[Open Log!] I can jump from roof to roof! And get my friends free cable! It's bad ass.

Sep 01, 2009 20:55

Who: Sheik, anyone around at an ungodly hour who might run into a sneaky sneak ninja. CONFLICT and MISCHIEF wanted!
What: We must go out. And ninja. In the night.
When: Let's futuredate just a bit to late night, Wedesday, September 2nd.
Where: All over campus!
Rating: PG-13 to start.

Zelda, in short, was having a really crappy few weeks. First, Link had left. She'd dealt with that before, but somehow it hurt more this time, mostly because she had only just returned and suddenly...poof. He was gone again. It was like the two of them just kept missing each other.

On top of that, she'd been signed up for the blind dates against her will, and had gone, hoping not to disappoint her date but instead was met with a complete disaster. Daroach had insulted, appalled, and outright attacked her and though she'd managed to keep her composure at the time, the fact was that she really needed to blow off some steam.

But Zelda couldn't blow off steam. Zelda was a princess and princesses were shining examples of grace and stoicism. So she needed to find alternative methods, which, luckily, she had, in the form of an alter ego. Occasionally, stress would get to her, and that's when Sheik would take to the school after dark, leaping across rooftops and keeping silent tabs on others out and about during ungodly hours.

At the moment, she was perched on the edge of the humanities building, gazing down onto the main quad and enjoying the silence of the school at night, even if she knew nothing around here could stay quiet for long.

!rp log, zelda (zelda), apple kid (mother), selene (panel de pon), knuckles (sonic the hedgehog), !open log, rosalina (mario), king boo (mario), vashta/darkrai (pokemon)

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