Gotta bake, gotta bake some poffins!

Aug 17, 2009 17:27

Characters: Hojita, Lucas
Where: Dorm complex kitchen.
When: August 17th

Hojita: *Hojita, being the little meat muncher she was, needed to see if there would happen to be any meat in the dorm complex's kitchen. She was usually very scarce on money if she ever had any at all, so sometimes, she had to forage for free meat... even if it was someone else's. How horrible of her.*

Meeeat, meaaaaaat, meeeeeat!! *charges into the kitchen and looks into the fridge, hoping she can grab some deliciousness*
Lucas: *Turtwig in toe, Lucas walked into the kitchen, a small bag of berries near his heels. He was so lucky to have his pokemon with him, to find all sorts of berries that he would have just skipped over without noticing. Since he had the berries, and it had been a while since he had even attempted to make poffins, he decided to do so today.* Turtwig, you're the best! I can't believe we found this many berries without going that far! *He looks down to the pokemon, grinning as they sat them down onto the counter, glancing up towards the fridge, he notices it's open, and he notices who's IN it*

Hojita: *flips her head around* What-!?... *Oh, well this was a familiar face.* Lucaaaaaassssss!! Lucas! Lucas, hi Lucas! Hi Turtwig!! Lucas, Turtwig, are you hungry too?!
Lucas: Hi Hojita.. I kind of am, but I actually came down here to make something for Turtwig. *Nods* We went out into the forest and Turtwig ended up finding some berries. We're going to make them into poffins!
Hojita: *blink* Poffins?! You mean Pokeblocks?! Red taught me how to make bunches of Pokeblocks before! *She's never heard of poffins before, of course~*
Lucas: *Wat..* Actually, I did mean Poffins! They're like... The Pokeblock of Sinnoh! Yeah. *nodnod* It's been a while, but I still remember how to make them!
Hojita: Ohh! That means they're different from Pokeblocks then? *tilts her head*
Lucas: Yep! Pokeblocks are..well, blocks! Poffins are kinda..small and circularly. Kiiinda like a cookie!
Hojita: ... So then they're Pokecookies?! *gives him a face much like this: 'OUO'*
Lucas: *In which he gives a face like |D;;;* U-uhm..Yeah I guess you could say that. Eheheh.
Hojita: Can you teach me how to make some?! What berries to you have? *looks over*
Lucas: I can! It's been a while, but I still remember! *he reaches into the bag and takes them out* We found a couple of Chesto, Pecha, Rawst and Oran berries from our walk.
Hojita: *Hojita remembers Oran and Chesto berries from before, but not Pecha and Rawst!* I've never had the Pecha and Rawst berries before! Can I... Can I try some pleeeaaaaseeee?!
Lucas: *He blinks, still not used to how hyperactive she was, before nodding* Of course! *thinks for a sec* Rawst berries are bitter tasting, and Pechas are sweet, just for a reminder.
Hojita: *Hojita frowned.* I like sweet stuff, but not bitter! That stuff is ickyyy!! *she looks over at the berries* Can I have a Pecha Berry to try pleaseeee!?
Lucas: *And when she said that, Lucas was reminded of a Pokemon, chuckling before picking up the berry, handing it to her* MMhmm! You can!
Hojita: *She takes one and shoves it into her mouth, chewing for a moment. Mm... mm...* ... Mmmmm!! These are YUMMY!! Can we make Pokeblocks of theseeee?!
Lucas: *..sdkjf Hojita* ...I..Actually don't know how to make pokeblock, but I'm sure if someone does know then you can! I think that you can make pokeblock out of any berry! Anyway.. *He moves from the berries and starts finding a pot* I'll definitely show you how to make poffins!
Hojita: Oh!... Poffins is what I meant!! *Hojita sheepishly grinned. She's too used to calling them Pokeblocks.* Okay! I'll just call them Pokecookies!
Lucas: Oh! It's okay, I understand. *he chuckles* Pokecookies works fine too. *nodding, he brings out a pot, and a spoon to stir*
Hojita: *Hojita looks in the pantry.* So we need flour and sugar and stuffs like Red used to do them?!
Lucas: *He turns and nods* Yep! Mind getting it for me?
Hojita: Okay! *she gets the flour and sugar and looks over* Let me know how much! *starts pouring some in the bowl and waits for him to tell her to stop*
Lucas: *And after a moment...or so* Okay! That's good! Now...Pecha right? *He lol asking cause he wants to make sure before just throwing a random berry in*
Hojita: *Hoji nods furiously.* Yep, yep!! I want sweet food more!
Lucas: Alright, alright! *he removes the extras from the berries before adding a bit of water to the bowl, then adds in the berry* Okay Poffins start out like so. *he takes the bowl in his hand and begins to stir slowly* You start out stirring it slowly..
Hojita: Ohhh! *watches attentively to see if she can learn very well from this, even if it seems very similar to when she and Red had made Pokeblocks*
Lucas: The more you stir, the harder the batter becomes, usually about this time, you switch the direction you stir! *and so he does* Try not to stir way too fast or too slow, if you stir way too fast, it'll spill and the ingredients will become too off, and if you stir too slowly, then all of them will start to settle to the bottom!
Hojita: Ohhh! That sounds a bit hard! *She looks at the batter or... attempts to, depends on how tall Lucas is.* But you're good at it?
Lucas: *He lowers it juuust a bit so that she can see* Yeah, it takes time to perfect a poffin. And I can't believe I'm actually doing so well right now! It's been a loong time since I was able to help make one! *And he switches the direction again and stirs a bit faster, the batter's already starting to get harder now*
Hojita: Oooohhh! It was the doughest when Red did it, though!! *She's trying to say it felt more like dough when Red did it lol, not as hard as that.*
Lucas: Oh? Poffin batter needs to be really thick before it can be cooked. So that it'll come out fluffy. *He doesn't know how to explain stuff sometimes 8|; deerp...oh and he switched directions again lol*
Hojita: Oohhhhh... It goes really hard to really soft?! *To someone as much of a cooking novice as Hoji, even something that seems a little common sense seems confusing.*
Lucas: Uhmm, yeah, I guess you could say that. It's really weird. I guess that the dough just reacts with the temperature or something. But I mean, I've never tried making it with runny dough before, so..there's no telling what would happen! *lol no kidding*
Hojita: Maybe if the dough's runny, it'd make it really hard then?! *giggles and waits to see if he's done yet*
Lucas: Hmm, never thought of that! Maybe we should try it next! *Spoilers: It turns into a ruined poffin lol* Anyways....*He's now uberstiring and then ends up stopping* ..Aaa...nd..done!
Hojita: Yaaay! Do we pour it into a pan now?! ... Should I get a pan?! *doesn't know about the cookie cutter part yet*
Lucas: Oh! Y-yes! I'll keep an eye out for it, and you can get it! *Here he goes stirring for a sec*
Hojita: *She goes for one of the drawers, and quickly enough, comes back with the baking pan.* Got iiit!
Lucas: Awesome!, time to pour it in.... *in which he does, slooowllly but surely, pours it in evenly, and spreads it out with the spoon* ..Oven! I totally forgot about it! *still with spoon and empty bowl in hand he starts the oven *Uhm.... *stares at the bowl* There's still a little bit left that was missed, you want a taste of how the batter tastes?
Hojita: *Hoji observes as he pours it into the pan, taking it to mind very well so she knows how when she can make poffins one day.* Oooooh, I wanna try, I wanna try!!
Lucas: Okay! *he then takes the spoon and gets some of the extra batter left behind, holding it up for her to take..or lol just lick it herself* Here ya go!
Hojita: *Hoji takes a niiice taste from the batter and immediately, her face beams up.* That tastes REALLY sweet!! More than even the berry! *She liked it, though!*
Lucas: Mmhmm! *Well it's great that she got his approval!..and he can't help himself to get a taste himself* Oohh hey! I did pretty well! Wow! ..Oh, I think the oven's ready! *he sets down the empty bowl and grabs the pan, putting it into the oven* I guess...all we have to do is wait now! Heheh.
Hojita: Okay! *She then stood there and thought for a moment. Wait... they were supposed to come out like cookies, right? Then how come it was a giant square?* How are we going to cut the cookies?
Lucas: *..SKDFJKSJ Oh wait yeah that, he quickly takes them out before it gets too hot and grins sheepishly* Oh..Oh yeah! I We need to find some cookie cutters, then. Preferably round ones.
Hojita: Oohhh! *Hojita nodded and went to fumble around in the drawers for cookie cutters. She found square ones, rentangle ones, triangle ones...

Circle ones! There we go!* Found them! *hands them over to him*
Lucas: Okay! *He actually hands one back to her so that it'll go faster* make circles out of them! *and he does one to show her* After we're done, we'll take the remainder of the batter out that's not in a circle shape..and maybe we'll find something to do with it!
Hojita: Can we eat the leftovers then?! *Hoji's eyes beamed brightly at the sound of that. She began to make quick work on the circles. Some of her cuts in the batter were unfortunately a bit sloppy, but other than that, she seemed to do just fine with it.*
Lucas: Yeah! We definitely can! *After seeing that there was no room for more poffins, he quickly takes the extra from the batter and puts it back into the bowl, then Lucas takes the pan and places it into the oven* There we go! Eheh.
Hojita: Yay! Yay!... Yay!! *Hojita doesn't waste ANY single second of time and takes the extra batter in the bowl. She takes a nice and big chomp out of it, her stomach growling harshly.

... Well, at least the batter doesn't have raw egg or anything in it.*
Lucas: *He watches her and can't help but chuckle, taking a small piece of the batter for himself. ..Yeah good thing, too..pfft.* Now..all we gotta do is wait for it to be done! I think they'll come out really nice!
Hojita: Okay!

*One timeskip later and possibly some sort of conversation they had to make time fly faster, the oven let out a ding. Looks like the food was done!*

Lucas! Lucas! Lucas! Luuuucaaaaassss! Are they done now?!
Lucas: Ahh! *Here goes Lucas, grabbing a pot holder and opens the oven, grinning* Yep! They're done! *he smiles and reaches in, grabbing the fluffy poffins out, and setting them on the stove top* Wow they're great looking!
Hojita: They look so yummy!! *Hojita doesn't even WAIT for them to cool down and sticks her hands right up in there to grab one... and burnt her hand.*

OW!! *she removed it from the cookie quickly and waved her hand a little to ease the hot feeling on her palm*
Lucas: *Hoji, he wants to facepalm, but at the same time he's concerned so..concerned face go!* Hojita, are you okay? Y-you have to wait for them to cool first before we can try them.
Hojita: I know now! *frowns and looks over at the poffins* But they just looked so good and I wanted one really really really really *breath* really really... really... badly!!
Lucas: *He chuckles and goes to find a spatula* I'll bet! But if you wait, it gives a better flavor..Instead of burny, it'll be..sweet! *..what the heck are you saying Lucas. Anyways, he finds one and grabs a plate, rejoining her. He scoops them off onto the plate, waving his hand over them to help aid the cooling*
Hojita: *Hoji stood there and waited until she assumed that they'd be cool enough. When she went to reach out for one... her hand didn't burn! She took that as a sign to dig in. And thus, she shoved the whole poffin into her mouth.

She paused.

Then, she grinned.*

... These are the best ever!! *Sure, she still preferred Pokeblocks, but this stuff was great, too!*
Lucas: *Oh geeze, compliments, that made Lucas bluuush* R-really? A-awesome! *he..actually now takes two of them, one for him, and bending down he lets Turtwig sample it too. The turtle gave a Turrr in agreement with Hojita, and Lucas himself took a bite, and he himself smiled in agreement. He was so proud of himself*
Hojita: *finishes up her poffin in her mouth* That was the best!! I want more! *She takes, uhh... three of the poffins and shoves them in her mouth, one right after the other after swallowed each down separately. What an appetite.*
Lucas: *aww he's totally blushing again and nibbles on his second poffin* Good thing we made a bunch of these, huh? *he chuckles sheepishly olol*
Hojita: Yep!! Ooooh! Maybe we can go into the forest and feed some of these to some of the Pokemon in there sometime?! We might lure new ones out so I can record data! *Her and her silly professor dreams.*
Lucas: Oohh, good idea! And if we make a variety, we'll be able to attract a bunch of them! *Aww don't worry, he's raised around professors and aides*
Hojita: Okay! Maybe we can make some with Cheri berries for Pokemon that like spicy food! We can do that tomorrow and go into the forest okay?! *oUo*
Lucas: Yeah! That'd be a great idea! And since I got a bunch more berries, we can make varieties of poffins, like spicy-sweet or..sour-spicy or something like that! *sagenodlol he's so full of the ideaaas 8)*
Hojita: Neat! Neeeeat!! I wanna try spicy-sweet, those are my two favorite flavors! *squeak*
Lucas: Oh? Cool! I've never met someone who likes spicy and sweet! I wonder how they'd taste.. *ponder*..
Hojita: Probably a bit funny but I'd like it! So we can get to work on those! *takes some more poffins for her to bring to her room and waves* Thank you, Lucaaas!!
Lucas: Mmhmm! No problem at all Hojita! I can't wait! *and now he's gonna clean up before leaving with the poffins, hehe..that was fun*

!chat log, lucas (pokemon), hojita/bulbmin (pikmin)

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