coming in for readings.


Re: HOJITA youresosweet September 12 2009, 20:24:27 UTC
"My list says Aviana!"

She never got to talk to Aviana, but she's seen her posts. She also saw Olimar's post, and knew all about what happened to Stanley. "I'm sorry... Hey um, so, do all the Pikmin live in a garden?" I wonder how they fit in there. Maybe it was like a chao garden!


Re: HOJITA bulbmin_glutton September 12 2009, 20:29:26 UTC
"Ohhhh!" Hoji piped up in response to Amy confirming that it is Aviana who will be arriving for a fortune today. "And we do!! I lived in the garden with Leader, too, once! I remember some of my sisters from there a little!" She almost wanted to go back to the garden sometime. Maybe she would just for a little visit.


Re: HOJITA youresosweet September 12 2009, 20:33:35 UTC
She smiled, Pikmin were so cute. Now was time for business. Amy shuffled the cards next to her, but pushed them aside for one second. "Okay then, Hojita... what kind of reading would you like? I can do a three card reading of your past present or future, OR I could do a one card reading for your future."

She pointed to the options on the paper. From love fortunes to just about anything were written down.


Re: HOJITA bulbmin_glutton September 12 2009, 20:45:20 UTC
Hojita blinked and looked at the paper. A past, present, and future reading did sound really neat, and she was curious as to what she'd say about that more than anything. She believed she already got a love fortune when Katrina was around, anyway ((? I forgot lol)).

"Um!! Three cards, please?!"


Re: HOJITA youresosweet September 13 2009, 19:01:04 UTC
"Okay! Let's get started then!" Amy brought the deck back in front of them and carefully prepared for the reading. In no time, there were three cards laid across the table.

After turning over a card, she said, "Your first card is the Six of Wands in reverse. It shows fear. A challenge, enemy or bad situation may have awaited you, and then there was panic. Generally, this is a card of misfortune, but in the past we all have had moments where we were unsure or afraid."

The next card turned over it wasn't faced in the same direction, suggesting this one was upright.

"The King of Pentacles is a card with rocky meaning, but I feel a sense of success. The card tells of realized intelligence, aptitude or attainment. You don't always HAVE to get something through possession! Sometimes you just learn something valuable," she giggled over the joke she was about to bring up. "Maybe this card was picked because you learned about my fortune telling! ...Just kidding ( ... )


Re: HOJITA bulbmin_glutton September 13 2009, 19:08:36 UTC
Hoji's smile lessened just a little bit at her first card. It was surprisingly true, too, in a sense. She had a feeling of panic a few times, especially a certain time some months back (Aparoid War, much?). However, the thought of it didn't come to mind. She thankfully tried not to think of those bad things.

She did giggle when Amy had over her second card, though. Thankfully, Amy was right in the sense that Hoji was bubbly enough that she'd only laugh along with her. By now, she was rocking in her seat with excitement, though. Maybe too much.

Her future card, though? She found that perfect because of the exploration aspect of it. Oh Hoji, you and your escapades.

"I really like these!! That means I might find something really neat when I explore someday?!"


Re: HOJITA youresosweet September 14 2009, 00:15:00 UTC
"I think so!" Oh hey, she was right! Amy needed to stop doubting her abilities.


Re: HOJITA bulbmin_glutton September 14 2009, 00:16:05 UTC
"Yay!!" Hoji bounded from her seat and gave Amy one big ol' smile. Yeah, she was obviously pretty happy. "That's really neat!! Do you special powers like a psychic Pokemon to know these things?!"


Re: HOJITA youresosweet September 14 2009, 00:34:55 UTC
Oh boy, she was being compared to Psychic Pokemon! She gave a hearty grin. "That's a s-e-c-r-e-t~ ♥" Truth was, Amy wasn't sure if she had any. It wouldn't a surprise to learn that she was born with some kind of gift. Her parents were both into fortunes and tarots, and she seemed to have the ability to summon a hammer on will.

There was no answer how or where the Piko Piko Hammer was kept, she just knew that she could make it appear ANYTIME she wanted. As if to show off, the hammer appeared before them. It couldn't be swung around or anything, because they were inside the building. It still looked impressive though.


Re: HOJITA bulbmin_glutton September 14 2009, 00:38:02 UTC
Oh wow, what was that?! A giant... metallic thing? Hojita had never seen a hammer before in her life, and thus, she didn't have the slightest clue what it was.

"What's that?!" She pointed straight at it in a mix of curiosity, awe, and slight shock.


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