Candy Shopping Log [ Pt. 1/4 ]

Jun 24, 2008 23:50

Characters: Chansey, Zelda, Vulpix, Amy, Duon, Panther, Kirby, Yoshi, Dimentio, Fox, Shabunga, Adeleine, Manaphy, Parakarry, Shinx, Porky, Ms. Marshmallow (and more?)
Where: School Gates > Candy Store
What: Chansey arranges an outing to the candy store.
When: 8PM June 25, 2008

(If I forgot someone or made a mistake, then I'm super sorry. Please comment about it and I'll edit it.)

Chansey: Hi everybody~! It seems like we're missing quite a lot of people. *looks around* It seems that some people are late. =\

Zelda: Hm...Perhaps something unexpected came up? Hopefully they'll catch up, if we go...

Vulpix: *trots over to Chansey* :x Sorry I'm a bit late! *looks around* Where is everyone else?

Amy: Oh well, their loss~

Duon: What matters is that we're here. (I really don't want to see you pig out again... So please go easy on the snacks this time...)

Chansey: I'm not sure. *frowns a little* Let's just leave a note for them here telling them to meet us in town then. I'll leave a number just in case~ *scribbles on a piece of notepad paper*

Panther: *smiiile~* Hello ladies~ ♥

Dimentio: Don't expect ROB. He's...Having some technical difficulties. *chuckle*

Amy: . . .

Panther: ... and gentlemen.

Chansey: ^^;; Hello...

Zelda: That should work. And, at least there's a couple new faces. Hello! *wave*

Duon: Who's the Casanova? (I already don't like him... Gives off a weird vibe...)

Chansey: [@Dimentio] Ah, I see.

Amy: (...Who brought that guy here? lllorz)

Panther: *roses for all the girls, wah!*

Vulpix: *sweatdrops but takes it anyway* ^^;; H-hello...

Duon: Oh my~ (Hey! There's a guy in this girl's body too! So weird...)

Chansey: Seems like we all don't know each other, so... It's the perfect time for introductions~!

Amy: *Looks at rose with an annoyed expression* Erm...thanks....T_T

Chansey: *laughs nervously but takes the rose* Why... Thank you.

Zelda: *takes hers as well* Aww, roses! Thank you! *...TOO nice for her own good*

Chansey: I'm Chansey, a junior~ You usually see me assisting the nurse most of the time. *smiles*

Panther: You're all quite welcome, darling roses~ [@ Duon] Cassanova... you mean moi?

Duon: (Hey, when you're done, let me take control for a little bit. I don't want to lose to this lady killer.) (Don't
worry. It's no competition.)

Zelda: Anyway, I'm Zelda. This is my last year at Sumabura, so I'm doing what I can to make it the best!

Amy: My name is Amy Rose! Obviously Amy will do just fine...I'm new to this school!

Panther: I am Panther~ I am new to this planet and am a freshman~ It's a pleasure to meet you all.

Chansey: *giggles* Quite a variety of people we have here. =3

Amy: (...I already knew you bub....T_T;;)

Vulpix: I'm Vulpix! ^0^ I'm a junior like Chansey-tan here!

Duon: Oh, yes. You look like a lady killer right out of a movie! Why, you even have your own roses. Nice touch~

Zelda: [@Amy and Panther] Welcome! I hope you like the school so far.

Panther: Haha~ thank you. ^___^

Chansey: [@Amy/Panther] Yup! Don't hesitate to ask your upperclassmen for help, especially me!

Amy: Yes ma'am. ^u^

Panther: *grawl* Most certainly. *wink*

Chansey: *ignores the wink* Well, with the introductions down, shall we go? ^^

Amy: ......

Duon: (@ Amy) Nice guy, isn't he? Ho, hoh!

Chansey: *sticks the note securely to the wall where it can be seen*

Vulpix: I'm ready~ ♥

Amy: Yeah....He's....real special.........o_o;;

Dimentio: *didn't bother introducing himself, wants to stay lowkey*

Zelda: *giggles nervously at Panther, before responding to Chansey* I'm ready, too.

Duon: Special is putting it lightly~

Yoshi: *comes scramnbling up really fast* Yoshi is late! Yoshi is sorry

Chansey: Hehe, *pats Yoshi on the head* it's okay, Yoshi-chi. You made it just on time. =)

Vulpix: :O

Yoshi: Hooray! ^_^

Vulpix: ^-^ You just barely caught us! ^0^ Welcome aboard!

Duon: And here we have a person who enjoys narrating his own life. We really do have such a variety.

Amy: Ah Vulpix-senpai, I didn't see you for a second. Hii! ^o^

Dimentio: *mumbling* This evens out the gender ratio a little...I think. Hah.

Yoshi: Yoshi was... um... taking nap... and woke up late!

Chansey: *spots Dimentio* Hmm, you didn't introduce yourself, did you?

Vulpix: *waves at Amy; her totally good mood is showing, ahaha* Hi, Amy-chan~!

Dimentio: *perks up* Ah- No, I didn't.

Duon: (Ah, and there's my cute little fox over there~) (Control your sex drive.)

Chansey: [@Dimentio] *smiles warmly* What's your name?

Amy: You look lovely today Senpai! 8D

Duon: (Such an understatement~) (What did I tell you?)

Dimentio: Ahah, I'm Dimentio. And I have a feeling my name is becoming deragotaory at this school.

Vulpix: Oh, I remember you from Zoology yesterday... :x

Dimentio: Oh, were you in that class too?

Vulpix: Yes. ^^;;; I saw the entire thing...

Amy: *To Duon* I don't believe I've seen you around school.

Chansey: Hmm, I wasn't able to attend yesterday. Just what happened?

Dimentio: Quite a ruckus I caused. Ahahah~ It was very entertaining though.

Zelda: [@Vulpix and Dimentio] Oh? Was it really as bad as everyone says?

Dimentio: That depends, what does everyone say?

Duon: (@ Amy) Oh, I'm new here. Such an interesting place, this school.

Duon: With such... Colorful people. And I don't just mean the clown.

Panther: I heard that everyone failed...

Chansey: There weren't... any students that got hurt, were there? And the professor?

Panther: However, I also heard that grades were changed back to passing later on.

Amy: I see what you mean. Say, your hair style's really cute

Panther: I should ask Uncle about it.

Zelda: Yes, and plus I heard you caused it, Dimentio...

Dimentio: *counting off on his fingers* Two students were blown up, the teacher was emotionally crushed,
and one boy got his shirt stained.

Duon: Ah, ha, hah! It was designed that way. Same with yours.

Amy: I should try getting my hair to be like that! ^o^

Chansey: o.0 !! AH! D-Did they get medical attention?!

Vulpix: I don't recall anyone getting any...

Chansey: ;A;

Dimentio: Oh yes. I think so. Oh, I was also given a cuncussion, lost a tooth, and was eaten.

Zelda: Oh, dear, I hope everyone's alright... Zoology has always been as chaotic as long as I could

Panther: That's dangerous... that's a messy class, one could easily be infected in there...

Duon: It takes a lot of work just keeping it like this. Your hair's just fine the way it is. Trust me.

Yoshi: Yoshi not hear about bad things in zoology... Yoshi heard there were giftboxes and thought
everybody got a present! O_o

Panther: And I'd hate to see any of you darlings sick~ */dramatic*

Amy: That's one of my least favorite classes! D>

Dimentio: And it was all my doing! AHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!

Amy: It's so gross....but I like a lot of people in there....x_x

Zelda: I fainted a couple of times when I took the class-- ...oh. I'm not, um, exactly sure if causing so much
mayhem is a good thing.

Yoshi: Dimentio gave everybody a present??

Chansey: *sighs* I really should have tried harder to attend... =A=;;

Dimentio: (@ yoshi) You could say that~ *chuckle*

Yoshi: Yay! Dimentio is nice! ^^

Dimentio: Oh, if only I were.

Amy: *Fixes hair* I love these hairclips I got, they're even the right color of red! oAo

Chansey: That class always makes me worry, *sighs* because of all those atrocious specimens the
professor brings in...

Panther: *sweatdrop* That's Uncle for you...

Duon: I'm sure I've seen worse. Yes... Much worse...

Chansey: [@Amy] Oh~ Those are some really cute hairclips, Amy-tan!

Amy: Really!? : D

Panther: Before anyone asks, though, we aren't blood related.

Zelda: I had that class the year they had zombies. It...was not exactly fun.

Vulpix: They are, Amy-chan~!

Chansey: N-No...they sure weren't...


Dimentio: (@ Amy) Hnn, the clash of pink and red could be charming, in a way...

Zelda: [@Vulpix] I-I'm pretty sure they're banned now! At least, I heard they were....

Duon: Zombies? My... (The undead!? Just like in those movies!? Ha, hah! Oh, I'd like to fight some of those
one day!)

Yoshi: Zombies eat icky things! D:

Amy: *To Dimentio* What is that supposed to mean?....

Dimentio: *laughs* Oh, nothing, nothing. Don't worry your empty little head over what I say..

Manaphy: *has run to group* sorry I was late mana...I was taking a nap >A<

Vulpix: Uwaa...! I hope so!

Parakarry: *rushes to the group in human form* Sorry I'm late!

Vulpix: :O Manaphy-kun~ Hi!

Chansey: Mana-chan~ *glomps* I'm so glad you could make it. X]

Yoshi: *waves* Hello! ^^

Zelda: Ah, hello!

Manaphy: Hi mana! *is hugged* ^^

Chansey: Hello~!

Amy: EMPTY!? UGH! Just because I know how to keep my head up doesn't mean it's full of air! This 'empty
head' is doing FINE in her classes thank you!

Parakarry: *pants still decked in his delivry uniform* My boss wanted me to close the post office for him..

Vulpix: °A°;;; Ohh, let's not fight here, you guys!

Amy: ....Fine. -_-

Dimentio: *cackles loudly, but otherwise doesn't respond to Amy*

Manaphy: (@Para) it's okay mana!

Zelda: *swallows a bit hard when she hears Amy raise her voice at Dimentio, but syas nothing*

Chansey: Hey, hey! No fighting!

Amy: *Sighs and perks up a little*

Manaphy: *notices Dimentio* W-what are you doing mana! D: Stop fighting...

Parakarry: *smiles but then sees Dimentio* AAAAH! What are you doing here!?

Panther: *sighs a little*

Duon: Seems the clown is well known. All for wrong reasons.

Chansey: *spots the candy store* Ah! Well, let's try not to dwell on bad things. We're finally at the candy

Amy: *Waves to Manaphy* Hiii Mana!

Yoshi: Candy!

Dimentio: (@ Manaphy) Hi roomie! I'm just making some new friend- *sees Parakarry* You!

Parakarry: *just stares at him* Stay away from me!

Manaphy: *tilts head* you look like you made people mad though...

Chansey: *pulls parakarry's and dimentio's ears* No fighting I said! =\

Zelda: Ooh. I'm going to buy a lot to put in my lunch tomorrow! *glances at Parakarry and Dimentio,
nervous* ...ooh...

Amy: It's alright Mana, I'm fine. ^^;

Parakarry: Owww! *wriggles in Chansey's grip*

Dimentio: *floats closer* I'm on this little escapade to get out of school, and the dismal threats I keep
getting from it.

Panther: *snickers a little*

Para:I'm sorry! I'll be good.

Manaphy: *brightens a little* O-okay...

Vulpix: Well, perhaps you shouldn't have pulled such a trick that could've gotten us all bad marks! :x

Yoshi: *isn't paying attention, too busy staring at the candy in the front window*

Chansey: *has firm grip on the ears* If you promise to be good, I'll let you two go so that we can go in.

Amy: Oh shoot! I hope I remembered to bring rings with me, not like I have much now from Sunday's little
night out. x_x;;

Manaphy: *is also with Yoshi now*

Parakarry: *nods* I will Ms. Chansey...

Duon: My, my. The clown thinks he's better than us. Now, why don't you go over there and juggle a ball or
two? Give in to your assigned role.

Chansey: *let's go of Parakarry and looks at Dimentio* Well..?

Panther: *from behind* If you're a little short on cash, Miss Amy, I don't mind helping you out a little~

Dimentio: You want me to juggle? *cracks knuckles*

vulpix (pokemon), panther (star fox), zelda (zelda), duon (smash bros.), parakarry (mario), yoshi (mario), chansey (pokemon), manaphy (pokemon), !chat log, amy rose (sonic the hedgehog), dimentio (mario)

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