Characters: Smithy and his students
What: Basis of Mechanics Class NUMBAH FOUR
When: Backdated to Tuesday, June 30th
Where: The Mechanics Classroom (did I mention it's three times the size of a normal classroom? yes this is important information~)
"Harrumph!" came the usual greeting from the Mechanics teacher.
"Most of what you will be doing today is working more on your project. HOWEVER, there is something that I must get each pair of students to fill out before this class is over!"
He pointed to a large stack of notecards on his desk. "Each one of these has an outline on them that you must fill out and return to me by the end of class. I will use these to help grade your projects and label them with."
The cards read:
Names of the Students:
Name of Project:
Where did the inspiration for this project come from:
Anything else?:
"Only one person from each group need fill out the card. Any questions may be asked today as well. The project time is half over already, I do hope you've all been working."
If Ribbon were to come in, he would add, "Also, Ribbon, I would like to speak to you, if you could come up here."