A weekend in the woods!

Sep 12, 2009 08:25

Characters: Lt. Surge, Goose
Where: Some campsite somewhere in some wooded area.
When: September 12th into the 13th.
Warnings: Swearing is a definite. Anything else might not really happen.

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!rp log, goose (pilotwings), lieutenant surge (pokemon)

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badasstrenches September 16 2009, 13:45:57 UTC
Surge plopped himself down on a large, flat rock. "Well, I was figurin' that we each try to catch fish in the best way we know possible. After all, it wouldn't be fair if we both used the same technique and one of us didn't know anythin' 'bout it."

Laying his stick on the rock, Surge took off his shoes, socks, and rolled up his pant legs. As he dipped his feet in the water, he smirked, "The loser gets stuck with cleanin' up and puttin' out the fire. Sound good?"


badasscopters September 16 2009, 13:52:13 UTC
Goose grinned, finding this to be a good idea. Perhaps he didn't need the stick he grabbed then. Unless...

"Goooot it," He accepted before heading over to grab some rope from his bag. He thought they might need it for something, whether it be for hiking or something else, so now he had a use for it! He cut it down with some scissors he brought and tied it onto the stick. He then dug for the food they brought and yanked out a bowl of tiny shrimps (good thing Goose adored shrimp, eh?), tying a piece tightly with the rope.

He tossed the makeshift line into the water, hoping for a few bites. He... didn't know any other techniques apart from that and using the stick as a spear, which he assumed Surge might be doing.

"... Ehhh," He awkwardly blinked, wondering if he'll ever get a bite this way.


badasstrenches September 16 2009, 17:53:55 UTC
Goose was correct in his assumption. The lieutenant pulled out a Swiss army knife and started sharpening one of the ends of his stick. As he whittled away, he glanced over and noticed the pilot's technique.

"Shrimp, huh? Better not use all of 'em. I might want some later," he grinned.

When he decided that his stick was sharp enough, he put away the knife and watched the water. And watched. And watched some more. He was being surprisingly patient, barely even moving a muscle.


badasscopters September 16 2009, 17:58:05 UTC
Huh, not bad. That looked like it could be an efficient technique, but the way Surge was just standing them made him a bit confused. There had to have been fish there by now, right? Why didn't he spear some? Did it really take THAT much precision for him to make a good catch? Geez. Maybe Goose just thought that this would be one of those things he could do faster and better, but shhh.

He finally felt a tug at his line, though. "Ha! Got somethin'!"

He pulled and yanked it out. On the other end was a Poliwag. Said Poliwag decided it would be a good escape method to attempt water gunning Goose's face. It worked very well and it plopped back inside of the river, swimming away from its capture.

Well that was kind of crappy.


badasstrenches September 16 2009, 18:07:50 UTC
There were plenty of fish, of course. But being the douche that he was, Surge was aiming for big fish only. Quality over quantity and all that.

Hearing Goose's outburst, the lieutenant looked up. As he watched the Poliwag make its daring attack and dash, Surge couldn't help but laugh loudly. "I sure hope that water gun cooled ya off some!"

As his chuckles died down, he went back to focusing on the fish. Finally a large one swam past his feet. In a flash, Surge threw the spear and got the fish dead on. Grinning, he pulled out the stick with the fish still skewered on it. "That's one for me."


badasscopters September 16 2009, 18:10:53 UTC
"Niiiice catch," Goose gave him a thumbs-up before hooking another shrimp to his rope. He shook his head a little, water droplets dripping down from his shades. Well, uh, he'd need to get those cleaned, oops. He did so with the tip of his shirt before tossing his rope in again.

Surprisingly, it didn't take him long to get another bite. This time, he literally did reel in a fish, but it wasn't as big as Surge's. He shrugged and took it to the campsite to slice it a little, ensuring that it'd stay dead for them to eat instead of ... flopping into the water again.

"Got one!" Goose called out before sticking his rope back in. He'll be trying again as long as Surge will be.


badasstrenches September 17 2009, 15:54:26 UTC
"Not bad," Surge grinned at Goose's catch. He went back to calmly watching the water. After a while, he was able to catch a few other large fish. Feeling rather accomplished, he decided to call it quits. He brought his fish back to the campsite. Glancing back at the other man, an amusing thought flitted through his head.

Creeping towards his boyfriend, Surge stopped a little bit behind the pilot. With a forceful push, Goose was flung into the water. "So," he chuckled, "how's the water?"


badasscopters September 17 2009, 16:06:34 UTC
Goose, unfortunately, only got that one fish. He didn't really have too much of a chance with his lousy excuse for a fishing rod, and besides, fishing took time anyway unless you were aiming for Pokemon. Thus, he shrugged, deciding that it might be a good idea to quit himself and eat with his boyfriend.

That is, until he got flung into the water. Geez, Surge.

"Hey-hey!" Goose sputtered and laughed, staring up at his boyfriend. "Not bad," He grabbed hold of Surge's legs. "Why don'tcha feel for yerself?!"

With a hard pull with all of the force Goose had in his body, he yanked Surge inside, as well. Smooth.


badasstrenches September 17 2009, 21:51:34 UTC
Surge's first thought when Goose pulled him into the water was either he's stronger than I thought or he just got lucky. Falling into the water, he sat up and grinned at the other man. He was oh so tempted to dunk the pilot, but thankfully the river wasn't quite deep enough. The lieutenant's other option was just as immature but much more doable.

With a flick of his arm, he splashed some water in Goose's face. It was about this time that he noticed Goose's completely soaked hair. Smirking, he reached out and flicked one of the loose strands.

"Hope ya brought some hair gel," he laughed. Although Surge was being sarcastic, he wouldn't have put it past the pilot to actually have brought some.


badasscopters September 17 2009, 21:54:32 UTC
Oh yes indeed, Goose's hair was all flat and stuck to his face from being absolutely drenched in water. He feigned a glare, muttering, "Well, gee, ya' know me better'n that." He shrugged and pretended that he was just going to get out of the water, all disgruntled... which quickly changed when he let out a laugh and splashed Surge right back.

"Hope ya' can fix those spikes o' yours!" He grinned too widely. He was having a blast, to be completely honest. It was beginning to make him hungry, though.


badasstrenches September 17 2009, 22:11:06 UTC
Surge had expected the retaliation, but not the timing. Getting a face full of water, he coughed and spit some out. "Alright, alright, ya got me," he chuckled.

Just as Goose had said, the lieutenant's spikes were becoming limp and starting to lean over. Thankfully his hair was naturally spiky due to years of being electrocuted from sticking a fork in an electrical socket when he was a kid because of magic so it would revert back to normal once it dried.

Climbing out of the water, he pulled off his wet jacket and shirt. "How 'bout we dry off by the fire, huh? That way we can also cook us up some food."


badasscopters September 17 2009, 22:14:48 UTC
"Sure thing," Goose's grin did not waver. In fact, it considerably grew. Boy, he could use some food right now! He followed Surge out of the water and also yanked off his own shirt, not bothering with his pants. Eh, he could change out of those once he got a little more dry.

He plopped down by the fire and took some of the fish he had sliced. He impaled it on a stick and held it over the fire, making sure to roast it very thoroughly.

"Smells good," He sighed contently, reeeeally wanting to sink his teeth into that food right now. "Heh, I'm havin' myself a good time!"


badasstrenches September 17 2009, 22:25:50 UTC
Skewering his own fish, he stuck the sticks into the ground near the fire. He watched them carefully, making sure they didn't overcook. "There's nothin' like the taste of freshly caught fish."

Surge glanced over at his boyfriend. Grinning, he replied, "So am I. This was just the sort of break I needed. I'm glad ya came with me."


badasscopters September 17 2009, 22:30:29 UTC
"I always will be. Ain't easy to get rid of me," Goose smirked and rubbed his boyfriend's cheek with his hand subconsciously. "Ya'll'd have to throw me off a cliff t'. ... Without a parachute, o' course," He punctuated that with a snicker. Silly piloting humor.

After a while of roasting in the fire, that fish wound up nice and steamed to perfection. "Lookin' good to ya?" He wanted to make sure it wasn't raw. Goose wasn't at all experienced in cooking fish.


badasstrenches September 17 2009, 22:41:56 UTC
Flicking away the hand, he playfully replied, "A cliff, huh? I dunno. That's sort of a dismal thought. I'm sure I could find more entertainin' ways to get rid of you."

Surge wrapped his arm around the other's waist and glanced back at the fish. "Yup, looks good to me. We should probably let 'em cool first, then I'll cut into 'em. Unless you wanna eat scales and bones."

As an after thought, he asked, "What other food did ya bring?"


badasscopters September 17 2009, 22:47:16 UTC
Goose snickered almost deviously. "I thought ya'd neeeever ask," He dug into the bags he brought and yanked out some graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows. He then pulled the shrimp back out, as well as bowls of his mother's biscuits (packed lovingly with some homemade jellies of the blueberry and strawberry kind) and some small sausages to roast.

"All this," He grinned and popped open the sausage. "Might as well have this while waitin' for the fish, eh?" He used another stick to put the sausage on, put it over the fire for a minute, and then began to munch. Mmm, sooo good.


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